Trauma II vs Shadow Phoenix, Mexico preview

Familia de Tijuana
(photo by Black Terry Jr.)

IWRG (THU) 06/14/2012 Arena Naucalpan [Black Terry Jr. (flickr), Estrellas del Ring]
1) Guerrero Mixtico b Dragón Celestial
Dragon Celestial replaced Crosby.
2) Centvrión & Freelance b Alan Extreme & Comando Negro
Tecnicos took 2/3, Centurion pinning Alan Extreme and Freelance beating Comando Negro.
3) Carta Brava Jr., Imposible, Pete Powers b Chicano, Danny Casas, Dinamic Black
Taya Valkyre was with Pete Powers and got involved often. Both referees were distracted by a Carta Brava Chicano brawl, allowing Taya to legdrop Danny Casas. Powers put on a leg submission for the win
4) Bestia 666, Shadow Phoenix, Súper Nova b Pantera, Trauma II, Veneno
Shadow Phoenix attacked before the bell and won in straight falls, going after Trauma II’s arm again before Sunday’s mask match.
5) Cien Caras Jr., Hijo de Máscara Año 2000, Oficial AK47 b Damián 666, Head Hunter, Oficial Factor
Capos team took falls 2/3. A brawl around the arena, with some fans too slow to move out of the way getting knocked down. In the third, Damian pinned Factor as Mascara pinned AK-47. Cien Caras landed a plancha on Head Hunter for the win. AK47 challenged Factor for the Rey de Reyes title after the match.

The second round of En Busca de Un Idolo polling was posted. Poll results from this round

40 Titan
29 Euforia
19 Dragon Lee
10 Diamante

It’s about what each guy got last round. New totals are

170 Titan
136 Euforia
120 Dragon Lee
96 Diamante

Tonight’s matches are Titan vs Diamante and Dragon Lee vs Euforia. TKD figures Titan needs 47 for a 2nd place and 67 for 1st. He may be able to get 67 even without a win, and still should be expected to beat Diamante anyway. The other match is more pivotal. Dragon Lee slips ahead of Euforia with a win for a moment, but could fall right back behind if the judges grade Euforia stronger. Lee really needs both a win and to beat Euforia by at least 4 points in judging, because he’s been consistently trailing Euforia by 10 points in polling this stage. (If Euforia and Dragon Lee were tied in this scenario, it’d only make sense to have Dragon Lee advance – he would’ve won the head to head.) Lee’s best hope is more Euforia/Tony Salazar issues, costing Euforia the win and some judging points. If Dragon Lee can’t get Maximo, Miguel, Negro and Tirantes to put him ahead enough, it’ll take some passionate poll participants to advance Dragon Lee.

On the other hand, Euforia could just beat Dragon Lee, and CMLL would have it’s final right then. I think that’s actually tonight’s outcome.

Today’s Arena Mexico has a few other ongoing issues. Black Warrior makes his first appearance on the CMLL rudo side in a few years, teaming with Mr. Aguila & Volador against Delta, Guerrero Maya and the returning Angel de Oro. If Warrior is really looking for some trios partners who want to be top guys and isn’t stuck on them being Laguneros, he could do well with at least one of his partners tonight. The main event is a bit of a rematch from last week, but seems more focused on the internal troubles between Rey Escorpion and Ultimo Guerrero

The tercera has a rare female relevos incriebles match, following up on the Amapola vs Estrellita and Dark Angle vs Lady Apache rivalries. Princesa Blanca and Dalis are the only two in the match not feuding at the start, so they’ll surely be by the end. This still seems heading to a cage match, but none of the women have mentioned that possibility yet. Maybe they will tonight.

Today’s AAA spot show in Tijuana has been canceled by the local promoter. No word given about why. Main event listed Jack, Wagner, Zorro and Mesias, though he probably wasn’t going to wrestle.

The Governor of Mexico State held a campaign even with the Mexico State Box Y Lucha commission today. Looks like Shocker, Chessman, Argos, and Octagon were attendance. I didn’t even think there was a Mexico State lucha commission, since Mexico City manages the area. Most of his talking points were about boxing, just bringing up lucha libre when looking for more regular events from both boxing and lucha libre.

The LuchaPOP Facebook seems to be taken over by someone looking for a well overdue debt from one of the promoters. That can’t be good.

Rob has highlights of 09/16/11 CMLL.

LuchaWorld has Black Terry, Rey Escorpion, Atlantis, Guerrero Maya Jr. on top 100 list, and KrisZ’s news update.


06/15-16 lucha times

box. Pretty much every show is starting a new cycle (or I haven’t gotten around to sort it out, in Puebla and IWRG-TVC’s cases), so there’s nothing much to base this week’s guesses on. Expect a high rate of misses.

=== CMLL ===

Galavision/Televisa: Figure one of Escorpion & Warrior make it on this show and the other does not. This whole feud seems partially inspired to curry favor with CMLL (the TV show got 46 minutes last week, a length the show hasn’t gone since it’s been 1 hour), so they probably should get the bald guy and his new angle. Minis match is as good a bet as any to round out the hour.

FOX: which leaves the women’s cibernetico and Rey Escorpion/UG/Yujiro vs Love Buffet match for Fox.

C3: Invasors vs Atlantis/Panther/Sombra, Yellow Fever vs Mascara/Dorada/Shocker

52MX: Felino/Aguila/Casas vs Azul/Rush/Shocker, Yellow Fever vs TRT

Puebla: Guerreros vs Love Buffet.

GDL: if new, Guerreros (-Escorpion + Aguila) vs Love Buffet. If you’re wondering why Aguila is all the sudden in all of these main events, it’s probably resulting from Mr. Niebla not being around…

Terra: debut show is ‘main evented’ by Angel de Oro’s return from Japan, teaming with Shocker, and Porky vs Averno, Epheosto and Olimpico.

LATV: who knows

=== Other ===

AAA: Veracruz taping, part 1 of 2. Again, there’s no telling what airs when. I’ve guessed the Sexy Lady debut, the CIMA surprise appearance, and Perros/Chessman vs Cibernetico/Electro/Park, but I could be 0 for 3 easily. Regional should get an extra match, and they should continue airing TripleMania look backs. Perro Sr. vs Mascara Ano 2000 has to be airing sooner or later.

ACM: Strikes me as a probable rerun week, but Bengali, Monje Negro Jr., Potor Jr. vs Gato Fantasma, Silencio, and Veneno Extremo

IWRG-TVC Deportes: Capos/Ak47 vs FdT/Factor

IWRG-Vibra: FdT vs Psycho Circus.

AYM is listed, but I don’t believe they’ve taped anything new. They could air the matches from the show they haven’t already aired, but that would require more than this production group has shown.