06/30 AAA TV Results (Tizayuca)

AAA TV (THU) 06/30/2011 Auditorio Municipal Tizayuca, Hidalgo [R de Rudo, WagnerMania]
1) Argenis, Atomic Boy, Fenix ?? Mortiz, Semental, Tito Santana
dark match. No finish known. AAA debuts for ex-CMLL-ers Semental & Mortiz.
2) Cinthia Moreno, Drago, Pasion Kristal b Sexy Star, Tigre Cota, Yuriko
Drago was a replacement for Sugi (France) and picked up the win on Yuriko via top rope ‘rana.
3) Dark Dragon, Decnnis, Súper Fly b Aerostar, Argos, Laredo Kid
Dark Dragon top rope styles clash on Laredo Kid for the pin, sounds super painful. Super Fly gave the Air Force a final shot to join up with the Milicia, which of course they turned down. Rudos beat them up after the match and ripped up their masks. Why didn’t Super Fly ask Dark Dragon to join?
4) Electroshock, Joe Lider, Nicho el Millionario b Chessman, Silver Kain, Último Gladiador
Nicho, suspended, wrestled his match completely like normal (so plenty of weapons) and then bitterly complained about the suspension which seems to not have affected him at all. Nicho was angry AAA would treat an original member of AAA this way, after he’s given so much of his body to the company. Nicho said he was angry AAA gave his name to someone else, someone not nearly as good as him, when he left. Nicho talked about his son, and said he’d be forced to find work in another promotion if they suspended him without pay.
5) Cuervo, La Parka Jr., Ozz DQ Billy Boy, Charly Manson, Escoria
Taboo ran in for a DQ, beating his brother with a chair.
6) Dr. Wagner Jr., Extreme Tiger, Jack Evans b Damián 666, Halloween, X-Fly
Clean win for Jack (450 splash) and Tiger (superbomb) on Halloween and Damian.

2011 AAA TV Chart
Projected Air Date (#998)
Mexico: 07/10

Next taping is next Saturday in Veracruz. Dorian says he’ll be there today to announce another AAA Corona talent search bit.

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13 thoughts to “06/30 AAA TV Results (Tizayuca)”

  1. I hope the dark match airs instead of the scheduled opener. Not only b/c I want to see the dark match but I think it sends the wrong message having Drago working in that opener. I know he just filled in but the TV viewers won’t know that and it looks bad having the biggest recent sensation to debut working openers with Yuriko, Pasion Krystal and the women. Would Ozz or Cuervo ever be put in that spot? How about Jack Evans or Extreme Tiger? AAA finally created a new charachter that has the potential to be a main event player. Yet they have him in openers now and only being allowed to pin Escoria or Billy Boy when he does get a big match. Not a good sign.

    Argos must be happy to see the two new arrivals since they always made him look good in CMLL and thus far in AAA he’s been terrible.

  2. @Rob: Yea, I was thinking that if they needed a body to work the opener and it had to be that person (instead of just anyone in the dark match), they would’ve been better off bringing back El Gato for one night rather than diminish Drago by having him work the opener.

  3. Either the Darkmatch or the 3rd match should be aired as darkmatch. I totally agree with you guys.
    And La Parka is still stuck with the Bizarros? God I hope they end this feud in time. I like Parka and the Bizarros, but I dislike the storyline.

  4. I wonder if they will give Mortiz and Semental new gimmicks when they show up on TV. Hopefully Semental at least gets to keep the mask.

  5. Couldnt Elegido have been put in the opener?

    Any other build for Verano de Escandalo

  6. And from tonight’s Lucha Report here is the 7/9 TV lineup

    7/9 – Auditorio Benito Juarez de Veracruz (TV taping)
    1. Argos/Fenix/Laredo Kid/Sugi San vs. Dark Dragon/Tito Santana/Super Fly/Tigre Cota
    2. Fabi y Mari Apache vs. Mickie James & Sexy Star
    3. Jack Evans/Extreme Tiger/Joe Lider vs. Abyss/Chessman/Ultimo Gladiador
    4. The Psycho Circus (Monster Clown/Murder Clown/Psycho Clown) vs. Los Perros del Mal (Halloween/Hijo del Lizmark/Super Crazy)
    5. Dr. Wagner Jr. & Zorro vs. Jeff Jarrett & L.A. Par-K

  7. Is Sugi AAA’s version of Tony Rivera? Or will he be back from his international tour by then? Jack Evans should be in Japan on a flight to Japan that day so that rules him out as well. I guess Nicho could sub there easily.

  8. We need a poll on what weapons will be used in that third match. Or maybe a poll on what weapons won’t be used in that match.

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