JUSTIN SHAPIRSHOW Episode 17 – Labor Day Cesaro Section

A groundbreaking interview with two local New York City street toughs, Royal Pains’ Matt Feuerstein and Cardinals placekicker Tom Feely, discussing their shared experience attending SummerSlam 2015 in Mr. Barclay’s center. Contents include: Brooklyn, Brocklyn, New Day, Newsday, new Bray, boo Reigns, Su. Rae, NXT-level thinking, WWE-inspired menu items, food named after wrestlers, things you can eat changed to have words about wrestling added to them, wrestler foods. A show so check it out.

To listen to this show, right click to download the mp3 file here. You can add the show to your music player of choice via it’s RSS feed: http://www.thecubsfan.com/cat/justin-shapirshow/feed/ . You can also find the show on iTunes.

You can find Justin, Matt and Tom on Twitter

Previous Episodes
17: Labor Day Cesaro Section
16: Bank Teller
15: Jumping Bomb Angles
14: Booyaka Booyaka 519
13: Thirtysomething
12: Assed Reigns
11: E! BOLA
10: Shoots and Ladders
9: Dean Dogless
8: 30 Talk
7: Royal Pains with Matt Feuerstein
6: Survivor Queries
5: The Biggest Parody of the Summer
4: New York Meets
3: Dwarf Tosser
2: State of the Union of People You Oughta Respect, Shane
1: Survivors Guilt

JUSTIN SHAPIRSHOW Episode 14 – Booyaka Booyaka 519

May the 19th be with you! That’s right, our annual May 19th Shapir supershow is happening again. Senior correspondent Albert Ching (ComicBookResources.com) guests to discuss not just the history but the deeper significance of this date. Included under that thematic umbrella are: the twisted & disturbed life of Kane, Kane now being a demon from hell in relation to the Sartre quote “hell is other people,” dead crowds in contrast to Al’s live Wrestlemania week experience, some attempted devil’s advocacy for a few of WWE’s demonized divas, and a discussion of a couple of this year’s summer blockbusters released on or around May 19th and what they portend for Daredevil’s prospective team-up with Batista. A show so check it out.

To listen to this show, right click to download the mp3 file here. You can add the show to your music player of choice via it’s RSS feed: http://www.thecubsfan.com/cat/justin-shapirshow/feed/ . You can also find the show on iTunes.

You can find Justin and Albert on Twitter

Previous Episodes
14: Booyaka Booyaka 519
13: Thirtysomething
12: Assed Reigns
11: E! BOLA
10: Shoots and Ladders
9: Dean Dogless
8: 30 Talk
7: Royal Pains with Matt Feuerstein
6: Survivor Queries
5: The Biggest Parody of the Summer
4: New York Meets
3: Dwarf Tosser
2: State of the Union of People You Oughta Respect, Shane
1: Survivors Guilt


30 … 31 … 32. There! That’s how many seconds I can hold my breath until I get what I want. Matt Feuerstein (Royal Pains) joins me (Justin Shapirshow host Justin Shapiro) to assess and attack the aftermath of last month’s Roman Reigns temper tantrum and look ahead to those tantrums yet to come. A show so check it out.

To listen to this show, right click to download the mp3 file here. You can add the show to your music player of choice via it’s RSS feed: http://www.thecubsfan.com/cat/justin-shapirshow/feed/ . You can also find the show on iTunes.

You can find Justin and Matt on Twitter

Previous Episodes
13: Thirtysomething
12: Assed Reigns
11: E! BOLA
10: Shoots and Ladders
9: Dean Dogless
8: 30 Talk
7: Royal Pains with Matt Feuerstein
6: Survivor Queries
5: The Biggest Parody of the Summer
4: New York Meets
3: Dwarf Tosser
2: State of the Union of People You Oughta Respect, Shane
1: Survivors Guilt


Dog bites man? That’s not news. Man bites dog? That’s one of the darkest, most secluded scandals in the history of Titan Sports. James Kalyn, the point man of the Dean Malenko Eats Dogs exposé of the early 2000s, opens up for the first time ever to revisit the controversy that may have ended Dean Malenko’s career as an active wrestler. James recounts the genesis of his investigation and lays out the facts of the case. He also reveals the adversity he faced at the time for speaking out and the surprising lengths to which some went to silence the inquiry. Then, for the first time in 13 years, the Malenko cold case is reopened to delve into brand new findings unearthed over the last decade Malenko has spent out of the public eye in a management position. It’s the biggest James-Dean cover-up since the 1955 car “accident.” A show so check it out.

To listen to this show, right click to download the mp3 file here. You can add the show to your music player of choice via it’s RSS feed: http://www.thecubsfan.com/cat/justin-shapirshow/feed/ . You can also find us on iTunes.

You can find Justin Shapiro (@jmshapyro) and James Kalyn (@jkalyn) on Twitter, Also, check out the new deanmalenkoatedogs tumblr.

Previous Episodes
8: 30 Talk
7: Royal Pains with Matt Feuerstein
6: Survivor Queries
5: The Biggest Parody of the Summer
4: New York Meets
3: Dwarf Tosser
2: State of the Union of People You Oughta Respect, Shane
1: Survivors Guilt

LIST ‘EM AND LEARN Episode 1: “Episode 1” (Part 2)

This exists only to get the RSS/iTunes feed to work right. Same links!

A brand new podcast has been born. That’s what happens when two podcasts mate. In this case, the mommy was Dr. Keith Presents, and the daddy was The Justin Shapirshow. DKP’s Alan4L and The Shapirshow’s Justin Shapiro join their Ne’er-do-well son, Matt Feuerstein, on his new podcast entitled “List ‘Em and Learn.” Every month it’s going to feature a new countdown on various topics, wrestling and otherwise. For this inaugural edition, these three kooks are counting down the top 20 United States-based wrestlers from 2002-2014, based entirely on their in-ring skills. You might say they’re going to list them wrestlers, and hopefully learn a few valuable life lessons along the way. It’s super long, because Alan and Matt each have their own lists, and Justin sends it all up by satirizing the very notion of putting art and artists into some sort of capitalistic competition. IT’S A TWO-PART MAGICAL FREAKIN’ ADVENTURE, SO CHECK IT OUT!!!!!

To listen to this show, right click to download part 1  and part 2. You can add the show to your music player of choice via it’s RSS feed: http://www.thecubsfan.com/cat/justin-shapirshow/feed/ . You can also find us on iTunes.

You can find Justin Shapiro (@jmshapyro), Matt (@MayorMGF) and @Alan4L on Twitter.

LIST ‘EM AND LEARN Episode 1: “Episode 1” (Part 1)

A brand new podcast has been born. That’s what happens when two podcasts mate. In this case, the mommy was Dr. Keith Presents, and the daddy was The Justin Shapirshow. DKP’s Alan4L and The Shapirshow’s Justin Shapiro join their Ne’er-do-well son, Matt Feuerstein, on his new podcast entitled “List ‘Em and Learn.” Every month it’s going to feature a new countdown on various topics, wrestling and otherwise. For this inaugural edition, these three kooks are counting down the top 20 United States-based wrestlers from 2002-2014, based entirely on their in-ring skills. You might say they’re going to list them wrestlers, and hopefully learn a few valuable life lessons along the way. It’s super long, because Alan and Matt each have their own lists, and Justin sends it all up by satirizing the very notion of putting art and artists into some sort of capitalistic competition. IT’S A TWO-PART MAGICAL FREAKIN’ ADVENTURE, SO CHECK IT OUT!!!!!

To listen to this show, right click to download part 1  and part 2. You can add the show to your music player of choice via it’s RSS feed: http://www.thecubsfan.com/cat/justin-shapirshow/feed/ . You can also find us on iTunes.

You can find Justin Shapiro (@jmshapyro), Matt (@MayorMGF) and @Alan4L on Twitter.



Whatshisface follows up with Matt F (Royal Pains) to see how things ended up working out with Daniel Bryan at the wrestling matches. Hope, euphoria, fear, doubt: these are all words that could appear in a list of examples of emotions. JMFDM also appraise Wrestlemania in an historical context and then, on a lark, end up hastily rebooking the territory for the last 29 years to verify whether previous Wrestles Mania lived up to their perceived standard in our popular new segment, Guest Booker: No One. A show so check it out.

To listen to this show, right click to download the mp3 file here. You can add the show to your music player of choice via it’s RSS feed: http://www.thecubsfan.com/cat/justin-shapirshow/feed/ . You can also find us on iTunes.

You can find Justin Shapiro (@jmshapyro) and Matt (@MayorMGF) on Twitter. Occasionally.

Previous Episodes
7: Royal Pains with Matt Feuerstein
6: Survivor Queries
5: The Biggest Parody of the Summer
4: New York Meets
3: Dwarf Tosser
2: State of the Union of People You Oughta Respect, Shane
1: Survivors Guilt

JUSTIN SHAPIRSHOW EPISODE 7: Royal Pains with Matt Feuerstein

And we’ll never be royal (rumble winners)
There’s no run-ins or blood
That kind of push just ain’t for us
We crave an internet guy to love
It would be more cooler (cooler)
If you could add in DB
In maybe his role, his role, his role
At Wrestlemania 30?

To listen to this show, right click to download the mp3 file here. You can add the show to your music player of choice via it’s RSS feed: http://www.thecubsfan.com/cat/justin-shapirshow/feed/ . You can also find us on iTunes.

You can find Justin Shapiro (@jmshapyro) and Matt (@MayorMGF) on Twitter. Occasionally.

Previous Episodes
6: Survivor Queries
5: The Biggest Parody of the Summer
4: New York Meets
3: Dwarf Tosser
2: State of the Union of People You Oughta Respect, Shane
1: Survivors Guilt


It’s Justin Vs. The Joe, as Joe Gagne abdicates his customary hosting authority to guest on his own spinoff, like when Danson was on Frasier, if Frasier was more like Becker and Becker only made six episodes. Now the student has become the teacher. Now he plays by MY RULES. Joe reports back from the 27th annual Survivor Series, arguably the WWE’s #2 show of the year in a reverse chronological list. Who won traditional Survivor Series match-ups such as Brother Rey vs. Justice & The American Way and The Brie Hive vs. AJ’s Crazies? How many Total Divas plot points can Justin recount to Joe in an hour? Taped on special location.

To listen to this show, right click to download the mp3 file here. You can add the show to your music player of choice via it’s RSS feed: http://www.thecubsfan.com/cat/justin-shapirshow/feed/ . You can also find us on iTunes.

You can find Justin Shapiro (@jmshapyro) and Joe Gagne (@joegagne) on Twitter.

Previous Episodes
5: The Biggest Parody of the Summer
4: New York Meets
3: Dwarf Tosser
2: State of the Union of People You Oughta Respect, Shane
1: Survivors Guilt