CMLL on CadenaTres #284 (05/11/2013) 
Recapped: 05/17/2013

The intro was just the logo, or I messed something up. Possibly both.

Match 1: Génesis & Robin vs Espanto Jr. & Herodes Jr.
Arena Mexico, 05/07/2013

  1. rudos

  2. rudos

Winner: rudos (2-0)
Match Time: 8:07
Rating: belove average
Notes: Referee is Tiger Hispano.

1: Espanto and Robin do a basic even armdraggy open. Herodes and Genesis are next, they trade armbars. Genesis has gotten skinnier. I don't how know that's possible. Genesis seems to blow a kip up armdrag, if that's what he was even doing. I don't know. They switch to basic chain wrestling. I know something is about to happen, and I'm very important to see what it is happening, but these guys are just doing basic stuff in the mean time. Genesis armdrags Herodes away to end their exchange. Robin and Espanto are in briefly, Espanto slingshot Robin into the corner, Robin takes a bad leap in, Espanto takes two tries to give him a backcracker. Genesis comes in with a bad plancha on Herodes, Herodes dumps him on his shoulder, and the match is essentially over. They go for about fifteen seconds for Herodes to land a springboard plancha of his own, which looks to be the intended finish, but Genesis is done not just for the fall, but for the match.

2: Espanto stomps Genesis and throws him into the barricade. Doesn't seem like anyone's come to check on him, but the announcers say the medics have. He's holding his right shoulder. Rudos switch to beating up Robin on the outside. Genesis walks off with the doctor (a few steps in front of the doctor), and Herodes slightly mocks him. Rudos work over Robin for a little bit, while Herodes seems confused. Tigre Hispano very visibly gets a message in his ear piece, and very obviously tells Espanto what to do. Espanto interrupts this as “tag out to Herodes so he can do minor stuff.” Robin makes a 1 on 2 comeback with a great superkick to Espanto, then Herodes just rips Robin up and elbow drops the inside of his leg a few times. Espanto plancha, and it's over.

Match 2: Acero, Eléctrico ©, Pequeño Halcón vs Pequeño Nitro, Pequeño Olímpico ©, Pequeño Violencia
Arena Mexico, 05/07/2013

  1. técnicos

  2. rudos
  3. técnicos

Winner: técnicos (2-1)
Match Time: 13:51
Rating: ok
Notes: Referee is Tigre Hispano.

1: Pairs are Acero/Olímpico, Eléctrico/Nitro, Halcón/Violencia. The first match up is pretty good, the second is slower moving (and the crowd hates Eléctrico for having abs) and the third just isn't as good. Halcón puts on a time killing hold (helped by Violencia just standing there for it), and Nitro breaks it up. Eléctrico and Acero work together to take the fall. Acero seems to start for a submission, and just is sort of sitting on top without hurting Olímpico in anyway in the end. Olímpico is trapped but not in trouble. He gave up anyway.

2: Halcón carefully quebradoras Olímpico a few times. Acero has a showcase with Nitro and Eléctrico with Violencia before Olímpico attacks a posing Eléctrico. Nitro comes in to set up Eléctrico, and Olimpico holds him up for the front cracker. Eléctrico is the captain, so that's it.

3: Nitro gets in his offense on Halcón, and it seems like the start to a rudo dominated fall, but Olímpico comes in and trades near falls with first Acero, then Eléctrico. Eléctrico has a nice reversal of a headscissors into a running powerbomb. Violencia wisely makes the save. Fall continues back and forth, with Halcón getting his tapatía on Nitro and Nitro eliminating him. Acero and Violencia have a brief exchange leading to an unconvincing leg submission, and the crowd boos the action. Remaining rudos fail at double teaming Eléctrico, Eléctrico huracanranas Violencia for a long two count, Violencia slowly escapes a casadora, and Violencia fouls Eléctrico to end it. The foul was not much good.

Match 3: Sagrado, Stuka Jr., Tritón vs Hooligan, Nitro, Skándalo
Arena Mexico, 05/07/2013

  1. técnicos

  2. rudos
  3. técnicos

Winner: técnicos (2-1)
Match Time: 10:56
Rating: ok
Notes: Referee is Tirantes. Isis is with the rudos.

1: Stuka and Hooligan have a good battle to begin. Triton and Skándalo don't last as long, Triton gets in a flipping run and a headscissors, Triton poses and Nitro slaps him down. Sagrado in to face off versus him, turning it around on a run up the corner reverse plancha. Sagrado blocks a kicks, slams Nitro and lands the springboard moonsault without any problem to take the fall. Stuka seems surprised with how simple that was. Triton argues with Isis in between falls for no reason.

2: Hooligan and Stuka aren't quite as good to start off this fall. It still ends with Stuka dropkicking Hooligan out. Triton tries to flip out of a hand sweep and almost makes it. Nitro chops Triton in the corner, Triton turns around a whip and pulls of fa corner push off headscissors. Skándalo attacks Triton from behind, Triton turns around a corner whip and charges in, Skándalo lifts him up and puts him right in position for the Skándalo Driver. That's it, rapidly.

Sagrado knocks Skándalo out of the ring, but Hooligan gets him and takes care of Stuka. Nitro sets up Stuka for the Hooligan Crash, and that does it.

3: One low blow. Two low blows. Three low blows. Nitro dropkicks Sagrado in the face, which is confusing. Four low blows. Sagrado lands on his feet after a double backdrop slowly) and comes within an area code of hitting Nitro on a superkick. Sagrado goes out with a springboard tope on giro on Nitro, Stuka trips Skándalo into the ropes for a Triton guillotine legdrop, and brings back the Flecha Breaker to beat Hooligan.

History: Perro Aguayo Sr., in about 90 seconds.

Match 4: Delta, Diamante Azul, Máximo vs Pólvora, Shigeo Okumura, Terrible
Arena Mexico, 05/07/2013

  1. rudos

  2. técnicos
  3. técnicos

Winner: técnicos (2-1)
Match Time: 17:16
Rating: below average
Notes: Referee is Tigre Hispano. Comandante is with the rudos.

1: Oh, wow, they let Azul wear something besides the blue mask. It's seems like a black mask, but it's blue when the light hits off it from different angles. He and Okumura start on the mat. Pólvora and Delta are in next, though Delta has very Diamante looking gear. More like his pre-Santo gear than now. Pólvora can't keep up with Delta and is not very happy about it. Maximo and Terrible are last. Máximo does Máximo things, or just hints at doing them and that's enough. Máximo goes for the kiss, Terrible punches him, then knocks down the other two técnicos while he's at it. Rudos take over the ring, and decide the best way to exert control is to attack Maximo's arm and then let him tag out. Delta takes a triple boot. No one much wants to face Azul and poor Pólvora is stuck with him. Azul backs himself into the rudo corner to help out. Okumura missile dropkick sends Azul tumbling out. This is a long fall. Terrible stakes down Delta, then signals to Pólvora. Giant swing dropkick finishes Delta, then Terrible takes care of Máximo himself.

2: Terrible messes with Máximo a lot, including spanking him. Okumura gets in his corner clotheslines on Azul. Máximo avoids a corner charge to start the comeback, with the springboard butt bump. Crowd not really into the técnicos offense at all, out of Máximo doing Máximo things. A kiss sets up Azul's cradle on Terrible, and the other rudos are cleared out. Azul holds down Terrible for another kiss, but Terrible slips away. Máximo kisses Terrible on the outside a little later.

3: Terrible demands to face Máximo. Máximo is too scared and won't fight him, so Delta does it instead and has no problem. No problem with Terrible, no problem with the other rudos. Azul/Okumura chop battle goes badly for Okumura. Azul/Polvora pose battle goes bad for Pólvora. Máximo goes thru the lesser rudos to set up the final with Terrible. Comandante kisses Máximo himself, Máximo is apalled but still sends Terrible out and follows with a tope. Delta and Pólvora get crossed up on a spot – Pólvora! - but work it out for a Delta headscissors. Poor Okumura is stuck taking the German suplex.

Stellar Moments

Tecnico: Fantasy Spanish Fly on Pequeño Nitro

Doloroso: Aereo slingshot armdrag on Pequeño Nitro to the floor. Tough week for Nitro

Triunfo: Shockercito reinera on Violencia

Lance: Brillo Cometa on Namajague

Espectacular: Operacion Dragon on Euforia

Match 5: Rush, Thunder, Titán vs Averno, Ephesto, Mephisto
Arena Mexico, 05/07/2013

  1. rudos

  2. técnicos
  3. tecnicos

Winner: técnicos (2-1)
Match Time: 17:44
Rating: eh
Notes: Thunder appears to blow his roll into the ring. Starting to feel bad for him. AVERNO HAS A NEW VIDEO WITH HIM UNMASKED AND EVERYTHING. (I guess he's sticking around!) Hijos del Averno actually put on matching gear for this match, that's what happens when you get Averno an updated video. Those aren't two unrelated facts I've bolted together, no not at all. Referee is Tirantes.

1: Ephesto and Titan start with mat wrestling. Camel clutch reversals sure have become popular of late. Averno breaks up Titan's camel clutch and runs, so Rush just walks in and stomps Ephesto. Ephesto bitterly complains. Tigre Hispano has joined the announcers for some reason. Titan barely gets started before Mephisto kicks him. Mephisto leaves, and the técnicos just kind of glare. They're annoyed, but they're not bothering with him. Titan does fake a shot at the rudos on the apron, then goes to fight to putting on holds. Both rudos come in now, and the rudos take out the other técnicos while they're at. Rudos isolate Titan in for a bit, kicking him around and taunting the other técnicos. Thunder and Rush come in against objects, and get beat up again. Ephesto pulls Rush backwards by his hair over the top rope for quite a while. Mephisto becomes the 50th guy in this promotion to use a low blow dropkick as a regular move, and Averno finishes things with Titan. Rudos easily trip up Thunder and sit on his back while submitting him.

2: Rejoined with Averno crotching Titan on the barricade. They're still not friends. Ephesto and Mephisto stomp down Rush for a while and forget about Thunder. Thunder is easily handled by kicking his legs. Rudos casually untie his mask and tie it back to the top rope. Thunder is stuck, and Titan has to come over to free him (which he never quite does.) Rush is draped over the apron and dropkicked out, but that leaves Averno in alone. Titan springboard plancha, torito one two three. Thunder is still stuck, but his team won. Titan goes for revenge brawling, not so much helping poor stuck Thunder.

3: Thunder, finally freed, punches Mephisto on the floor on the others side of the barricade. Rush helps him out, beats up Ephesto, and goes after the camera. Rush later teases hitting a fan (who kind of had it coming.) Lots of wandering around the outside, and Ephesto even goes to the back to avoid Thunder. Everyone heads back to their corner, and Averno spits at Thunder to get it restarted. Their exchange is highlighted by Thunder's attempt at a middle rope headscissors. The busted quebradora which follows is not much better. Rush does his headbutt and punch bit with Mephisto. Averno is in, runs around, and takes a dropkick out, which means Ephesto is left to take the suplexes. Mephisto takes Titan's big move. Averno and Mephisto screw up, and Rush gives Averno a northern lights suplex for two, then a powerslam for a two with ephesot breaking it up. Time for everyone to do their move and get the pin broken up – Ephesto shoulderbreaker, Titan casita, Mephisto and Averno dropkick to the face while Ephesto hold Titan, Thunder double chokeslam on Mephisto and Averno with Titan springboard splashing both. Everyone gets up and brawls, Thunder and Rush put on the star, Titan puts on the taptia in the middle, but can't hold it and it all breaks it up. Titan springboard moonsaults onto Averno, and the other técnicos beat the other rudos.

Announcers wrap it up.