CMLL on Fox Sports (Mexico) #350 (04/20/2013) 
Recapped: 04/26/13

Amapola joins the announcers this week, though she doesn't get to talk much in the intro. That also gets cut off early. Tournament shows are long shows!

Seeing battle royal is NOT shown.

Match 1: Averno & Taurus vs La Máscara & Stigma in a CMLL Gran Alternativa eightfinal match
Arena Mexico, 04/12/2013

Winner: rudos
Match Time: 4:50
Rating: ok/good for time
Notes: Taurus gets to the ring roughly three hours before Averno. Averno does pick it up a little bit when his name is about to be announced. Referee is Bestia Negra. Edit right off the bat.

Taurus and Mascara do the even start bit for a few seconds until the rolling dropkick sends Taurus to the apron. Averno takes Mascara out, and Stigma comes in with a springboard plancha on him. Stigma immediately can't put much weight on his left leg, but also doesn't seem that surprised about it. He must've come in with the injury, not just got it. It doesn't stop Stigma from doing a running front flip, but his first headscissors looks a little off. Big armdrag goes better, Averno goes out, and they're reset to Mascara & Taurus. Mascara has no problem with the younger rudo, chopping and superkicking him. Mascara puts up the stop sing on Averno to take off his shirt. Rudos relent, but then beat him up as soon as he has his shirt off. Máscara roll under a double clothesline to set up a Stigma headscissors, then headscissors tout o let Sigma getting his rope grab tornillo. Mascara follows behind with a tope. This is a lot of action in less than 3 minutes. Stigma back in, and doing his own shirt off spot before chopping with Taurus. Stigma float around DDT leads to a pin and a dropkick by Averno. Averno does Averno posing, then lifts Sigma over his shoulders for the spinning side drop, and an elbow drop. Máscara breaks that up, gets his finish in, and Taurus breaks that up. Taurus end up on the buckle, and it's just a matter of time until someone runs up to join him. Stigma is that foot, and he takes the Toro Slam as Averno beats Mascara with his own hold. Win for the rudos.

Match 2: Atlantis & Hombre Bala Jr. vs Akuma & Mephisto in a CMLL Gran Alternativa eightfinal match
Arena Mexico, 04/12/2013

Winner: Atlantis & Hombre Bala
Match Time: 5:44
Rating: eh
Notes: Akuma has his shoulder pads. Mephisto seems less than interested, except when it comes to posing. Again, clipped to start. Referee is Terror Chino.

Atlantis and Akuma are in shortly, then Hombre Bala and Mephisto start just as soon as Mephisto is done posing. Mephisto drags it out a while and has some conversation with a fan. Back and forth corner sequence ends with a nice Bala cornier tornillo – Amapola is impressed. Bala headscissors Mephisto out but does not follow with a dive. Atlantis monkey flips around Akuma, including out of the ring. Mephisto and Bala slow down a bit, and Akuma is a little late in tripping the técnico out, but it's enough to get the rudos in control. Kicks and such don't last long before the rudos hit each by mistake. Akuma does get his spear in, but it's not fast enough to impress. Front cracker sets up another near fall, but the referee won't count because they both cover. Of course. Atlantis breaks up the non existent pin. Noticeable edit to guys doing near falls and getting broken up. Akuma has a bad looking Olímpico Slam. Rudos try one last double team, técnicos fight them off form the corner, Bala and Mephisto don’t seem on the same page again, Atlantis drops Mephisto set up Bala's moonsault, and a casadora cradle finishes Akuma.

Match 3: Guerrero Negro Jr. & Último Guerrero vs Máscara Dorada & Oro Jr. in a CMLL Gran Alternativa eightfinal match
Arena Mexico, 04/12/2013

Winner: Guerrero Negro Jr. & Ultimo Guerrero
Match Time: 4:54
Rating: ok
Notes: Joined with the Guerreros already in the ring. Dorada seems to be wearing an Oro Jr. over mask, but we never get a good shot of it. Edit to start the match. Referee is Tirantes.

Chop battle with Dorada goes Negro's way, but then there's awkward moment of staring at each other before tags. Oro Jr. tries to set the distance record on a springboard roll in – UG immediately bullies him out of the ring with a shoulderblock. Amapola is greatly amused. UG throws Oro Jr. hard into the barricade. Oro Jr. comes back enough for Dorada to launch in with a frogsplash splash. Negro in, Negro headscissors, Oro back in with a springboard tornillo armdrag, and the técnicos out with big tope con giros. Tecnicos back in, but stay on offense (maybe with the help of an edit.) An Oro Jr. missile dropkicks sets up a near fall on UG. Oro Jr falls for UG going to the top rope,and is laid out by the layout front superplex. Still, Oro Jr. kicks out because everyone kicked out. Ultimo Guerrero superbomb, Dorada breaks up the pin though Oro Jr. appeared to be kicking out. Oro Jr. just barely slams UG, pound the buckle, goes up, and UG boosts Negro into a dropkick to Oro Jr.'s backside. Oro Jr. is crotched, does not fall off, and is perfectly set up for the Guerrero Special. UG ducks a Dorada plancha, Negro top rope splashes him, and that's it.

Match 4: Disturbio & Volador Jr. vs Máximo & Robin in a CMLL Gran Alternativa eightfinal match
Arena Mexico, 04/12/2013

Winner: rudos
Match Time: 3:46
Rating: ok
Notes: Joined with the técnicos entering the ring. Referee is . Edit at the beginning. Maybe you should just assume that.

Both Volador and Robin are wearing pink, how embarrassing. They have a standard opening draw, though it lasts longer than Robin seems to be expected. Disturbio's matched up with Maximo, and manges to fall on the técnico while taking a super armdrag. Máximo is okay, and Robin drops on Disturbio with a top rope plancha. Volador breaks that up, and gives Máximo a backcracker, then superkicks Robin down. No try for a pin, Volador stop to pose. Volador misses a clothesline and takes a headscissors out, then Maximo armdrags Disturbio to set up the double dive. Máximo tope, Robin top rope tope con giro. Alvarados back in for a double pose. Volador superkicks Robin down to set up his multiple kip up spot. Máximo gets in his kiss on Disturbio, but doesn't immediately lead to a pin, so he's doomed. Disturbio reverses a jumping snap mare into a front backbreaker, and Volador gives Robin a Spanish Fly to wrap it up.

Match 5: Averno & Taurus vs Atlantis & Hombre Bala in a CMLL Gran Alternativa quarterfinal match
Arena Mexico, 04/12/2013

Winner: Atlantis & Hombre Bala
Match Time: 4:53
Rating: ok
Notes: No edit to start this one! Referee is Babe Richard.

Averno is thrown off by Bala's energy and spits at Atlantis. Averno is part camel. Bala still armdrags him away, but Taurus breaks it up with a dropkick. Wheelbarrow combos pots turns into a straight up wheelbarrow suplex by Taurus. Taurus is impressed by himself. Bala crawls for a tag, then just rolls out instead. Rudos double team Atlantis, with Taurus landing a top rope splash but not getting a pin. Bala attacks Averno while he's celebrating – not a rare time – but the rudos get a hold of him. Averno shove Bala into a big Taurus powerbomb. Rudos knock him out and pose. Atlantis avoids a corner charge to start a quebradora-rific comeback. Bala missile dropkicks both rudos out, then punches Averno on the outside. Atlantis posts Taurus. Taurus dos mange to turn it around and send Atlantis into the barricade. Bala lands the double knees to Averno's back, but Taurus boots him out. Taurus turns to yell at the crowd, and Bala comes back in – guess they forgot something. Normal whip turns into a corner whip . Atlantis pulls Taurus out while Bala does something to Averno. Atlantis trips up Averno, Hombre Bala rope flip moonsault, casadora cradle on Taurus, técnicos win again the same way. They have a plan!

Match 6: Guerrero Negro Jr. & Último Guerrero vs Disturbio & Volador Jr. in a CMLL Gran Alternativa quarterfinal match
Arena Mexico, 04/12/2013

Winner: Guerrero Negro Jr. & Ultimo Guerrero
Match Time: 3:30
Rating: ok
Notes: Guerreros are already in the ring. Referee is Terror Chino. Edit at the start.

Volador gets in his flipping run, and Negro takes hi monkey flip high to the floor. Disturbio somehow manages to clothesline UG down, and then does a wacky dance. It doesn't work out so well for Disturbio the next time. Disturbio slides out on a whip, and Volador springboard dropkick both Guerreros. Dueling tope con giros by team Volador – Amapola is impressed, and I think ti's about Disturbio doing the tope con giro at all. It worked out fine. Back live, Disturbio knocks down UG in the corner and lands a double knee to the chest. UG dragged out of the corner, one two NO. Disturbio tries again, and Negro breaks it up that time. Disturbio wins a chop fight with Negro, then whips him into a Volador front cracker. Volador trips up Disturbio in the corner, and they land the double knees to the chest and the running kick to the face twice in quick succession. Disturbio declares he's climb the ropes, which was dumb. UG trips him up and gives him the Guerrero Special. Volador goes for the backcracker on Guerrero Negro, seems to get it, but Negro just gets up and gives him a lifting reverse DDT for three. The sequence makes no more sense on replays.

Match 7: Guerrero Negro Jr. & Último Guerrero vs Atlantis & Hombre Bala Jr. in a CMLL Gran Alternativa semifinal match
Arena Mexico, 04/12/2013

Winner: Tecnicos
Match Time: 4:48
Rating: ok
Notes: Atlantis marches in, takes down UG, and goes to town punching. Negro manages to hold off Bala and makes the save. Referee is late arriving Tirantes.

UG turns th the tables and unties Atlantis' mask. UG trips Atlantis into a Negro head kick, where Escorpion is to close to get any force on it. Bala in and tossed out. More beating on Atlantis, then Bala takes a boost to land a dropkick on Guerrero Negro. Knee bump out by UG, técnicos tope the rudos. Atlantis goes right for UG's mask again. Bala makes it back in and drops Negro in front of the corner, but UG rushes in, crotches him, and set him for the Guerrero Special. Atlantis stops that, pulls UG on this shoulders, and drops him face first. Cover, for two, while Bala planchas Negro and gets his own two count. Rudos get momentary control of the situation and Negro sentons Atlantis for two. Bala cheats on a tag, Tirantes counts it and argues with him, and UG takes advantage to pull off Atlantis' mask. Negro covers for the pin, and Tirantes shoves Bala out,then turns to count three.

Rudos double team Bala, but set up for the wheelbarrow spot and that fails in the same way as always. Negro done.

Hombre Bala and Ultimo Guerrero to sell it. Negro does trip up Bala from the outside quickly, which seems like it should be a DQ. Tirantes argues with him, allowing Atlantis to rush back in and pull off UG's mask. Atlantis weirdly stays in to cover, Tirantes turns around and starts to count just as Atlantis remembers he's eliminated and rolls out, Bala covers, Tirantes realizes what's happened and points at Atlantis, then counts the pin anyway. What was Atlantis doing?

Replays as the rudo announcers are sure Atlantis should've been disqualified. He should've been, but so should've been Guerrero Negro.