Lucha Underground 3×3: Ultimate Opportunities

Aerostar is amazing
Aerostar is amazing


Matanza (c) defeated The Mack for Lucha Underground Championship (6:01, Wrath of the Gods, good)
Cage defeated Texano (5:55, discus clothesline, ok)
Fenix, Drago, Aerostar (c) defeated Taya, PJ Black, Jack Evans (9:22, Aerostar inside springboard frontcracker PJ Black, good)



There were a lot of stories about the same level of importance, nothing dominating the episode as in past weeks. The most time building a match was for one happening next week. The show started off with Rey Mysterio and Dragon Azteca training while Mysterio advised Azteca not to go for revenge against Pentagon. Azteca has a lot of trouble actually listening to advice. He first foolish charges Chavo Guerrero when he interrupts (angry about Chavo betraying the alliance with Azteca Sr. way back in season 1), which only gets him quickly humiliated. Azteca later goes to Dario to demand the match with Pentagon. Dario would rather see the Azteca/Black Lotus match completed, but offers to pencil in the Pentagon/Azteca match for next week. Dario later met with Chavo, in a meeting we didn’t see, and ends the episode explaining the situation to Mysterio directly. Rey doesn’t want to Azteca to face Pentagon, and Dario agrees with him – he’s changed the match to Azteca/Chavo instead, with the winner getting Pentagon. (Chavo must still want revenge for Pentagon breaking his arm near the end of season 2.) Dario points out Mysterio is conflicted; he knows Chavo well, and he knows he doesn’t want Azteca to actually face Pentagon yet, so Dario decides the proper thing to do is to make Mysterio the special referee so he Rey can decide the match himself. That goes down in pen.

Dario’s a busy guy in this episode. He introduces the first match, with The Mack being the latest name to ‘win’ the Dial of Doom. Matanza tries to attack Mack on the way to the ring, but Mack comes in from an unexpected direction and gets some solid shots on Matanza. Matanza eventually gets his knees up on a frog splash and finishes off another challenger. (“DARIO’S CHOICE” replaced Son of Havoc on the wheel, for what it’s worth.)

The previous Dial of Doom winner, Son of Havoc, is seen at home. Well, maybe his mom’s home. Son of Havoc complains about Famous B and his commercials to a friend who very much feels the same, Mascarita Sagrada. They’re briefly interrupted by Havoc’s mom who offers to make them Bagel Bites. This really happened, and the Bagel Bites bit appeared to be sponsored content.

Dario also appeared to offer an Ultimate Opportunity to two people who had disappointed him by losing in the first round of the 4 A Unique Opportunity tournament at the end of last season, Cage and Texano. The opportunity itself and the stips weren’t really revealed until the match was over, but it’s another best of five series. Cage leads 1-0.

In even more Dario action, in between meeting with Azteca and Chavo, Dario opened some mail. He discarded a Famous B hat, and tried to discard some mysterious photos which was sent to him. Dario put him in his trash basket, only for them to magically appear back on his desk. Ricky Mandell, who still exists and wants to have another match on this show some day, came asking for the match and ended up with the photos as Dario tried to rid two nuisances at the same time.

The main event featured no Dario whatsoever, but also not a lot of Johnny Mundo. It was scheduled to be Mundo, Jack, and PJ challenging, but Mundo walked out over still not getting a shot at Matanza – he’s a main event talent and expects to be treated that way. Taya gleefully took Mundo’s place on the team, though she may have regretted it later. Jack spent most of the match pouting and refusing to get along with PJ for no apparent reason. Jack just took a seat on the floor near the end, and Worldwide Underground really didn’t stand much of a chance. Mundo returned post match to attack the tecnicos, with Sexy Star making the save again.


Last week was the big match episode, this was a moving pieces around episode. Texano/Cage is literally the start of something, the trios title match was obviously a setup for something else, and Matanza simply collected another title defense to his run. There was lots of Dario, which is great because Dario is great, but they were all just setting up things for later on.

Matt Striker talked about the Mack being trained by Lil Cholo and TJ Perkins. I have no idea who this TJ Perkins is, but does that mean LU is a reality where both Lil Cholo and the remarkably similar Mr. Cisco exist.

Mack looked good on offense against Matanza, and Matanza again got thrown a lot more in a Season 3 match than he did for almost all of Season 2. I’m kinda of waiting for a story about how Matanza got powered down between seasons, because it’s kind of impossible to ignore. It makes for more exciting matches, but it is a break from what they’ve done before.

Matanza is really running thru the 4 A Unique Opportunity participants, but won’t be getting Cage or Texano for a while, I’d guess. Their match felt like a teaser to bigger matches down the line – neither guy even tried their usual big spots – which makes sense if they’ve got four of them. It’s unfortunate timing to be rolling this out just as WWE is running a similar angle, where the matches seem to be well received, but the concept is not. It did help spotlight Aerostar & Drago back in season 1, and Texano could use the same sort of attention to distinguish himself here.

Main event was kind of a mess for a while, with Jack’s antics detracting from the match. I’m sure it was mostly them just working thru the cards as they’ve been dealt – Jack can’t talk and can probably barely wrestle because of his jaw injury at that point, so even filming something to explain why Jack was acting that way would’ve been a challenge – but it was confusing and took away from a match which looked much better on paper. It did get going late, and it was an unexpected spotlight match for Aerostar, who seemed to get the most time of the tecnicos. Sexy Star’s dropkicks could not be saved by editing.

Dario was the star of the show. His bit with Rey at the end was great. I couldn’t decipher much of the photos, but I’m sure we haven’t seen the last of them.

taping dates for dorks

The trios title match was taped on May 15th (I think!), the other matches were taped on March 20th

Mephisto keeps title over Titan, Dia del Luchador, Lucha Underground


CMLL (TUE) 09/20/2016 Arena México [+LuchaTV, CMLL, CultIcon, MedioTiempo, thecubsfan]
1) Eléctrico & Shockercito b Pequeño Olímpico & Pierrothito
Tecnicos took 1/3
2) Fuego, Guerrero Maya Jr., Hombre Bala Jr. b Disturbio, Sangre Azteca, Skándalo
Tecnicos took 1/3.
3) Máximo Sexy, Rey Cometa, Valiente b Luciferno, Mr. Niebla, Vangellys
Tecnicos took 1/3.
4) Estrellita, Princesa Sugehit, Sanely b Amapola, Dalys, Zeuxis
Tecnicos took 2/3. Estrellita beat Dalys.
5) Mephisto © b Titán [CMLL WELTER]
Mephisto took fall one wiht a powerbomb, Titan won fall two with El Inmortal, and a long third fall ended with Mephisto’s Super Devil Wings. 3rd defense
6) Diamante Azul, Dragón Lee, Volador Jr. b Euforia, Niebla Roja, Último Guerrero
Tecnicos took 1/3 in a good match

Titan versus Mephisto is something you should go out of your way to see; I’d grade it excellent from how it came across in the building, though I may watch it again whenever I make it home. The main event was pretty good as well, and much more than I’d expect we’d get at that point in the show. There was never a clear reason why the women’s match was fourth. One of the senators pushing the Dia del Luchador deceleration was female Olympian Ana Guevara, and maybe presenting women luchadors in a more high profile position was somehow connecting to getting her behind the bill. I dunno, just grasping for reasons where there often isn’t one.

Today is the day designated as Dia del Luchador by the Mexican Senate. (I’m still unsure if that means it’s a law, but it’s good enough for lucha.) It’s also a Wednesday and IWRG isn’t running, so there aren’t actually any lucha libre shows except maybe in Acapulco. CMLL, who pushed for this, simply designated last night’s show as it’s Dia del Luchador show a day early. It may have lifted attendance; it looked about 4,000 people for this show, which is 2×4 times more than usual.

There’s stories about lucha libre in the papers for the holiday, but really not much public celebrations. Maybe they’ll get it better with a year lead up next time (when the day will fall on a Thursday.)

Apolo Valdes writes that luchadors need more substantial things than a day.

Sopitas profiles various minis for Dia del Luchador.

Lucha Underground has episode 3×3, Ultimate Opportunities. Matches announced:

  • Matanza versus the winner of Dial of Doom for the Lucha Underground Championship – teaser photo almost gives away the opponent, the comments totally do
  • Aerostar, Drago and Fenix (c) versus PJ Black, Jack Evans, Johnny Mundo for the Lucha Underground Trios Championship – teaser photo
  • Texano versus Cage – video preview

The preview says Dario will give two wrestlers will get an Ultimate Opportunity, and Texano & Cage is the only match where two guys are having a match for no obvious reason.

SI’s Extra Mustard interviews Johnny Mundo, Eric Van Wagenen and Chris DeJoseph about the series.

The Sports Entertainment Shrinks podcast interviews Marty the Moth.

Dave the Clown, Monster Clown and Murder Clown defeated Joe Lider, Cuervo and Escoria on Sunday in Valle de Chalco. Dinastia replaced Venom in the semimain.

Garza Jr. says he’s going to shut down the evil Americans.

Kcidis draws Mascara Dorada’s greatest opponent.

10/14 AAA TV Lineup (Tlahuelilpan)



AAA TV (FRI) 10/14/2016 Plaza de Toros Jorge Gutierrez, Tlahuelilpan, Hidalgo
1) Dinastía & Octagoncito vs Mini Histeria & Mini Psycho Clown
2) Faby Apache & Mary Apache vs La Hiedra & Mamba
3) Argenis, Bengala, Jack Evans vs Apache, Parka Negra, Súper Fly
4) Dark Cuervo, Dark Scoria, Zorro vs Averno, Chessman, Ricky Marvin
5) Garza Jr. & Hijo del Fantasma vs Brian Cage & El Mesías
6) La Parka, Psycho Clown, Texano Jr. vs Dr. Wagner Jr., Pagano, Pentagón Jr.

Air Date: 10/22 & 10/29

Always a bit of a surprise for AAA to early announce a taping which takes places after a PPV. There’s nothing here that completely spoils anything from Heroes Inmortales, though we can take some guesses.

Dr. Wagner Jr. is probably a rudo and I should fix that. Pentagon and Fantasma, I’m less sure about. The top two matches move Texano away from Team Trump, with Garza possibly continuing instead.

Los Xinetez haven’t been around much this summer, and now are facing the rudo trio that’s risen up in their place. The Apaches are all on this card, so that issue could still be ongoing – maybe the ultimate destination is a three way trios title match?

Third match looks like the best one on the show. Always nice to see Dinastia.