According to someone (thanks Butch)

According to someone (thanks Butch) who got the Televisa feed (out of Tijuana and into San Diego), the Marvin/Zumbido hair/hair match DID air. If Televisa aired it last week, I don’t see why it’s child company Galavision wouldn’t also air it in it’s regularly scheduled slot this weekend. Of course anything can and will happen, but it seems hopeful that we might actually get new lucha this week.

Lucha times later today – I’ve taken a look and it’s worth noting that Sunday’s show is scheduled for only 2 hours.

Other news, playing catch up
– Ricky beat Mr. Power Tuesday night in another Guapo elimination match. We’re down to the four principals: el Terrible, Loco Max, Marvin, and Tony Rivera.
– Pierroth beat Apolo Dantes in a hair/hair match – I guess we haven’t been TV for so long he’s had time to grow some. Veneno returned earlier in the night and it sounds like he played a part in helping Pierroth take the final fall. Still no date on Pierroth/Markus, though since Pierroth is now 2-0 vs the Capos, maybe he’ll have a hair/hair match vs Cien next? I guess they wouldn’t waste Universo’s mask on this.
– As earlier mentioned, Rey and Ultimo will be going to NJPW from 4/16 to 4/30 ( doesn’t mention the 5/1 or 5/2 big shows – maybe they haven’t figured that much out yet? – and the tour actually starts on the 18th) and will be joined by Super Crazy.
– Coming to Houston on 3/2: Atlantis, Universo, Vampiro, Cien Caras, Brazo de Plato, Olimpico, Black Tiger, Averno, Dr. Wagner, Mephisto, Máscara 2000, Felino, Shocker, Guerrerito del Futuro, Espectrito, Pierrothito. I think your best main event would be something like Vampiro/Shocker vs Black Tiger/Wagner, but they’ll probably throw a Capo in there. Should be decent.

That football card is the

That football card is the best thing EVER.

Big news this week is that Rey and Ultimo will likely be working a tour for New Japan, starting on 4/18 and climaxing at the 5/2 Tokyo Dome show. I imagine they’ll work a lot with/against Super Crazy and Black Tiger if they’re there, and maybe get a shot at Liger and Kanemoto’s IWGP Junior tag titles. Can’t wait. Now if they were back on TV in the states we’d really be in business.

Lucha Times is updated with

Lucha Times is updated with the rerun schedule for this week <- optimism at it's finest! has removed the Lucha Libre preview page which is way up there on bad signs; the lucha libre board remains. I think I might start investigating tape buying plans...

Title Change Vampiro beat Tarzan

Title Change

Vampiro beat Tarzan Boy for the NWA LH Title, in Arena Coliseo D.F. on 2/9.

I’ve only seen this title defended one time on TV, vs Shocker in Feburary of last year. Tarzan Boy won it from Black Warrior way back on

CMLL’s show in Miami went well! Must’ve been good local advertising. They’re next trying for a show in Houston on 3/2 – no card announced as of yet.

Also, you can sleep at night knowing that Violencia retained the prestigious Metro Heavyweight Title over Gran Markus. I was kinda expecting a title change – Pierroth winning the title from Markus and Markus winning it back would not only extend this even longer, but Markus could get the big win without getting Pierroth’s hair – I gotta figure they’ve kept not doing it because he doesn’t want to give that up.

Oh wow. I dare you

Oh wow. I dare you to read this and count up the mistakes. I dunno if it’s someone who doesn’t know what’s going on and just hasn’t done the research, or if they’re being creative and seeing how much they could do without actually having anyone catch ’em.

While I’m posting, I might as well check news:

– Special Arena Lopez main event on 02/12 – Ultimo/Rey vs Casas and…Dr. Wagner. WEIRD.
– Marshall did lose the Nuevo Guapos elimination match to Tony Rivera, so now we’re down to Rivera, Ricky Marvin (who’s got a hair/hair match this week vs Zumbido in Arena Mexico – I think I’m gonna have to get a tape if they don’t start turning up new matches soon), Loco Max, Terrible, Genetico, and Mr. Power. I think we can cut the last two out of the picture pretty easily. Sounded like they had other plans for Terrible, though he’s a strong canadiate for some position. Loco Max probably has a future in a Zumbido-ese role, but I don’t see him fitting in the group. And Ricky is superior to Tony, I think we can agree. I figure it’ll go down to a Terrible/Marvin match as the final (Ricky gets his win back over Loco Max, Terrible rudos it over Rivera to set up the final match) and Marvin gets the win there. I don’t know for sure, though, because it’s tough to figure out what they’re looking for – hey, it’s quite like Tough Enough.
– Ultimo and Rey did beat Atlantis and Niebla, and news guy wonders who could possibly beat that duo. That IS a good question.

KrisZ’s lineups say Violencia is defending something called the “Metropolitan Heavyweight Title” today against Gran Markus Jr. at Arena Coliseo. Because the one thing we needed was another belt…