Felino & Cavernario feud on Mr. Niebla tribute show, AAA kicks of 2020 (w/Rush & Besita under contract), Laredo Kid off Exatlon

CMLL (FRI) 01/24/2020 Arena México [+LuchaTV, CMLL, Marca (Niebla)Marca (results)OvacionesR de RudoThe GladiatoresTUDN]
1) Akuma & Espanto Jr. b Halcón Suriano Jr. & Magia Blanca LUCHA LIBRE VIERNES ESPECTACULAR DE ARENA MEXICO 24 DE ENERO DE 2020 FUNCION COMPLETA (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL)
11:39. Rudos took 1/3.
2) Drone, Fuego, Guerrero Maya Jr. b Olímpico, Tiger, Virus LUCHA LIBRE VIERNES ESPECTACULAR DE ARENA MEXICO 24 DE ENERO DE 2020 FUNCION COMPLETA (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL)
11:56. Tecnicos took 2/3.
3) Soberano Jr., Star Jr., Titán b Rey Bucanero, Shocker, Terrible LUCHA LIBRE VIERNES ESPECTACULAR DE ARENA MEXICO 24 DE ENERO DE 2020 FUNCION COMPLETA (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL)
11:47. Tecnicos took 1/3.
4) Cuatrero, Forastero, Sansón b Ángel de Oro, Stuka Jr. Diamante Azul, Niebla Roja LUCHA LIBRE VIERNES ESPECTACULAR DE ARENA MEXICO 24 DE ENERO DE 2020 FUNCION COMPLETA (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL)
Gran Guerrero unmasked Mistico for the DQ.
6) Felino, Último Guerrero, Diamante Azul Volador Jr. DQ Carístico, Cavernario, Valiente [Relevos IncreíblesLUCHA LIBRE VIERNES ESPECTACULAR DE ARENA MEXICO 24 DE ENERO DE 2020 FUNCION COMPLETA (posted by VideosOficialesCMLL)
Cavernario fouled Felino after the two feuded heavily.

Ovaciones had the Cavernario/Felino feud. They’re still insistent they’ve been feuding for weeks, despite Cavernario being in Japan for weeks. Maybe it’s all happening on Instagram. Regardless, it seems like CMLL is running with Mr. Niebla’s passing leading to the end of the Pesta Negra (Cavernario says it’s done without Niebla, Felino isn’t as sure.) Cavernario appears to be getting Angel de Oro’s spot in an apuesta feud with (and almost certain victory over) Felino. A Felino/Cavernario match will probably be received better than Felino/Oro but it still feels very strange. Pencil Felino/Cavernario in as the Homenaje a Dos Leyendas main event for the moment.

I wouldn’t say to pencil in Gran Guerrero & Mistico for that show, if only because that feels more like something CMLL would save for Aniversario. Gran Guerero and Mistico hype a mask match in their interviews. It’d be an intriguing feud that’s not as certain an outcome as it would’ve been in past years. Mistico would be a favorite, but a scenario where Mistico loses the mask on his way out of CMLL to join his family is possible. Maybe not likely, but there’s a doubt that wouldn’t have been there before.

Arena Mexico had a huge turnout. The CMLL Friday shows built around honoring a single luchador continue to draw well over the last three years. There are tragic circumstances behind this one, but it’s a concept that seems like it should be expanded. Maybe CMLL is missing the boat by doing the legends show and should be building a show around just one of them every so often.

Other promos from the show

Press room interviews: Niebla’s family, Felino, Mistico (who says he turns into a Super Saiyan with crowd support), Rey Bucanero, Olimpico, Shocker, Barbaro Cavernario.

AAA returns tonight, after a 42-day layoff. The promotion kicks off their year in Mexico City’s Pepsi Center WTC. They’re expecting a full house. (There are a few different setups to the building, so it’s the ticket map suggests it’s on the big side.) The show starts at 8 pm CT and will continue to stream on Twitch.

Tonight’s show looks good if packed. That might be the trend in 2020, with more AAA people under contract and needing spots. The main event has Psycho Clown & the Lucha Brothers against Faccion Ingobernable (Rush, LA Park, Bestia del Ring.) There was a tease of a Penta/Fenix vs Rush/Bestia tag title match last night.

Blue Demon teams with Chessman & Monsther Clown against Pagano, Aerostar and Drago. The focus will be on Monster Clown avenging his mask loss to Aerostar, but there were also Chessman/Pagano and Drago/Demon issues at the end 2019. Hijo del Vikingo teams with Puma King and Murder Clown against Los Mercenarios trio of Rey Escorpion, Texano, and Taurus in what looks to be a strong match. The same goes for Poder del Norte against Octagon, Myzteziz and probably someone who isn’t Aramis. (More on that in a few paragraphs.) That match should be the prelude to a trios title match down the line.

Reina de Reinas champion Taya returns to team with Mr. Iguana & Mascarita Sagrada (Dorada) against Demus, La Hiedra and Abismo Negro Junior. The Big Mami/Lady Maravilla feud continues in the opener, where Maravilla & Villano III Jr. defend against Maravilla & Nino Hamburguesa, Arez & Keyra, and Lady Shani & Dinastia. There were a lot of crazy AAA openers last year and that looks to start of 2020 just as crazily.

The show streams at 8 pm. It’ll probably start showing up on YouTube in about 2 weeks but I’m not certain of it. Twitch VOD is still a $5/month or free with Amazon Prime thing.

Azteca TV put AAA on their networks a lot Friday night, as part of a sort of new year kick-off. After the regular AAA show, they had a red carpet event in Azteca’s Mexico City studios. About 50 AAA luchadors were there. Pentagon Jr., Fenix, La Bestia del Ring, and Rush were front and center, with Dorian Roldan saying they were part of the AAA roster this year. Penta & Fenix are exclusive to AAA in Mexico for this year. It came off as if Rush & Bestia were as well. Azteca’s write up of the event mentions Dragon Lee will be appearing in AAA events as well.

AAA did not announce a date/location for TripleMania yet. There’s not always certain TripleMania main event by now, but AAA’s announced the date well in advance for the last few years. There’s no indication of any issue, just it is unusual. Maybe that announcement comes tonight.

Laredo Kid’s time on Exatlon ended yesterday. He was eliminated from the show after barely escaping last week. Laredo Kid again could’ve used an elimination medal from a teammate but wanted to earn his way into staying himself and it didn’t happen this time. There’s video of Laredo leaving the show and his post-show exit interview. These shows are taped about a week ahead of time, so he’s probably been home for a few days. He’s probably about 2-3 weeks away from returning to the ring. I guess a non-wrestling appearance today is not out of the question since he’s probably going to be in Mexico City he’s going to be doing press, but he’ll probably not be wrestling on Twitch until the Guadalajara show at the earliest.

I was at the AAW show last night. The one AAA relevant bit is Killer Kross had an unstated farewell appearance. Kross still has a few known indie bookings – he’s in MLW on 02/01 – so it remains possible he could sneak in an AAA appearance before he moves onto his next step. (That’s still believed to be WWE.) Kross didn’t seem to be mentioned on the Azteca presentation by name, which suggests they’re moving on Aramis worked the AAW show and is on GALLI Sunday night. I suspect he’s still in the Chicago area and will not be wrestling tonight for AAA.

Mr. Iguana told his hometown paper he signed with AAA for three years.

02/22 The Crash

03/07 MexaWrestling in Monterrey’s Arena Femenil

RIOT announced Alex Zayne for their 03/28 show.

LuchaWorld has a new LuchaWorld Podcast.


IWRG (WED) 01/29/2020 Arena Naucalpan
1) Lemuria, Príncipe Jr., Spider Fly vs Baby Star, Blue Monsther, Zika
2) Chicanito, Príncipe Aéreo, Salchichita vs Carnicero, Dinámico, Tromba
3) Ángel Estrella Jr., Chef Benito, Noicy Boy vs Canival King, Especie Maligna, Voltrex
4) Águila Oriental Jr., Biosfrea, Puma de Oro vs Atomic Star, Death Metal, Rey Halcón
5) Ángel Drago, Galactus, Güero Tijuana, Marduk, Omega Jr., Rey Gato, Taurino, Ultra Mega vs Internacional Mara, Magneto, Pantera Jr., Príncipe Rebelde, Rayado, Rey Quetzal, Rugido, Versal
Gum Zeus (Taurino) vs Gym Tepito (Rugido) 0winning team advances to a Copa High Power match on 02/16

A not-High Power match to build to a High Power match is soon.

CMLL (FRI) 01/31/2020 Arena México
1) Arkalis & Robin vs Akuma & Espanto Jr.
2) Diamond, Drone, Fuego vs Kawato San, Okumura, Virus
3) Atlantis Jr., Star Jr., Stuka Jr. vs Ephesto, Mephisto, Negro Casas
4) Soberano Jr. vs Templario [lightning]
5) Ángel de Oro, Niebla Roja, Titán vs Euforia, Gilbert el Boricua, Gran Guerrero
6) Carístico, Cavernario, Valiente vs Diamante Azul, Felino, Último Guerrero [Relevos Increíbles]

The main event is a rematch with all the focus on Felino & Cavernario. Negro Casas is back and working third from the top for some reason. Gilbert is back, but Mistico is off this week.

Soberano/Templario is always very good.