10/03 AAA TV Results (Leon)

AAA TV (MON) 10/03/2011 Domo de la Feria de Leon [AAA]
1) Fenix, Lolita, Mascarita Divina, Pimpinela Escarlata b Dark Dragon, Jennifer Blake, Mini Histeria, Nygma
Fenix beat Dark Dragon for the win. Polvo, Cristal and Nygma beat up Pimpi after the match.
2) Argos, Jack Evans, Octagón b Alan Stone, Decnnis, Súper Fly
Decnnis replaced Semental. Octagon snuck in a foul on Super Fly. Octagon was angry for some reason not made clear, and declared to Konnan (watching from the stage after the match) that Super Fly was just the first Socieded member he was going to punish.
3) Damián 666, Halloween, X-Fly b Monster Clown, Murder Clown, Psycho Clown [AAA TRIOS]
Damian got Monster clown with the valagueza to keep the title. Both teams exchanged threats for Heroes Inmortales, with Damian promising a surprise that will revolutionize lucha libre.
4) Electroshock, Heavy Metal, Joe Lider b Chessman, Silver King, Último Gladiador
The guitar stipulation seems to have been dropped; finished is said to be Lider pinning Gladiador. Jennifer Blake and Nanyzh Rock feuded again.
5) el Hijo del Perro Aguayo, LA Park, Nicho el Millionario b Dr. Wagner Jr., El Mesías, Zorro
Perro pinned Wagner with a chair assisted double stomp. That’s about as close to clean as it gets here. Perros taunted Marisela, Wagner vowed to destroy Perros, Marisela said the Perros only win by cheating. True!

2011 AAA TV Chart
Mexico: 10/09 – maybe? They may have worked out what the plan is the rest of the year, but it’s not yet clear to me and tough to tell what will air. If they’re stuck only airing 2 matches, 3/5 make the most sense.

Ocatgon’s bit is strange. If Super Fly, the guy he was feuding with, is just the first guy he’s going thru, who’s the last? (Not Konnan.) Maybe they’re just making sure we know he’s going to be feuding with the Militia guys for the time being.

I assume Damian’s surprise is going to be very painful for someone. Probably X-Fly.

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