CMLL Arena Mexico: 2016-02-23 

the champ
the champ

Recapped: 02/23/16

What happened: Zeuxis retained the Mexican Women’s Championship over Silueta in a very good match. The Panthers defeated Hijos del Infiernos in straight falls and challenged them for a title match; Mephisto said no

What was good: The women’s title match was the only one you really need to see, but it was very good.

Where can I watch it:  It’s on CMLL’s YouTube channel. It should may air LATV on March 13th, and maybe Claro Sports TV a week prior.

Match 1: Bengala & Metatrón vs Camorra & Espíritu Negro
Arena México, 02/23/2016

  1. rudos
    • Camorra slingshot dropkick Bengala (5:17)
    • Espiritu Negro senton con giro Metarton (5:39)
  2. tecnicos
    • Bengala triangular de solar Camorra (2:34)
    • Metatron guillotine legdrop Espiritu Negro (3:03)
  3. tecnicos
    • Metatron reverse hammerlock Camorra (3:01)
    • Bengala satellite armbar (3:16)

Winner: tecnicos (2-1)
Match Time: 11:58

Review: [below average] I can’t imagine anyone expressing an interest in seeing this match, so is a review even really necessary? Bengala is solid but not someone who I really need to see in the same match three times in two weeks. Metatron was unsteady on the top rope before delivering his finish. Camorra seems to be styling himself as opening match Cibernetico.

satellite armbar

Match 2: Aéreo, Angelito, Fantasy vs Pequeño Nitro, Pequeño Olímpico, Pequeño Violencia
Arena México, 02/23/2016

  1. rudos
    • Pequeño Violencia back mount backcracker Fantasy (6:31)
  2. tecnicos
    • Angelito splash Pequeño Nitro (4:10)
    • Fantasy modified kneebar Pequeño Olímpico (4:27)
  3. rudos
    • Angelito flipping armbar Pequeño Nitro (4:36)
    • Pequeño Violenca reverse kneebar Angelito (4:58)
    • Pequeño Nitro middle senton Fantasy (5:26)

Winner: rudos (2-1)
Match Time: 16:24

Review: [ok] slightly better the opener. Angelitco & Aereo seemed to be trying (it’s their one streamed match for six weeks, they might as well be trying) and Pequeño Violencia wasn’t as awful as he has been recently. He was winning, maybe that helped. Pequeño Nitro’s look is cool, but he’s a guy much better with Mercurio than with these guys.

Pequeno Nitro backcracker
Pequeno Nitro backcracker

Match 3: Hombre Bala Jr., Stigma, Súper Halcón Jr. vs Arkángel de la Muerte, Cancerbero, Raziel
Arena México, 02/23/2016

  1. tecnicos
    • Stigma Stigmatica Raziel (8:40)
    • Super Halcon step over tirabuzon Cancerbero (9:22)
  2. rudos
    • Arkangel low blow drop Super Halcón Jr. (1:46)
    • Cancerbero motocicleta Hombre Bala Jr. (3:24)
  3. tecnicos
    • Stigma huracanrana Raizel (6:32)
    • Super Halcón moonsault Arkangel (7:20)

Winner: tecnicos (2-1)
Match Time: 20:06

Review: [below average] boring match where the rudos took all they were allowed and more, because they were losing and they don’t seem fond of doing much anyway. The emblamatic moment of this match was Stigma getting a hot tag but standing in the ring by himself because none of the rudos could be bothered to come and be hit. (And then Raziel came in and beat up Stigma.) Arkangel has found an easier lazier low blow, switching his second rope low blow elbow drop to a second rope low blow chop. Match was notable better with Hombre Bala was in it, but he wasn’t in it for much.


Match 4: Zeuxis © vs Silueta for the Mexican National Women’s Championship
Arena México, 02/23/2016

  1. Silueta arms crossed German Suplex (2:59)
  2. Zeuxis Santa Maria (2:36)
  3. Zeuxis Spanish Fly (7:45)

Winner: Zeuxis (2-1)
Match Time: 13:20
Notes: Seconds are Super Halcón Jr. and Cancerbero. UFC figther Jorge Masdival walked Zeuxis to the ring.

Review: [great] everything finally went right for them in the title match. They went all out in the match, throwing out all the big moves they could think to try, and didn’t have much of a stumble. The armdrag to the ramp from last week wasn’t back, but the plancha to the floor was, and they made it work this time. (Having seconds helped.) – especially when they lingering near the ramp – but everything seemed to go as planned. Their offense looked good, and they brought a crowd treated to a mostly boring show into the third fall nearfalls. I enjoyed Silueta finally getting revenge for all those hard Zeuxis corner shots, and she even got kick out of the lethal double knees. The Spanish Fly at the end, which has been messed up by higher regarded luchadors, went perfectly fine for the finish. There are more athletic matches, but this was a pretty successful one as far as achieving what they set out to do, and both women came out better for the match. Zeuxis continues to be the best in this decision, and Silueta showed she might be able to catch up with her.

Sombra's not using this anymore...
Sombra’s not using this anymore…
Zeuxis introduces Silueta to the commissioner
Zeuxis introduces Silueta to the commissioner
Santa Maria
Santa Maria

Match 5: Blue Panther, Blue Panther Jr., The Panther vs Ephesto, Luciferno, Mephisto
Arena México, 02/23/2016

  1. tecnicos
    • Blue Panther Jr. nudo lagunero Mephisto 2:13
  2. tecnicos
    • Blue Panther Jr. casadora cradle Ephesto (2:45)
    • Blue Panther farmer’s roll Mephisto (3:33)

Winner: tecnicos (2-1)
Match Time: 5:46
Notes: Panthers challenged for a title shot next week, but Mephisto rejected them.

Review: [ok] This wouldn’t work nearly as well out of context, but a speedy fast paced match worked well as a counter point to the slow and boring match underneath. Less time for some of these guys is a good time, and a dominant win sets up the title match fine. The Panther had enough time for a tope, Panther Jr. didn’t have time to be too annoying, and Blue Panther finally finished his Farmer’s Roll without someone breaking it up, it was all good. The post match stretched this out to a normal length but unexpected short matches as a changeup as totally fine.

T. Panther tope
T. Panther tope

Match 6: Gran Guerrero, Niebla Roja, Terrible vs Ángel de Oro, Súper Porky, Valiente
Arena México, 02/23/2016

  1. rudos
    • Niebla Roja high kick Angel de Oro (5:15)
    • Pulpo Guerrero on Valiente (5:30)
  2. tecnicos
    • Super Porky back splash all the rudos (1:58)
  3. tecnicos
    • Super Porky sit Terrible (3:28)

Winner: tecnicos (2-1)
Match Time: 10:56

Review: [ok] just your normal Super Porky match, which worked well for this crowd and sent them home happy. Valiente looked off, with a few headscissors spots not going well, but his dive was on target. Angel de Oro looked better in his brief time in, but this was not really about him. Rudos played the role.

Angel de Oro & Valiente dives
Angel de Oro & Valiente dives

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