AAA Fusion (05/15/2013) 
Recapped: 05/21/2013

Flag presentation.

Coming up later: La Parka, Escoria, Ozz vs Daga, Psicosis and Perro Jr.

Later: Lucky Boy & Niño de Ebano vs Dr. Cerebro & Carta Brava


Later: that first match.

Later: that second match

(likely a repeat match here that was not included on the internet version.)

TripleMania promo.

Match 1: Lucky Boy & Niño de Ébano vs Carta Brava Jr. & Dr. Cerebro
Plaza de Toros, Durango, Durango, 05/12/2013

Winner: técnicos
Match Time: 8:13
Rating: good
Notes: As usual with these shows of late (taped away from Mexico City), no intros. Piero is referee.

Pairs are Lucky Boy/Carta Brava and Niño de Ebano/Dr. Cerebro, both fast moving back and forths. Cerebro and Ebano do a good counter exchange from a Gori Stretch (and with a bridging pull up.) They get to a standoff, Carta Brava blows up Ebano with a dropkick, and Lucky does a springboard dropkick to Cerebro in reponse. Chop fight is remarkable even, but Lucky does better when he starts spin kicking. Niño does a front roll back flip exchange which baffles Carta Brava, and leads into the backflip helicopter headscissors. Cerebro springboard dropkicks Niño, Lucky Boy struggles climbs up the ropes and then stands up there until Cerebro crotches him. Carta races in with a dropkick to the face. Wheelbarrow front cracker for Niño de Ebano. Lucky is kicked questionably low, then held on his knees for a Carta dropkick to the face. Ebano is tossed into the center of the ring and dropkicked to the face from both sides. Rudos nearly hit each on the next double team, and Ebano boost Lucky into a dropkick on Carta Brava. Cerebro sends Ebano out, and he and Lucky get so crossed up ht they both do drop down at the same time. They cover, but the next spot gets crewed up too. And they're struggling for a little while. Lucky finally runs up the ropes for an armdrag to sort it out. Other two in, and Niño springboards into a Carta dropkick. Lucky makes the save, and gives Carta a Code Red for his own near fall. Cerebro break sit up, and gives Lucky a big electric chair suplex for a two count. All four in, rudos slide out to avoid the técnicos, técnicos slide out after them, rudos boost them back to the apron, técnicos kick them away, sling into the ring, high ten, and out with the double Brillo Dorada. Crowd very much approves. Replays, as the crowd counts them out. Tecnicos back in, but both running into flapjacks, one two NO. All four fight their way to the top rope on opposite sides – double Spanish Fly one two three.

Later: that other match

Cruiserweight video package.

Later: that other match. Oh, wait, it's now? Long match coming...

Match 2: Escoria, La Parka, Ozz vs Daga, el Hijo del Perro Aguayo, Psicosis
Plaza de Toros, Durango, Durango, 05/12/2013

Winner: Perros del Mal
Match Time: 15:19
Rating: below average/ok
Notes: Joined with Psicosis hitting Parka in the aisle with a chair. Referee is Piero.

Perro throws Ozz over the barricade and into the crowd, kicking up a cloud of dust from the dirt floor. It seems like less people are here than the opener in some angles, and more full in others. Perro throws a cup of something at Parka. Escoria takes a header into a chair. Chair into chair shots. They've got another section of the old entrance set out there to use. How many of those did they have? After a bit more of brawling, Daga and Psicosis tease giving Ozz a suplex to the floor thru the wood table, but the other técnicos turn it into a 3 on 2 suplex back in to start the comeback. Parka makes a 1 on 3 comeback, hitpossing Psicosis over the top rope and thru the wood panel. Perro acts like he's scared, but not scared enough to stop and take a photo with a fan. Medics check on Psicosis, but Psicosis makes It back to the ring before Perro does and pays for it in chair shots. Perros tease walking out, do not walk out. Crowd chants for Parka. Everyone slowly heads back to the ring for showcases. Parka's includes Perro claiming a foul on a clothesline. Perros walk out again. Ozz drop toe holds Daga into a chair that's wedged into Psicosis. Ozz lifts Psicosis up, and Cuervo headscissors him off, with Psicosis hitting the mat harshly. Daga stomps Escoria on the mat, and dropkicks Ozz into a standing moonsault on Escorpion, but only gets 2. Daga and Escoria exchange kicks, Escoria winning with a jumping spinning one. Daga flips Escoria to the apron and slaps him to keep him there, but runs the ropes and is pulled out by Parka. Quebradora on the floor for him, and a second. Parka holds Daga, Escoria runs – tornillo only gets Parka when Daga gets out of the way. Daga and Escoria battle up and down the apron, and Daga win with a suplex on the floor. Ozz calls for his dive, unaware Perro is in behind him. They try to get the crowd to make noise, and they don't, and Ozz just attacks Perro when he's looking the wrong way. Psicosis comes in and attacks, and Daga is as well. By the, the Perros are more interesting in trying to pull the mad dog off of Ozz. Perro returns and kicks Perro by mistake thanks to Ozz. Perro lands a corner clothesline, misses the next charge, and they tease the mooning spot before Psicosis makes the save. Perros get it together to super bomb Ozz thru a wood panel, only Psicosis and Daga hold up the wood panel instead of resting it on something, and hold it up so high Ozz can't really be put thru with any force. Wood breaks a little, but the spot looks bad. Perro adds a double stomp as if that'll be the finish, but Daga and Psicosis decide they need more. The other two guys are till out on the outside. The panel's leaned on the middle rope, Ozz laid on top, Perro double stomp, Perro poses on top and there's the three count.

Perro, in his now usual shaky voice, starts his promo but stops so the rudos can put Cuervo thru the wood panel too. That does a better job of breaking it. Perro explains his group is better than Cibernético's, and he's taking Cibernético hair. Psicosis gets the microphone to repeat the point. Ozz & Cuervo were put thru wood, but the doctor seems to be checking on Parka more. To be fair, Psicosis went thru a table and was fine later, so maybe no big deal. Replay, then a lot of shots of Perro interacting with the crowd to close out the show.

One more TripleMania promo