11/05 AAA TV Lineup (Ecatepec)

AAA TV (SAT) 11/05/2011 Centro Civico de Ecatepec, EdM
1) Argenis, Atomic Boy, Relampago vs Decnnis, Mortiz, Tito Santana
2) Casandro, El Brazo, Pimpinela Escarlata vs Nygma, Pasion Kristal, Yuriko
3) Aerostar, Drago, Fenix vs Dark Dragon, La Parka, Súper Fly
4) Dr. Wagner Jr. & Electroshock vs Chessman & Octagón
5) El Mesías & Zorro vs Damián 666 & LA Park

Projected Air Date
Mexico: uh, I’ll get to that in a sec

Interesting lineup! Octagon & Parka are on rudo sides already. It’s going to be interesting to see how that actually works, especially in the semimain. Chessman’s going to be selling  for two, more like it.

If La Parka wants to sit out this match too, I’d be totally OK with it. That could be some real fun if Parka doesn’t over power it.

The exoticos feud actually makes it into a match. Brazo is a logical partner to fill out the trio.

Opener should be good too.

As part of announcing this lineup, AAA announced the schedule for November. The remaining taping for October – 10/30 in Pachuca – appears to have been quietly postponed a month. Perhaps a rescheduling due the TV issues of the last few weeks? They didn’t need as many tapings now.

best guess as TV schedule for the rest of the year

this weekend (alternate channels): best of Heroes Inmortales
11/05 (back to normal channels): Xalapa taping (from 10/21)
11 /12: this Ecatepec taping (11/05)
11/19: Irapauto (taping 11/14)
11/26: San Luis Potosi (taping 11/16; back to back taping means these are probably the next TNA dates)
12/03 and probably 12/10 : Pachuca (taping 11/27, likely double taping)

and Guerra de Titanes, best of episodes and maybe an early December taping take AAA thru the holiday break.

I could be off by one or two weeks, but the really important part is this schedule suggests AAA will air one taping a week. You don’t need four tapings to produce four hours of TV, so either they’ve decided they’re going to cut a lot of stuff, or they believe they have a two hours slot again, starting very soon.

It’s early, but the schedule for next week that I’ve seen says CMLL is back on for an hour, and AAA is back on for the less than hour slot leading into soccer games. Perhaps they’ll be keeping the alternate channel airing in addition to their ‘normal’ slot? Maybe there’s something else going on?

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