CMLL on CadenaTres #223 (03/10/2012) 
Recapped: 03/17/12

Match 1: Metálico & Starman vs Namajague & Shigeo Okumura 
Arena Mexico, 03/06/2012

  1. rudos

  2. técnicos
  3. rudos

Winner: rudos (2-1)
Match Time: 14:50
Rating: eh
Notes: A bit of an odd matchup. These guys are not usually on the same level. Referee is Rodolfo.

1: Pairs are Metálico/Namajague and Starman/Okumura, both keeping it on the mat for an extended time. Things speed up in the second bit, though somehow Okumura and Metálico conspire to blow a clothesline. Starman takes out Okumura with a quebradora, then stands in the ring waiting for someone for a while. It would seem to be Namajague by process of elimination, he wants for Okumura to grab Starman before coming in. A moment later, Namajague thinks there's doing a combo move, and just sort of helps Okumura brainbuster Starman. Namajague takes care of Metálico himself.

2: Beatdown seems to be a lot of Okumura leaving Namajague alone to double slap Metálico. Starman start the comeback. Metálico topes Okumura despite hitting the ropes on the way thru, and Starman gets a pin with a low cradle. Starman kicks Namajague out of the ring.

3: Metálico and Namajague have another slap fight, when turns into a punch battle. Namajague wins! Namajague gets armdragged and headscissorsed out anyway. Okumura loses that strike fight. Namajague tries to help falls to help. Rudos get sent out, amusingly flop to the floor to avoid any dive. Okumura and Metálico, Metálico is all evasive and cradling Okumura, but Namajague breaks that up. Time to wrap this up. Namajague and Metálico have another chop fight. Namajague wins it, and drops him hard with a sit down powerbomb. One two three.

Namajague celebrate, and then is turned by a Starman top rope plancha. Forward legsweep cradle, one two three.

Okumura clotheslines Starman. Corner whip, reversed, Starman tossed t the apron, chop back up top, Okumura hits him in the shoulder with a chop, superplex, Okumura on top for three one two three.

Match 2: Dragon Lee vs TitánCancerberoStigmaCamaleónSoberano Jr.Bobby ZavalaCholo [torneo Sangre Nueva]
Arena Mexico, 03/06/2012

  1. Camaleón northern lights suplex Cholo (8:11)

  2. Cancerbero scorpion armbar Bobby Zavala (8:48)
  3. Stigma gutwrench powerbomb Soberano (10:12)
  4. Dragon Lee cross armbreaker Camaleón (11:28)
  5. Cancerbero nudo variant Stigma (12:08)
  6. Titan legs tied neck crank Cancerbero (13:00)
  7. Dragon Lee standing shooting star press Titan (15:02)

Winner: Dragon Lee
Match Time: 15:02
Rating: good
Notes: Sides after the four minute battle royal are Cholo, Soberano (new light blue outfit!), Cancerbero, Dragon Lee vs Bobby Zavala's pink shirt, Titan, Stigma, and Camaleón. Referee is Pompin.

Stigma and Soberano start. Soberano is significantly taller, really sticks out here. Stigma looks an inch or so shorter than Titan. Lockup, Stigma armdrag. Soberano sweeps Stigma, standing moonsault looks great, Soberano stays on top for one, then just picks him up and keeps going. Alas. Chest slap. Stigma is hook. Clothesline misses, Soberano lifts Sigma up to his shoulders, wings him a bit, then Stigma pulls a fireman's escape headscissors. Pose. Boos, they don't even now who he is and they're booing him or doing a técnico move.

Camaleón and Cholo in next, Cholo getting the takedown, but Camaleón roll on top of him. They both get to their feet Camaleón Spinning like a top. More Back to the ground, Camaleón gets an armdrag. Off the ropes, Cholo drops down too soon, Cholo cradle shim, Cholo goes back for his own cradle, neither gets more than one. Soberano with a headstand headscissors to send Cholo out.

Pink Shirt and Dragon Lee in. They battle on the mat as well, Dragon Lee getting in a casadora armdrag and step on the shoulders 'rana. Zavala knocks Dragon Lee down long enough to step up zero covers and a faceoff. Dragon Lee claps, Zavala tries to shove his face.

Titan and Cancerbero in, highlights by Titan impossibly getting Titan with a waistlock takedown and working in the handwalk bit just as a taunt. Cancerbero sees that, throws up his arms, and just leaves.

Camaleón and Cholo back in. Cholo chops Camaleón down and stomps him on the mat. Camaleon evasiveness, springboard headscissors, Soberano flipped to the apron, chops are blocked and Cholo dropkicks him out. Zavala in to attack his sometimes partner with a dropkick, but Cholo sidesteps and chops him. Corner whip, Zavala flips to the apron, Zavala chops Cholo down, slingshot rolls in, under a clothesline and back with a headscissors. Cholo this the bottom rope on his way out.

Soberano in and getting Zavala with a flying headscissors. Zavala up the rope ropes, off, casadora – shoves off! Bobby dropkicks him in the back as he recovers. Chop. Whip, reversed, Soberano trips him into the ropes, springboard guillotine moonsault, one two NO. He's no Fantasy. Zavala clothesline misses, Soberano celebrates, off the ropes, rope bounce headscissors ends Zavala into the bottom rope and out Soberano poses, and Dragon Lee goes for the dive – but he trips on the way up for his running up the corner post tope con giro, and lands short, kicking Zavala on the way down. That could’ve been worse, but it was still poor. Announcers all freak out thinking he’s dead, but he survive. Somehow, this is the bit that makes highlight reels for upcoming shows.

Camaleón headscissors Soberano out, but Cancerbero cuts him off with a clothesline. Whip, Camaleón headscissors out the rudo, and slide out after him. Soberano tries to clothesline Camaleon, but he ducks it, chops him, and Stigma follows with the Pegasso Dive.

Cancerbero back in and clotheslining Camaleón as he comes in. Whip, big boot, which Titan sells like he's been electrified. Kick to the head sends him out. Titan in. evasion, Titan a handwalk backflip headscissors. Titan runs, flipped to the apron, Cancerbero poses, Titan poses behind him. Titan punch misses, and Cancerbero drops him with the stunner over the apron. Cancerbero helps Camaleon to the top rope – huge top rope tope con giro to the floor. Stigma in, headscissors sends Cancerbero out. Dragon Lee back in, and he and Stigma shove. Chop fight. Stigma off the ropes, over, waved by, back with a headscissors. Dragon Lee flipping run, clothesline misses, Dragon Lee blocks Stigma's chop and lays in with the hundred hand slap and a superkick.

Camaleón surprises Dragon Lee with a giant running boot. Cholo in, running over Camaleon. Cholo on top, one two no. Whip, reversed, armdrag – no, Cholo blocks it, backslide one two NO! Cholo was so close. Clothesline blocked, Camaleon Northern lights suplex one two three!

Cancerbero in, but Bobby gets him with a top rope plancha. Dropkick sends Cancerbero to the corner. He charges, Cancerbero sets him on top, Zavala blocks is punch with a kick, missile dropkick – is short, scorpion armbar finishes him.

Cancerbero shouldn't stop to pose, but he does. Titan in with a springboard headscissors, sending him out. Leap to the apron, kick of the rope, and rope flip moonsault to the floor.

Stigma and Soberano in and each fired up. Soberano clothesline misses, Sigma shoulderblock, no caught for a waistlock bomb, and adds a dropkick to the face. Crowd making noise, not sure which way. Soberano lifts Stigma on his shoulders, and signals this is it. Fireman's drop, signaling going up, going up, top rope moonsault, no one home, Soberano lands on his feet, clothesline caught, Stigma gets behind him and drops him in a gutwrench powerbomb! One two three. Stigma could not be more excited.

Dragon Lee dropkick Stigma in the back and out. Cameleon springboards in with an armdrag. Clothesline misses, Dragon lee back for a headscissors, but Soberano stops it and crushes the young man with an Air Raid Crash. One two NO. Slow count there, which the crowd notes. Hard slap to the chest. Whip, Dragon Lee tosses up, back down with a 'rana, Camaleón rolls thru, one two NO. Dragon Lee shoulderblocks, off the ropes, and slow into Camaleon’s wheel kick. Camaleon adds a senton, one – ref stops counting because the shoulders aren’t down to his satisfaction, one two NO. Camaleon argues about the count – and Dragon Lee yanks him into a cross armbreaker! Camaleón gives! That was nice.

Down to Cancerbero/Dragon Lee vs Titan/Stigma. Stigma leg lariats Dragon Lee out, looks at his partner, then gets hammer by a Cancerbero clothesline. Got to pay attention. Whip, kick, Cancerbero hurks him up – Gori Bomb! Nudo variant to finish Stigma.

Titan rolls in, poses, and dropkicks Cancerbero. Titan runs, Cancerbero tosses him by onto the buckle. Yanked off, crucifix powerbomb one two NO. Titan ducks a clothesline, takes down Cancerbero, ties up his legs, spins his own leg in, sits up Cancerbero, and puts his free leg behind Cancerbero's head to yank it. I have no idea what I'm supposed to call that, but it works.

Down to Titan and Dragon Lee. Titan circles around, pointing at the crowd, while Dragon Lee is just ready to go. Evasion spots include Titan missing a big jumping kick. Titan hook arms, but Dragon Lee gets the jump up 'rana, one two NO. Corner whip, reversed, reverses again, Dragon Lee charges in, Titan carefully sets him on the top rope, titan slaps him there. Titan backs up, rolls to the corner, jumps to the top rope, Dragon Lee shoves him off, 'rana – no, big sit down powerbomb by Titan, one two NO. Titan charges, Dragon Lee flips him to the apron, Dragon Lee right is blocked, kick is sidesteps, and Titan give shim the stunner over the top rope. Titan backs up the apron, and calls for his finish – headstand ropeflip moonsault misses, though I'm not quite sure Dragon Lee was ever in position for it. He did roll slightly. Dragon lee fireman's drops titan in the center of the ring, climbs up, flying elbow drop gets there. Standing shooting star press is unnecessary and barely this. One two three.

Match 3: Diamante, La Máscara, Sagrado vs Kráneo, Morphosis, Psicosis 
Arena Mexico, 03/06/2012

  1. rudos

  2. técnicos
  3. rudos

Winner: rudos (2-1)
Match Time: 15:04
Rating: OK
Notes: Ref is Tiger Hispano. Mije is with the rudos.

1: Diamante and Kraneo start, and gets the Full Walk Around The Ring camera shot of boredom. Sagrado and Psicosis start next, but Mascara insists on fighting Psicosis, and Psicosis insists on not fighting Mascara. Psicosis does come back, circles around, and leaves the other side. Morphosis in the other side. Sunset flip leads into a Sagrado springboard plancha. Sagrado headscissors Morphosis out, Psicosis sends him out, and Mascara rolling dropkicks Psicosis out. Mascara goes for the dive, Psicosis runs to hide, can't run that far, and Máscara catches up to him. Other rudos catch up to the both of them, and the beatdown is on. It last for a couple minutes before they get to the pinfalls.

2: Psicosis takes advantage of the new barriers as something to run Mascara into. Psicosis unties his mask as the other rudos take care of the other técnicos. The mask is already ripped up. Rudos give Mascara triple faceslam. Sagrado sidesteps a Psicosis charge, avoids Morphosis, superkicks Kraneo, quebradoras Morphosis for the comeback. Psicosis knocks him down, Diamante springboard dropkicks Psicosis out, and Máscara topes Psicosis into the barrier. Diamante missile dropkick on Kraneo (how?) and the rudos chop the other técnicos. Sagrado flips Diamante to the apron, rudos charge, swing kick for Morphosis, fireman’s drops for Kraneo, springboard 450 splash, moonsault, that’s it. Psicosis runs all the way up the steps to get away from Mascara.

3: Mije wants to fight Sagrado, but Sagrado won't have it, grabbing him by his mask and walking him to the corner. Kraneo and Mije talk it over. Mije later grabs Sagrado from behind, but that won't work, and Kraneo kicks his friend in the head by mistake. Sagrado gets Kraneo with a swinging kick and a springboard silla. Mije jumps at him, but Sagrado catches him, teases throwing him out, and throws him at Kraneo instead. Morphosis whips Sagrado to his corner, so he flips out and Diamante flips in. Diamante’s sure could probably use a wash. Morphosis flips Diamante to the apron, Diamante snap his neck over Morphosis neck, and slingshot armdrags him. Morphosis takes a bit slide to the floor. Psicosis dropkicks Diamante, and Mascara in for him. Máscara strips off his shirt. Psicosis over, under, ducking a clothesline and headscissors, Psicosis recovers, but charges into a quebradora, and Máscara goes for Psicosis’ mask. Psicosis kicks Mascara away, charge, flips him to the apron and tries to pose Máscara, but Máscara puts on the break and swing kicks him. Mascara goes for an apron dive, but Morphosis cuts him off with a plancha. Sagrado in, hopping about. Sunset flip, Morphosis very slow rolling thru for a dropkick, and Sagrado easily moves away and slide kicks him. Headscissors sends Morphosis out. Kraneo in, but whipping Sagrado into a bullet tope on Morphosis. Diamante in, a little late for a springboard headscissors on Kraneo. Diamante follow with a tope con giro, and Kraneo makes a great catch. Mascara and Kraneo in, Máscara charges, Psicosis flips him to the apron, Mascara forearm his way, plancha, Mascara rolls thru, casadora – no, Psicosis just flops to the mat to block it. Máscara starts at it anyway, Mije comes in to kick Máscara, Máscara shoves him away and points the ref at Mije, Psicosis foul kick, Mascara catches the foot, Psi yanks his mask, cover, Kraneo points Tiger Hispano back one two three.

Mije celebrates. Psicosis does as well. Mascara, face on the mat to hide it, is handed the mask by Diamante. Mascara says he's wants to run Invasor Psicosis out of Arena Mexico, and challenges for a mask vs mask match. Psicosis, who doesn't seem to have Mascara’s mask so I don’t' know why he doesn't have one, throws a fit on the stage but does not respond. Máscara uses Diamante’s shirt to cover up. Replays.

Match 4: Atlantis ©, Delta, Guerrero Maya Jr. vs Rey Bucanero ©, Terrible, Tiger for the Mexican National Trios Championship 
Arena Mexico, 03/06/2012

  1. TRT

  2. Atlantida
  3. Atlantida

Winner: Atlantida
Match Time: 17:34
Rating: very good
Notes: Comandante is with the rudos and has a red towel for some reason. Maya has an great over the top Mayan outfit. Commissioner is Jorge Gomez? That's new. Referee is Maya. Rudos try to take the belts before the match, which doesn’t quite seem to be allowed. Nice try! Rudo then kick at the técnicos as they're all brought together for the rules discussion. Maya has tinkered around with his white/blue outfit.

1: Rudos annoy the técnicos some more before the match properly gets started. Atlantis and Bucanero start. Bucanero fights for a cross armbreaker to start a series of back and forth holds. Atlantis does a good job with a bridging back cradle, but only good enough for two. Zero covers end it. Maya and Terrible face off, Maya doing a wacky serious pose. Battle over hammerlocks and leg holds is even, and they too go to zero pins and a standoff, which is back to Maya's wacky pose. Delta and tiger chop each other and start running. Evasion spots, Delta handspring – and Tiger backcracker! Tiger and Bucanero spring across the ring to knock off the other técnicos, then slowly go after Delta. They don't much with him, just kind of stomp him a bit then roll him out. Terrible's sitting on the second rope the whole time, apparently waiting for Delta to be fed to him, but it doesn't happen. Terrible & Bucanero grab Maya instead, Terrible walks across ring, and Maya's lifted up to him – TRT superbomb! Atlantis brought in and corner clothesline a bit. Terrible catapult, Tiger superkick, Bucanero rolling senton one two three.

2: TRT still in charge, all holding down Atlantis in the corner. Corner clotheslines. Delta's held, so he spits at Terrible. Tiger and Bucanero beat Delta with kicks while Terrible reacts. Hard slap drops Delta. Corner charge for Maya, and giant swing dropkick. Atlantis smacked in the face. Corner whip, Terrible in, Atlantis flips him to the apron and forearms him off. Tiger charges, and Atlantis kicks him thru the ropes. Bucanero walks off, and Atlantis forearms him in the face. Técnicos in, running – Maya tope con giros Terrible and maybe the barricade while Delta moonsaults Tiger. Bucanero runs right into Atlantida, and that's it.

Técnicos celebrate for a moment, then go and find Maya – in the second row past the barricade! He's pulled back on the right side of the barricade. You can take the Mayan out of IWRG, but you can't the IWRG out of the Mayan. Replays sadly do not have a good angle of him going over.

3: This one takes a bit to get started. Tiger and Maya do it with a chop fest. Off the rope evasion includes Maya doing a barrel roll and getting blown up by a Terrible dropkick. Técnicos check on Maya instead of going in. Tiger does his one pose. Maya gets back on the apron, and ends up with a an armdrag on Terrible in. One for Tiger, but Terrible slaps him down in the back. Tiger grabs Maya, puts his head down, and Tiger kicks his partner (or almost kicks him), Maya with the run up the ropes armdrag on Tiger, who stays in at the last second and still manages to superkick Maya out. Delta springboard sunset flips him, Tiger rolls thru for a kick. Delta ducks under and kips up, off the ropes, casadora armdrag. Tiger out, Bucanero in and Running into Tiger. Delta just tosses over the top rope and out. Bucanero does his taunt, but Atlantis is right behind him. Armdrag, Bucanero running into a monkey flip, and one from corner to corner. Big quebradora. Atlantis is fired up, Bucanero is shaky. Atlantis misses a dropkick, Bucanero grabs him around the head, hooks on a figure four sleeper and falls backwards. Maya in, same to Bucanero. Tiger in – hey, this is looking like a Sunday match - and puts on one. Delta on Tiger. Let's see if Terrible has a better plan than Vangelis here. Yep, he goes all the way up, waits, leaps, top rope splash on poor Maya. Técnicos try to break it up, rudos cradle them and Bucanero even grabs the rope, one two NO. Bucanero didn’t need to cheat there but though he might as well. Everyone up and fighting. Terrible, Tiger and Delta are the last left standing. The two rudos chop down Delta, then lift him up for a suplex. Técnicos stop that, triple suplex - no, Bucanero blocks and adds himself. Triple suplex by the rudos blocked - and the técnicos pull it off themselves, Terrible getting crushed by Tiger as he somehow falls on him. Técnicos cover one two NO. Crowd is amused. Everyone is slow up. Rudos grab a técnico each, headlocks, charge, and shoved off into each other. Delta and Atlantis tie up Bucanero and Terrible, who are face down. Inverted Star? Yes, Maya with a 'rana in the middle one two NO! The advantage of doing it that way is the rudos could not reach in and break anything up, they were facing the wrong way. Tiger hits Delta as he gets up. Delta rolls out, Bucanero rolls out. Maya is the only one to get up with Tiger, so Tiger charges him, misses, and takes a heel kick. Maya with a double reverse armbar, rolling them both over to his back, and pressing on Maya's backside with a double boot for what looks like a submission to me but is actually a bizarre cradle. It gets two, but he needs to use that to win someday, so I’ll have to try and describe it. Tiger of the ropes over, Maya rolls, but Tiger urns by him and back, speedy hard dropkick to the chest, one two NO. Tiger to the apron, thinking about climbing, climbs slowly, and Maya doesn’t even bother hitting him before climbing up to join him. Terrible saunters in behind, slaps Maya, and sneaks underneath – stacked up powerbomb. Terrible covers Maya, but Delta also flies in from off screen to splash Tiger. Ref starts to count as Bucanero charges Atlantis, gets lifted up into the Atlantida, and barely escapes . Back to the count, on both teams - one two NO. Bucanero fired up and exchanging slaps with Atlantis. Thigh kick, off the ropes, clothesline misses, and Atlantis slide him out chest first. Rey Bucanero gets up, turns around, and Atlantis is after him with a tope, Terrible just short of stopping it. Maya shoulderblocks Terrible, springboard reverse tope is actually a reverse plancha this time. Maya rolls thru, lift up Terrible, and pulls him over – if they keep calling the Cerebro Driver the Mayan Sacrifice, I should too – Mayan Sacarifice! Meanwhile, Tiger charges Delta, and Delta carefully lifts him into the reinera. Delta is done, and both cover Terrible to finish it.

Champs put their belts back on. That’s it.