LIST ‘EM AND LEARN Episode 1: “Episode 1” (Part 1)

A brand new podcast has been born. That’s what happens when two podcasts mate. In this case, the mommy was Dr. Keith Presents, and the daddy was The Justin Shapirshow. DKP’s Alan4L and The Shapirshow’s Justin Shapiro join their Ne’er-do-well son, Matt Feuerstein, on his new podcast entitled “List ‘Em and Learn.” Every month it’s going to feature a new countdown on various topics, wrestling and otherwise. For this inaugural edition, these three kooks are counting down the top 20 United States-based wrestlers from 2002-2014, based entirely on their in-ring skills. You might say they’re going to list them wrestlers, and hopefully learn a few valuable life lessons along the way. It’s super long, because Alan and Matt each have their own lists, and Justin sends it all up by satirizing the very notion of putting art and artists into some sort of capitalistic competition. IT’S A TWO-PART MAGICAL FREAKIN’ ADVENTURE, SO CHECK IT OUT!!!!!

To listen to this show, right click to download part 1  and part 2. You can add the show to your music player of choice via it’s RSS feed: . You can also find us on iTunes.

You can find Justin Shapiro (@jmshapyro), Matt (@MayorMGF) and @Alan4L on Twitter.