CMLL Guerreros del Ring on 52MX #413 (10/19/2013) 
Recapped: 10/26/2013

Match 1: Fuego, Sagrado, Tritón vs Felino, Puma, Tiger
Arena Coliseo Guadalajara, 10/08/2013

  1. técnicos
  2. rudos
  3. técnicos

Winner: técnicos (2-1)
Match Time: 10:58
Rating: good
Notes: Referee is – I don't know this referee! New Guadalajara referee?

1: Fuego out armdrags Tiger to start the match. Tiger works Fuego down and tires for an armscissors, but Fuego headstands back and forth their way out of it. Crowd is loud and not about the match, as usual. Tag to Triton and Puma. Younger cats have an orange/brown thing going, perhaps in tribute to autumn. Triton and Puma are very quick together, and it doesn't take long before they get to a standoff. Puma goes back to his corner for back rub. Lockup again, Puma holds Triton for a moment, then runs into an armdrag after armdrag. Puma complains to his dad. Tags to Puma and Sagrado. Felino wants a handshake, but Sagrado wants no part of it. Felino knocks Sagrado own and stomps, but urns into a hiptoss and a quebradora. Step up enziguri sends Felino out, kid cats boot Sagrado out, Fuego planchas both of them and slowly puts Puma into a cradle to time it with Triton's casita on Tiger. One two three.

2: Fuego flips out. Tiger clotheslines him. Tiger runs in, no one home, Tiger out and in headscissors. Back bend dance, over the back armdrag, Fuego's got in all his favorites. Puma suckers Triton into a slap, Triton comes back with headscissors. Triton fails doing a roll over the corner to the apron, Puma blows him up with a dropkick, and the beatdown is starting right now. Felino picks up Triton and holds him for a dropkick. Puma dropkicks him, Felino keeps torito up and he and Puma have an animated conversation about what's supposed to happen there. Felino tosses Triton out, and the match settles right back down to the one on ones. Hmm. Sagrada headscissors Felino quick, and has a little more trouble with Tiger before getting sent out. Torito on Puma takes a lot of work from Puma, but that's because he rolls thru for a powerbomb anyway. Felino middle rope elbow drop one two three. Puma and Tiger hit their pose.

3: Joined in progress. Tiger unties Fuego's mask. Sagrado runs into a Puma superkick. Tiger gives Fuego a running kick to the side. Double shoulderblock for Sagrado. Fuego chopped around. Corner charges on Fuego. Rudos boot Sagrado out. Sagrado is more concerned with fixing his boots than whatever the rudos are doing to him. Cats for a triple something (didn't make sense), técnicos pull two out and Sagrado quebradora the other. Asai moonsault by Triton and Fuego. Sagrado and Felino in, Sagrado fires up, withstands Felino chops, and punches him. Casadora cradle just fails, Felino sits down to cover it, one two no, reversed on two no, Felino reverses one two NO. Felino yells his name to start a chant. Sagrado puts on a time killing hold, and Tiger breaks it up, but runs into a Sagrado boot. No problem, Puma boosts off Tiger's back and dropkicks Sagrado. Fuego interrupts with a springboard splash, which starts the rudos getting all all lined up and the técnicos all splashing. Tecnicos all cover one two NO. They're no Super Porky. Ring clear out, Tiger & Puma double superkick, mouse trap splash on Fuego one two there. Triton in, and tossed into – a headscissors on Tiger, probably not what the rudos wanted. Triton torito on Puma one two three. Felino bumps Triton out of the ring, Sagrado hits him, Felino's surprise handspring back elbow misses, and Sagrado topes him. Tiger and Triton left in the ring, Triton huracanrana, one two NO. Corner whip, Triton kips up, but Tiger catches him with a kick. Tiger powerbomb one two three. Wow, Tiger won a match.

Guerreros talk about the next match.

Match 2: Místico ©, Thunder, Valiente vs Euforia, Niebla Roja, Último Guerrero ©
Arena Coliseo, 10/13/2013

  1. rudos
  2. técnicos
  3. técnicos

Winner: técnicos (2-1)
Match Time: 11:38
Rating: ok
Notes: Referee is Bestia Negra.

1: Místico starts with Euforia, but the story is Ultimo Guerrero running away from Valiente for the first fall. Niebla Roja tags in instead, but gets stuck with Thunder. Thunder throws Rojo around roughly, including a big back suplex. UG comes in to get Thunder, but Thunder tags in Valiente. Euforia attacks Valiente from behind before he can do anything, and the rudos clear out the other técnicos. UG yanks Valiente around by his eye holes, ripping up the mask. Shoulderblock sends Valiente out. Guerreros overwhelm Thunder. Double suplex, Euforia top rope splash. Roja quickly beats Místico with the usual, and the Guerreros stomp around Valiente before getting their arms raised.

2: Rudos stay in control with kicks and such. Místico gets the Niebla Roja press slam kick. Roja and Euforia hold and pound Valiente for UG. Valiente escpae by running up the corner and hopping off with an armdrag on UG. Supersonic tope wipes UG out in the crowd. Other técnicos quickly finished the other rudos.

3: Back to Thunder beating up Niebla Roja. Lots of kneelift. Roja gets in a shot to the knee and shot to the back, but Thunder just stops selling and goes back to kneelifts. Those aren't good kneelifts. Thunder eventually takes Roja's head off with a clothesline. Místico ends up with a top rope diving headscissors to the floor on Euforia. Valiente in and very fired up to face a distracted Ultimo Guerrero. UG sends Valiente into seizures with a clothesline, then rips up Valiente's mask. Whip, reversed, Valiente quebradora and his turn to rip up the mask. Niebla Roja breaks that up for his mentor. Corner whip, Valiente double springboard and back into a headscissors. UG out, and running to avoid a dive. Técnicos boot Valiente down. Místico plancha both but is caught, and turns a lift into a headscissors on Niebla Roja. Backspring headscissors on Euforia. Thunder in, and he and Místico run for dives – Místico tope con giro, Thunder slide out and quebradora s Euforia poorly. Valiente and UG in to finish it. UG off the ropes, UG pulls the mask, DQ. Well, that was anti-climatic.

Valiente challenges UG to a match next week. UG talks about En Busca de un Idolo, which is useful for the 10 people who watched it. Anyway, UG says Valiente is off good quality there, so he accepts the match and Valiente can have his first match with a luchador otra nivel.

Tecnicos talk about the next match. Atlantis has very little energy. Mascara mentions Máximo is in the match and is sad he's not here for Magadan.

Match 3: Atlantis, La Máscara, Máximo vs Ephesto, Mephisto, Volador Jr.
Arena Coliseo, 10/13/2013

  1. rudos
  2. técnicos
  3. rudos

Winner: rudos (2-1)
Match Time: 11:29
Rating: ok
Notes: Referee is Tigre Hispano.

1: Mephisto show off an angelito with Atlantis, still gets armdragged out. Volador wants nothing of Máximo, which is okay because the rudo quickly cheap shot him and the beatdown is on. Máximo takes a brutal corner kick from Volador. The rebound hiptoss splash actually works for a pin.

2: Rudos try the unmasking turn taking, only Volador does such a good job first, Mephisto's only left pulling the mask off to tease an unmasking. Ephesto does the same thing. Máximo butt to the face starts the comeback. Everyone taking out everyone ends up with the rudos throwing themselves into a pile for splashes, then getting it right back. Máximo kiss on Volador, Atlantis cradle, Máscara cradle on Ephesto, and Máximo with a way late cradle on Mephisto.

Volador breaks free before he's kissed again.

3: Máximo and Mascara get showcases, and that comes to an end when Ephesto surprisingly drops Mascara with a shoulderbreaker. Máximo breaks that up, drops Ephesto in the coner and he's for a splash, only Volador brings him back to teases a kiss. Máximo is so happy, but Volador is faking. Superkick, backcracker. One two Volador gets up before Atlantis hits him. Atlantis gets Volador twice with quebradora and loads him into the Atlantida, but the rudos break it up and Volador turns it into an inside cradle. Mascara breaks that up. Mascara goes for a pin after a body slam and I'm okay with this match over. (It's not over there.) Double boot sends Mascara out, and Volador tope con giros him. Another four in, técnicos briefly have control, Maximo' suckered into the Ephesto roll and Mephisto reverses Atlantis' huracanrana for the win.