CMLL on Fox Sports (Mexico) #299 (04/28/2012) 
Recapped: 05/02/2012

Match 1: Dalis la Caribeña, Dark Angel, Marcela © vs Mima Shimoda, Princesa Sugheit ©, Tiffany
Arena Mexico, 04/20/2012

  1. rudas

  2. técnicas
  3. técnicas

Winner: técnicas (2-1)
Match Time: 11:38
Rating: eh
Notes: Dalis has new music and a new outfit. Marcela has her belt. Tiffany got this video banned in Japan and Germany. Well, her music did. Referee is Bestia Negra.

1: Dalis and Mima go for a couple minutes before Dalis is able to springboard armdrag her out. Sugheit jumps in, and punishes Dalis for doing the slowest possible back roll with a kick to the backside. Sugheit reaches to high five Mima and then just misses her hand. So weird. Sugheit loudly kicks out Marcela, then takes a break as Marcela recovers and gets back on the apron. Sugheit taken down by the hair, then stands up and waits for Marcela’s armdrag. Headscissors sends the ruda out. Marcela yanks around Tiffany by her hair, but Tiffany flattens her with a sit down face first powerbomb. Dark Angel and Tiffany compare dance moves, and Dark Angel ends up dropkicking her out. Mima and Angel reverse cradle until Mima kicks Dark Angel out. Marcela gives Mima a gutbuster and puts her in the double armscissors she's been fond of late, but the other rudas make the save. Rudas whip Marcela to the corner, Dalis flips her to the apron, Marcela leaps off, and Sugheit kicks her on the way down. Tiffany and Sugheit get submission as Mima takes an armdrag from dark Angle and still boots her out. I'm not totally sure what Tiffany did there, they never really showed it clearly

2: Rudas alternate combo moves with throwing people around by the hair. Sugheit drags Dark Angel around by the hair for an extended bit, referee pulls her off, and awards the fall to Dark Angel? I've never seen that called before. Announcers clearly have, because they brought up how hairpulling could be a disqualification during the first fall. Dalis gets her arms raised, then asked the referee what the finish was. That's a good finish right there.

3: Rudas start the fall on the beatdown, Marcela attack all three, they fight her off, but then go to their corner so Marcela can get in her offense on Mima. Mima takes the double knee drop, no fun. Sugheit kicks Dark Angle, dark angel 'ranas her. Dalis does the walk up the ropes armdrag, making this an official Dalis match and signaling its' time to go home. Mima and Sugheit are led into tecnica missile dropkick, Dalis does a silla onto Tiffany, that's it. Dark Angel slaps Mima and stomps her after the pin, which is always odd.

Match 2: Atlantis ©, La Sombra, Triton vs Dragón Rojo Jr., Negro Casas, Último Guerrero ©
Arena Mexico, 04/20/2012

  1. rudos

  2. técnicos
  3. rudos

Winner: rudos (2-1)
Match Time: 11:45
Rating: ok
Notes: Triton has a t-shirt to hand out, or at least that's what it looks like. Atlantis video has Charly Manson in it! It's a little dated. Zacarias is with Negro Casas, though in his Niebla gear. Referee is Babe Richard.

1: Triton & Ultimo Guerrero start. JCR mentions (again?) that Triton is the former Metal Blanco, so they've given up on the new guy idea. They don't get far. Dragon Rojo has found some red leg tape, which is nice, but he's also limping after the first time on the mat. Negro gets in a cheap shot from the outside, and the rudo start the beatdown there. Negro takes Atlantis, surprisingly. Beating him up on the outside. Senton de la Muerte on Triton. Sombra is lightly kicked, and Triton is tossed into Dragon Rojo's dropkick. UG submits Sombra.

Atlantis come in, but Negro brawls with him out to the floor. Triton comes back in again, Ultimo lifts him up, Negro open hands laps him, and that's it. Less than impressive finish there.

2: Atlantis quickly turns it around on a corner whip. Crowd boos the técnicos after they knock down the rudos and pose. No dives. Instead, técnicos just dump the rudos in position and hit their moves. Super quick fall. Atlantis throws Negro around outside.

3: Negro works at untying Atlantis' mask on the outside. Everyone else stands around and pretends like they’re going to get involved. Triton and Dragon Rojo start, Dragon Rojo setting him up for his spots in a way where it's totally obvious he's just walking with him for this. Guerrero kicks Triton out, Triton comes back in with a springboard headscissors to send UG out. Sombra gets the better of both Guerreors at once, then tags in Atlantis when Negro slips in. Negro claims leg injury and stays in. the guy with an actual leg injury kicks and stomps down Atlantis, yells, then walks around not quite sure what to do. Kick to head. Dragon Rojo finally decides to tag in Atlantis, who gets in his kicks before Atlantis dropkicks him out. Other rudos kickout Atlantis, and take care of the técnicos as they come in. Double clothesline on Triton misses, and he boost dropkicks Dragon Rojo out. UG knee bumps his way out, and Sombra follows with a simple springboard plancha. He got some air on that. Triton must've gone out the other way, but it wasn't shown. Atlantis drops Negro with a quebradora, puts on a full nelson, Negro reaches behind, pulls Atlantis’ mask off, and then pulls him over into a cradle. One two three.

Negro hugs the ref, then walks him around so he can't see Atlantis having to put back on his mask. Atlantis immediately gets up and chases Negro, but the match is over. Replays catch up with Triton's Asai moonsault.