CMLL Guerreros del Ring on 52MX #338 (05/12/2012) 
Recapped: 05/15/12

Announcers are JCR, JCC and Miguel.

Match 1: Pegasso, Sagrado ©, Triton vs Cancerbero, Raziel, Virus ©
Arena Coliseo, 05/06/2012

  1. rudos

  2. técnicos
  3. técnicos

Winner: técnicos (2-1)
Match Time: 12:09
Rating: good
Notes: Referee is Pompin. Joined with Sagrado and Virus already exchanging holds. Virus isn't wearing the facemask.

1: Pairs are Sagrado/Virus, Pegasso/Raziel, Cancerbero/Triton. The first two are heavy on hold for hold. Not so much Triton, who goes thru Cancerbero but gets shoves off the top rope by Raziel. Pegasso headscissors him, Virus boots him, Sagrado comes flying in with the silla. Cancerbero gets in a cheap shot from the outside, then hangs Sagrado. Virus has to arrange him just right for the dropkick to the head- can't get that flipping back into the ring action otherwise. Raziel adds the top rope plancha, and teamwork takes the first fall.

2: Cancerberos work the tag beatdown by having guys sneak in behind to cheap shot the técnico every time (kicks and clips to the back of the leg), then leaving the legal rudo to do the damages. Lots of shots from the apron. Virus hodls Sagrado in an armbar and taunts the técnicos in to coming in. Referee stops them, but they still need to add the part when the rudos take advantage of the distraction. Sagrado slips in a clothesline on Cancerbero, then slides out on a whip and lures Raziel into a Pegasso apron headscissors. Triton comes in with a springboard headscissors on Cancerbero, and topes him up the aisle. Captains in, Sagrado flips over Virus, Virus spinebusters, leglock, Sagrado revers to a small package, one two three.

3: Sagrado has very slight timing issues doing the usual with Raziel. Pegasso looks really sharp in with Virus, from reversing the initial chop right into an armdrag, to ending with a tope con giro to the floor. Triton gets Cancerbero with a torito quickly for one pin, then tries the same on Raziel but gets shoved off. Triton should really get pants that aren't always falling down on him, because he gets dropkicked while fixing them here. Sagrado cuts off Raziel with a plancha (again, Raziel has to plain dumb for a moment because Sagrado is later than he should be), Raziel turns it over after a count to get a two count of his own. Casadora is sort of blown, Raziel blocks it into a natural cradle for a two count, then Sagrado rolls thru to finish it for another two. Raziel feeds his head for an enziguri, and Virus charges into a backdrop. Sagrado lines Virus up, tags Pegasso, and dropkicks Raziel on the outside. Pegasso 450 splash, and técnicos have it.

Match 2: Delta ©, Rey Cometa, Sangre Azteca vs Olímpico, Pólvora, Psicosis ©
Arena Coliseo, 05/06/2012

  1. rudos

  2. técnicos
  3. rudos

Winner: rudos (2-1)
Match Time: 16:26
Rating: eh
Notes: Mije is with the rudos. Referee is Maya.

1: Delta & Psicosis start. Cometa comes in next. Pólvora comes in for the rudos. Delta notices Sangre Azteca is busy looking at the upper section and slaps him on the shoulder. Sangre turns around, realizes Pólvora is in, and asks Cometa for the tag. Sangre is so excited, he paces around in a tiny circle a few times. Sangre is so fired up, they do limited mat wrestling. It's an equal battle, which says little for Sangre. Olímpico quickly backdrops Rey Cometa, attacks both técnicos, and tags in both rudos at once. That seems legal. Drop toe hold, dropkick to the face combo. Pólvora contributes by raising his hands and posing. Everyone lturns to leave, but Psicosis is last one in, so he deals with delta for a while. Olímpico comes in for a double suplex, and Pólvora and Psicosis spread the legs for Cuije's low blow splash. Sangre charges Mije, but Olímpico pulls him back. Corner charges for Sangre, and the rudos hold him up for Psi's senton. Three count. Pólvora finds Cometa, walks around with him, and finishes him for the fall.

2: Rudos brawl outside a bit, then tag team the técnicos inside. Lots of hype for Busca de un Idolo. They get some time on this, though start just taking turns doing moves. Comet takes the swinging gate bomb. Delta gives Psicosis a poor quebradora to stop the onslaught, Olímpico kicks him. Cometa headscissors him, Pólvora misses a senton on him, then runs past him into a tope con giro onto Olímpico. Delta takes down Pólvora, and holds his legs while stepping over him so Sangre can add the missile low blow dropkick. Delta moonsault is on target. Cometa brings Mije in so Sangre can kick him as well.

3: Cometa looks the best of the técnicos, going last, but only gets in a little offense before Psicosis drops him with an Atlantida slam and adds the top rope senton for a three count. Delta gets Psicosis with a horrible 'rana, Psicosis almost losing him, and Olímpico saving all of us by breaking it up the third count. Olímpico puts on a double stump puller, and Sangre breaks it up. Olímpico sells the kick to the backside huge, hopping around while grabbing it. Sangre gets a clumsily looking suástica locked on the run, but Pólvora breaks that up. Whip, spinebuster, titled cloverleaf, Delta breaks it up with a dropkick. Delta Michinoku Driver, Psicosis breaks it up. Psicosis lifts Delta up for a powerbomb, and Delta almost looses Psicosis on the torito reveal. He's having a poor match. Rolling back elbow sends Psicosis out. Pólvora flips Delta to the apron. Delta slaps him around and land the Asai moonsault. Back to Olímpico and Sangre, but not for long, Sangre whipping Olímpico into a tope on his partner. Pólvora in to finish it. Sangre armdrags Pólvora around, dropkick, dropkick, off the ropes, slow 'rana rolled thru one two three. Sangre complains, but really has nothing to complain about

Match 3: Atlantis, Diamante Azul, La Sombra vs Dragón Rojo Jr., Terrible, Volador Jr. ©
Arena Coliseo, 05/06/2012

  1. rudos

  2. técnicos
  3. técnicos

Winner: técnicos (2-1)
Match Time: 10:38
Rating: okay
Notes: Rudos have jumped the técnicos. Volador is wearing a red ski mask over his face, perhaps from the days of the Sombra, Místico, Volador terrorist trio. He's beating up Sombra because that's what he does. Dragon Rojo has his friend Atlantis, and Terrible works over Diamante. No captains graphic. Referee is Tigre Hispano.

1: Crowd chanting for Volador. Individual brawling in and around the ring. Dragon Rojo kicks Sombra for Volador, Volador sunset flips him into a Dragon Rojo dropkick, Sombra staggers to his feet, and Volador back crackers him. Three count. Sombra is not the captain, because they keep going. Diamante Azul helps Sombra out of the ring, leaving Atlantis to get beat up.

2: Dragon Rojo, who's leg is still taped and may be for all of time at this rate, does mange the outside in dropkick on Sombra. Volador's just now taking off his ski mask, and hits Atlantis in between saying hi to the fans who are supporting him. Rudos trap Atlantis in the ring for a while, until Dragon Rojo just kind of lets him go. Azul comes in and has the better of Dragon Rojo via chops, so Volador attacks him from behind to stop any more. Volador miss a corner charge, and takes monkey flip and thru quebradora. Rojo knocks him over with a back elbow, Sombra springboard 'rana him and flies out with a tope con giro. Terrible and Atlantis in, Atlantis dodge the kick, and bodyscissors him out. Back to Volador and Diamante Azul. Volador ducks under a clothesline, superkicks Diamante Azul, poses, and is stopped by Diamante Azul not turning around. Volador swings at him, Azul ducks, waistlock, Volador back elbows free, Azul scoops him up on his shoulders, and over for the escuedo. Fall does end, so Volador is the captain.

3: Joined with the rudos bumbling themselves in favor of Atlantis. Crowd boos Diamante Azul, probably because he just pinned Volador. Azul slaps around Rojo, and crushes him with the rolling senton. Clip, Sombra's run is joined in progress. Push off headscissors on Terrible, springboard backspin headscissors on Volador, shirt off to deal with Dragon Rojo (who smartly just chops him.) Sombra gets the better of forearms to the face. Dropkicks send Dragon Rojo out. Terrible comes in, and Sombra rushes to tag in Azul for some reason. Announcers want to see the heavyweight title match between them, but it doesn’t seem like a big deal here. Chop fight, Azul armdrags, Azul clothesline. Terrible grabs the rope to break the German suplex, Azul walks in to Terrible's Air Raid Crash. One two three. That was easy.

Terrible immediately turns into Atlantis 'rana, one two three. That was easy.

Volador in, but Atlantis backdrops him over the top rope, and follows with a tope. Sombra and Dragon Rojo. Dragon Rojo is all upset for whatever reason, buts till kicks Sombra. Off the ropes, Sombra powerslams, double moonsault, one two three.

Announcers wrap up, while Dragon Rojo complains it was only a two count.