It’s Justin Vs. The Joe, as Joe Gagne abdicates his customary hosting authority to guest on his own spinoff, like when Danson was on Frasier, if Frasier was more like Becker and Becker only made six episodes. Now the student has become the teacher. Now he plays by MY RULES. Joe reports back from the 27th annual Survivor Series, arguably the WWE’s #2 show of the year in a reverse chronological list. Who won traditional Survivor Series match-ups such as Brother Rey vs. Justice & The American Way and The Brie Hive vs. AJ’s Crazies? How many Total Divas plot points can Justin recount to Joe in an hour? Taped on special location.
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You can find Justin Shapiro (@jmshapyro) and Joe Gagne (@joegagne) on Twitter.
Previous Episodes
5: The Biggest Parody of the Summer
4: New York Meets
3: Dwarf Tosser
2: State of the Union of People You Oughta Respect, Shane
1: Survivors Guilt