Silver King/Parka, Dorada retains, random shows

Black Terry Jr

IWRG (SUN) 07/11 Arena Naucalpan [Black Terry Jr. (flickr), DJ Spectro]
1) Comando Negro b Máscara Magnífica
2) Cholo, Imposible, Magia Negra b Eragon, Hijo del Pantera, Super Halcon Jr.
3) Chico Che, Jack, Miss Gaviota b Canek Jr., Fishman Jr., Kung Fu Jr.
4) Bobby Lee Jr., Pantera, Veneno DQ Fuerza Guerrera, Hijo de Pirata Morgan, Pirata Morgan Jr.
5) Máscara Año 2000 Jr., Oficial 911, Silver King b Extreme Tiger, Gato Eveready, La Parka

Big turnout for La Parka. Not the complete turnout they were hoping for: no Pirata Morgan, so Silver King worked in his place. Silver and Mascara did not get along, but Silver King still managed to foul Parka. DosDeTres believes La Parka actually won this match by DQ, and will be getting a title shot at IWRG’s Lucha Libre Expo show.

Pirata Morgan Jr. replaced whatever Pierroth Jr. was supposed to work here. Fuerza Guerrera submitted Bobby Lee Jr., but opted to not let go, and was disqualified.

The trio of Juniors in the tercera failed to get along and lost in straight falls. Fishman took Kung Fu’s mask.

CMLL (SUN) 07/11 Arena Coliseo Guadalajara [Fuego en el Ring]
1) El Divino & Meteoro b Cerveruz & Quca
2) Infierno & Templario b Javier Cruz Jr. & Metatrón
3) Lady Apache & Silueta b Amapola & Seuxis
4) Hijo del Fantasma, Leo, Valiente b Ephesto, Mephisto, Misterioso II
5) Máscara Dorada b Averno [CMLL SL]

Averno won the first, but Dorada took back the last two to retain again.

Leo replaced a MIA Toscano.

Silueta got Seuxis with an armbar, and they agreed to the mask match next week.

Jack Evans hurt his head in his IWRG match, but sounds like he’ll be fine.

Strong Man is not in the same block as Giant Bernard in G1 Tournament. So I dunno. Maybe he’ll beat Naito? Maybe it doesn’t matter much? That.

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I’d love to read Max from Japan explain his vote. Maybe there’s a translation issue?

SuperLuchas analysis the matchups, and goes with Oriental. So do I. They also tease a surprise star appearance, and I’d guess they don’t mean the female Invader in the second match. Maybe they’ll have live results? Atlantis again says he’s worried for Olimpico, because he’s not losing if they go down as a team.

The AAA show in Tijuana on Friday had a big turnout. What percentage of AAA shows do you think AAA actually mentions on their website? I’m going 30-40%, if they’re not mentioning (or aware?) of shows in Auditorio de Tijuana.

At least they had people show up and probably made money on the deal. Check out this poster – Al Snow! Chuck Palumbo! Jerry Lynn! All guys who have had been entertaining at one point or another but aren’t probably going to increase the gate in Arena Lopez Mateos on August 13. Thread on Box Y Lucha confirms this is a real show, one of those television tapings that don’t seem to air anywhere. Website listed isn’t actually up, of course. This is the kind of the promotion where they list a website on the poster which will never actually exist.

Slang/Immersion put out a press release to confirm Heroes del Ring release date move to 10/12. The story is, they want more time to market the game and want to take advantage of the holiday season. Question to people who follow video games closer to me: does this sound likely?

A thread about Yoshino working in IWRG this Thursday leads into a discussion about Yoshino being offered a match in CMLL…just as long as he doesn’t use La Mistica or anything like it, which Yoshino would’ve been using first. He declined. That’s back in 2007. I wonder if they’d care now, since everyone who wrestles Mistico does La Mistica.

Eduardo “Alí” Bargach, who wrestled in Martin Karadagian’s promotion as “El Hombre Montaña” & “Indio Comanche”, passed away.

Usual Fray Tormenta article.

DJ Spectro interviews Ari Romero.

Someone wearing a La Parka mask stole 8 tons of aluminum. He’s clearly building the best chair ever.

Luchas 2000 #529 has Infierno en el Ring.

LuchaWorld has KrisZ’s news update.