CMLL on Televisa #1128 (11/17/2012) 
Recapped: 11/20/2012

Match 1: Fuego vs Sangre Azteca in a lightning match
Arena Mexico, 11/09/2012

Winner: Sangre Azteca
Match Time: 5:30
Rating: eh
Notes: Referee is Bestia Negra.

Intermediate but rote mat wrestling for the first couple minutes. Sangre gets in a kick, which starts the process of speeding it up. Fuego evades, including a sliding dropkick that sends Sangre out, and quickly lands his own tope. Fuego quickly returns to the apron, steps back in, runs, springboard to the top rope and leaps off for a follow up springboard plancha. Fuego armdrags Sangre around as he returns, and catches him in a sit down powerbomb for two. Fuego back Sangre into the corner for a slap, and turns a corner whip into a run up the ropes plancha, only Sangre rolls thru for two. Sangre and Fuego have trouble on the next spot, and Sangre continues on to a walk up the ropes spinning DDT. Two count. Sangre climbs to the middle rope, just a bit away form the buckle, and just in line to low blow dropkick Fuego. Another two count. Sangre takes his dropkick flip bump on a miss corner charge, Fuego springboard into a 'rana one two NO. Fuego knocks Sangre back, tope rope springboard plancha meets counter dropkick one two three.

Announcers say hello.

CMLL Cartela: Sunday – Mascara Dorada, Sombra, Marco Corleone vs Tiger, Terrible, Tama Tonga

Match 2: Rey Cometa, Stuka Jr. ©, Triton vs Namajague, Puma King ©, Shigeo Okumura
Arena Mexico, 11/09/2012

  1. técnicos

  2. rudos
  3. rudos

Winner: rudos (2-1)
Match Time: 15:21
Rating: good
Notes: Referee is Terror Chino

1: Pairs are Okumura/Triton, Namajague/Stuka, Puma/Cometa. Namajague gets caught trying the splits and dropkicked in the chest. Replay of that, then Puma is in, tripping up Stuka and dropkicing him out. Cometa comes in for the big face off. Cometa is all headscissors, escapes (partially successfully) and armdrags. Dropkick thru the ropes to keep Puma out, but Okumura compresses Cometa with a clothesline. Triton flips his friend to safety, but turns into multiple quebradoras. Stuka properly dropkicks Okumura out and topes him on the outside. Comer and Puma back in, Cometa reverses the flapjack super powerbomb into a 'rana for one pin. Namajague runs right past the cover to catch a Triton plancha, and is beat by a tornillo moonsault. Triton is too fired up to get his arms raised. Pin shouldn't have been counted anyway because Puma is the captain, oops.

2: Triton spins thru the ropes, trips Okumura up, then spins thru the ropes again for a 619. might be over doing it. Triton chases Okumura out side, and reverses a whip into the barricade. Namajague and Stuka have a shoulderblock battle, won by the man in blue. Namajague painfully takes a monkey flip into the ropes, then is pulled own in the splits and kicked in the face. Tough being a Japanese demon. Puma takes on Cometa with the upkick/superkick combo. Puma chops Cometa hard, Cometa spits everyone, and Triton freaks out over getting wet. Cometa flipped hard by a clothesline, and Puma pounds and stomps him. Puma lets Cometa make a tag to Triton, thinking it'll be disallowed, but it's totally legal and Puma has to hold Triton off with a superkick while he ands off Cometa to the Japanese for punches and such. Referee does not enforce the tag this week. Stomping and such to keep Cometa in, then a double boot to send him out. Okumura clotheslines Stuka from corner to corner. Cometa is tricked by an offer of a handshake and Puma kissing his boots, and pays for. Big deadlift sit down powerbomb for three.

Puma celebrates, takes a Triton headscissors. Okumura stops that with a brainbuster, and Namajague adds his frog splash for the win.

3: Okumura slaps Stuka around. Quebradora for two. Triton comes in to be kicked around. Puma gives him a big backdrop and goes for his mask. Referee warns Puma he's already got one this decade, don't push it. Cometa pulls down his top before facing off, and manages a torito for two, rolling it in time for Namajague to accidentally kick Puma. Namajague tries to apologize, but Puma's not hearing it. Okumura beats up Cometa whlile those two get their work together. Triton springboard planchas Namajague – way late? - then doesn't stay on the cover and accidentally gets kneed in the head by Okumura while the rudo is trying the usual missed elbow drop. Triton is out of it for a moment, and Puma has to help him up to his feet. Triton still avoids the Namajague missed chop in time, but looks slow and confused, and is lost on the next spot he does with Namajague. Cometa dropkicks Namajague out, Okumura kicks him out, Stuka comes in to face Okumura, and Okumura just chops him into the corner. Stuka flips Okumura to the apron and slaps him off. eveyronee looking a bit lost for a second, but Stuka grabs Namajague as he comes in and drops him in the center of the ring. Stuka up top – and the cameramen have caught on that this is the dive to the floor, not an in-ring splash. Namajague runs – tope con giro into Stuka. He's very fired up. Triton back up, and he still lands the Valiente Special, whipping out Namajague. Cometa up top, top rope tornillo into Cometa. Stuka and Okumura back in, Stuka quebradora, another quebradora, Okumura low blow. Ref is looking the wrong way then, looking the right way now, counting the pin f r the rudos.

CMLL Cartela: Tuesday: Niebla Roja, Euforia, Ultimo Guerrero vs Pólvora, Dragon Rojo, Rey Escorpion

Match 3: Marco Corleone ©, Máximo, Rush vs Terrible, Último Guerrero ©, Volador Jr.
Arena Mexico, 11/09/2012

  1. rudos

  2. Bufete del Amor
  3. rudos

Winner: rudos (2-1)
Match Time: 12:04
Rating: ok
Notes: Bufete del Amor enter together wearing football jerseys. Marco's growing out his hair. Comandante is with Terrible. Volador is dresses as Na'vi from Avatar, and Mije is his second. Ultimo Guerrero is dressed is Ultimo Guerrero. He's ditched the collar for this match. Referee is Tirantes.

1: Ultimo Guerrero and Máximo open with a lot of Máximo shenanigans. UG takes the knee bump to the outside, Máximo decides just to stalk him out there, and UG throws Máximo hard into the barricade. That seems an odd place to leave it, so Máximo reverses a whip and throws UG in and teases a kiss. Meanwhile, the rudos randomly take the ring. Volador can't do his superkick without ducking before it now, it's a hitch. Volador spinebuster Marco sot set up for Terrible's splash, and that's enough for the fall.

2: Mije kicks Máximo right in the mohawk. UG taunts Marco into coming and has Tirantes stop him a couple times, then accidentally slaps Marco and has to beg off. Marco starts to dance, and UG hits him questionable low. Rudos get it together to drop Marco and toss Mije on top. Terrible slaps Rush on the apron, and Volador pulls Rush by his hair to set up Terrible's slap flurry. Punch fight goes Terrible's way. Maximo latches on to Terrible, but UG pulls him away. Máximo ducks a double clothesline and headscissors Volador to start the comeback. Máximo tope on Volador, Rush kicks Terrible, Marco plancha on UG, Rush northern lights suplex on Terrible but that doesn't actually matter. That turned around quick. Crowd is unhappy.

Rush throws Terrible into the barricade and he goes over. Marco holds Volador, and Máximo crawls over to give him a kiss. I didn't know Máximo was into aliens.

3: Tecnicos are busy posing as the fall starts. Showcases go Máximo, Rush, Marco. Rush and UG have a good chop battle, then UG surprises Rush by moving out of the path of his dropkick and clotheslining him. Rush does get in his belly to belly and dropkick to send UG out. Terrible and Rush do not start with their usual thing, Terrible instead trying a dropkick, missing, and getting kicked in the head while laying on the mat for a while. Terrible manages to reverse a whip and start the fight back, which does take them to the usual strike fight. Rush wins via superkick. Volador interrupts Marco's swivel with a testicular claw, but Marco still fights back from there. Maximo gets his kiss on UG, UG slide out, and Maximo pulls off a rope walk tornillo. Volador hits Marco with a superkick and then casually throws Mije out of the ring onto Máximo. Rush dropkicks Volador out and bowls him over with tope con giro. Terrible and Marco in to finish it, Terrible hesitates off the ropes and kicks Marco, then dropkicks him down. Half crab, Terrible grabs for the ropes, then changes his mind (or regains his balance), and Marco gives anyway. That was sudden.

Marco is sad after the match.