2015 CMLL appearances by day of the week/arena

CMLL has some idiosyncratic system for deciding who gets how many matches and which day of the week they work.  We don’t know how it works, but we can at least look to see who gets booked where and figure out who’s benefiting from one of the strange ways CMLL does things.

(full chart is here)

Friday Mexico (% of all CMLL main buildings)
61% Thunder
46% Rush
43% Espiritu Negro
42% Demus 3:16
39% Shockercito
39% La Sombra
39% Diamante Azul
38% Rey Escorpión
36% Stukita
36% Syuri

Yea, most of Thunder’s matches, far more than anyone else, are on the best paying night of the week. It’s part because his never ending relationship with Ultimo Guerrero, but also because they just don’t use him on the other shows. Thunder’s never worked a Sabado Retro show, he worked only 5 Tuesday Guadalajara shows and 3 Tuesday Mexico. There’s plenty of people who’ve worked more Friday night shows, he (and Stukita and Syuri) just didn’t work many other ones.

(more stats below)

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CMLL Arena Mexico: 2016-02-09 

Soberano is really good
Soberano is really good

Recapped: 02/09/2016

What happened: Nothing. Skandalo unmasked Blue Panther Jr. to end their match in two falls, but that felt like a random DQ rather than a happening. (They’re not matched up the following week, so it was random.) Marcela worked as a ruda because CMLL was literally out of rudas.

What was good: Nothing. This was a boring Tuesday show.

Where can I watch it: It’s on CMLL’s YouTube channel. Read More

Lucha Underground Season 3 taping dates, Porky retirement?, Hijo de Lizmark

CMLL (TUE) 02/09/2016 Arena Coliseo Guadalajara [CMLL]
1) Mr. Trueno & Rey Trueno b Mágico & Magnum
Truenos took 1/3.
2) Dalys, Tiffany, Zeuxis b Estrellita, Princesa Sugehit, Silueta
Rudos took 1/3.
3) Fuego, Titán, Tritón b Fujin, Kamaitachi, Okumura
Kamaitachi replaced Raijin (foot injury) on Monday. Tecnicos took 1/3 despite Triton being injured on a dive; Titan beat Kamaitachi.
4) Ángel de Oro, Atlantis, Dragón Lee b Cavernario, Dragón Rojo Jr., Pólvora
Tecnicos took 1/3.
5) Euforia, Kráneo, Último Guerrero b Marco Corleone, Máscara Dorada, Máximo Sexy
Rudos took 1/3, Euforia defeating Maximo to set up a title match next week.

Raijin’s injury must’ve been quite minor since he’s back on next Tuesday. (Or at least he’s listed as being back right now.)

GDZ Lucha Libre, a Monterrey group, says they’re promoting a Super Porky retirement tour show on March 6th. Brazo de Plata retiring is not impossible to believe, but there’d been no particular hint of it until now (and since this is coming only from a little known group, this doesn’t seem definitive even by wrestling retirement standards.) He’s been out of action with an unspecified injury since January 19th. I’m skeptical about this, but there definitely could be something to it.

The Wrestling Observer lists the Lucha Underground Season 3 tapings weekends as

March 19 & 20
March 26 & 27
April 9 & 10
April 16 & 17
May 7 & 8
May 14 & 15 (Ultima Lucha 3)

It’s earlier than I had it starting. They’ll actually be starting pre-production work (vignettes and such) on March 11th, with AAA wrestlers coming in after Rey de Reyes. The schedule indicates they’ll be running the same amount of episodes as this season. It also means they’ll be taping Season 3 before even most of Season 2 airs; Ultima Lucha 3 will tape a couple months before Ultima Lucha 2 airs. It’s a challenge for the promotion, because they’re going to have to make decisions about how to use their luchadors without having full feedback from their TV audience, but it saves them money by not having to totally disassemble and reassemble in between seasons. These shows are still not expected to air until 2017; even if spoilers get out, it’s likely most of them will be forgotten by the time the show airs.

The Lucha Underground ticket window usually opens about a couple weeks before the first show; maybe set a reminder to check in on Lucha Underground social media on March 7th.

These dates probably affect AAA & indie bookings a bit. Of note, Revolution Pro says Ricochet will still be on their 04/16 show. NJPW’s Best of Super Juniors is scheduled to start on June 6th. This earlier schedule would allow Ricochet to work those shows. I’d assume Angelico is still spending March in Europe and so won’t be on those first two weekends too.

Vampiro, Pentagon Jr. and Dario Cueto will be featured in the other Lucha Underground comics.

The WON also mentions Garza Jr. (Hijo del Ninja) had some interest from WWE and would probably come in for a tryout camp.

Elite had a press conference with Lizmark Jr. about his return to Arena Mexico. Mas Lucha has the video, CMLL has the official story, Furia de Titanes has some quotes, as does Fuego en el Ring. He’s not signed to come into CMLL proper, but will be at Homenaje a Dos Leyendas. He’ll return to using his traditional blue and silver for the show. Hijo de Lizmark himself will reach 25 years of wrestling this year, and mentioned he and his father had talked about plans for a 25th Anniversary show and a new Mini Lizmark, though he’s uncertain if they’ll still happen now. Hijo de Lizmark isn’t looking for revenge on Blue Panther, but would like apuesta matches with Marco and Rush.

Mr. Niebla, in taling about the 02/20 show in Gimnasio Hercules, notes 2015 was a tough year for him. He’s hoping 2016 is better, and feels Atlantis is old and he can beat him if they had a mask match.

Arena Jalisco has it’s 42nd Anniversary show this weekend. Lucharan has a piece about the history of the building. This was the building where the UWA/LLI guys would work in Guadalajara during that era.

RobViper has highlights of 08/04/15 CMLL.

LuchaWorld has KrisZ’s news update.

TGR want to get the trios titles and fight Los Ingobernables.


CMLL (TUE) 02/16/2016 Arena México
1) Bengala & Leono vs Akuma & Espanto Jr.
2) Astral, Stukita, Último Dragoncito vs Demus 3:16, Mercurio, Pierrothito
3) Delta, Fuego, Pegasso vs Fujin, Okumura, Raijin
4) Silueta vs Zeuxis [lightning]
5) Blue Panther, Blue Panther Jr., The Panther vs Ephesto, Luciferno, Mephisto
6) Rey Cometa, Super Porky, Titán vs Boby Z, Felino, Mr. Niebla

Super Porky listed as working, but he was listed this past week too. Tercera is Fujin & Raijin’s streaming debut.

CMLL (TUE) 02/16/2016 Arena Coliseo Guadalajara
1) Capitan Cobra & Neutrón vs Carlos Rogi & Mr. Apolo
2) Sensei, Súper Halcón Jr., Vaquero Jr. vs Camorra, Hijo del Signo, Maléfico
3) Soberano Jr., Starman, Tritón vs Cancerbero, Disturbio, Raziel
4) Máximo Sexy © vs Euforia [CMLL HEAVY]
6th defense
5) Máscara Dorada, Mistico, Volador Jr. vs Negro Casas, Niebla Roja, Último Guerrero

I don’t think Euforia has any better chance of beating Maximo this time, but good on him to keep on trying. Main event could be good.

CMLL NJPW FantasticaMania 2016 Day 3: 2016-01-20

Virus is the best

Recapped: 01/31/2016-02/04/2016
This is the third show of the tour, on 2016-01-20, in Osaka

What happened: This is the third show in a build up to shows you already saw, can anything really that important have happened? Okumura got his usual hometown win (and Zavala got one too) to set up the tag title match. Everything else just continued being everything else.

What was good:  The singles matches were good, and the atomicos have always been good. This had the best Ingobernables de Japon match on the tour.

Where can I watch it:  Most of these matches are on Real Hero’s rutube channel, with a couple on his dailymotion channel. Read More