CMLL on Teleformula #75 (11/27/2011) 
Recapped: 11/28/11

Announcers are Felino, JCR and Bucanero. Felino and Bucanero have switched things up by switching sides of the ring.

Match 1: Amapola ©, Luna Mágica, Marcela vs Ayumi ©, Mima Shimoda, Ray
Arena Coliseo Guadalajara, 10/11/2011

  1. Mexico

  2. Japan
  3. Japan

Winner: Japan (2-1)
Match Time: 13:04
Rating: good!
Notes: Mexico vs Japan match! Japanese girls all enter to (I think) Ray's music, while whoever's doing the overdub on the music uses each of the individual Mexican women's music. I have no idea why I'm writing any of this down, to be honest. Referee's are Loco and Edgar. Japanese women seemed thrilled to be all teaming up. Another day at the office for the Mexicans.

1: Mima and Luna exchange hair pulls and leg holds. Armdrags send Mima out. Ray and Marcela battle over wristlocks. Marcela trips up Ray, and Mima thinks about getting in a cheap shot, but Marcela and the ref both spot her. Back to simple holds, and a grounded crucifix for one. Nice slip under snap mare by Marcela to set up sunset flip into a fireman's roll. Ray keeps kicking out. Marcela clothesline slowly caught by Ray, they battle over armbars, Ray does better when she cartwheels out and steps over to an armdrag. Zero trip pins, standoff (or sitting on one knee off.) They stick in, Marcela kicking Ray. Whip, clothesline misses, Ray back with a nice headscissors. Cartwheel spin pose! Bow too, ha. Amapola and Ayumi in, Amapola wasting no time dropkicking Ayumi down. Chop. Corner whip, reversed, Ayumi charges in with a double kneel. Ayumi to the second rope, Amapola sings, Ayumi grabs the knee and leans back over the top rope to stretch it. Ayumi is forced to let go, but gets her with a headscissors. Amapola misses a clothesline, font cracker! Ayumi is fired up. Standing octopus hold! Marcela & Luna rush into break it up! The Mexicans are the rudas! I did not see that one coming. Marcela and Luna keep the others at bay while Amapola finishes Ayumi with a backcracker. That's it.

2: Back to just one on one, with Luna and Mima in, so maybe I jumped the gun there. Luna gets the better of that, knocking Mima down and going for the hair again. Corner whip, reversed, Luna kicks Mima way, and bounces off the ropes for a bulldog. Dropkicks sends Mima out. Tags to Ayumi and Amapola. Amapola offer a handshake. Ayumi doesn’t ant any part of this – and Marcela attacks Ayumi from behind! Marcela hold Ayumi for a Luna kick! They totally are the rudas, wow. Ray’s rammed into Ayumi and sent out. Double boot for Ayumi. Whip, double clothesline. Double back elbow for Mima. Corner whip, into Marcela's boots. Ray gets in some forearms on Amapola, but is slapped down. Triple very safe spinebuster, and a Marcela running double knee. Corner charges for Mima, with Amapola throwing her down on the back of her head. All three women choke Ayumi on the ropes. Double boot on Ayumi, not everyone on the same page there but they lived. Corner whip for Ray, Marcela flips her to the apron, punch misses, and Ray pulled down by the head. Ayumi gets in her double knee on Marcela (mostly missed by the camera) and Mima planchas the others. Japanese women all get finishes, though Ayumi takes longest to get her titled crab on Marcela. Mixed reaction from the crowd. Maybe more leaning towards booing, but that they're even getting any cheers with the Japanese team winning is amusing.

3: Marcela and Mai start, Mima taking a dropkick and Marcela's double underhook backbreaker quickly. A couple Running kneelifts too. Marcela clothesline misses, and Mima drops her with a back suplex. Dropkick sends Marcela out. Luna in, kick to the midsection, split legged faceslam. Ray runs into break it up, but gets her partner. Ray clothesline misses, Mima trips her up, Luna cartwheels over her and yells, but Ray just kicks her out. Amapola rushing in and back elbowing Ray. Whip, Rayo cartwheeling run, and back with an armdrag. Ayumi waved in, dropkick knocks Amapola down again. Ayumi points, yells, and just destroys Amapola with a dropkick to the face. I'm pretty sure lucha libre is real to Ayumi. Ayumi runs in place, charge again, and Amapola trips her up. Amapola quickly chokes Ayumi on the ropes, runs off the far ropes, and kills Ayumi with the running sit. I see! Cover, Mima break sit up. Whip, Mia clothesline misses, Amapola dropkicks her. I think Mima has gotten beat 90% of the time here. Something with Ray looks clipped out here, but she manages to whip Amapola into a Marcela missile dropkick. Ray and Ayumi go up – moonsault, splash (I think), one two three.

Match 2: Atlantis ©, Máscara Dorada, Rush vs Averno ©, Ephesto, Mephisto
Arena Coliseo Guadalajara, 10/11/2011

  1. tecnicso

  2. rudos
  3. técnicos

Winner: técnicos (2-1)
Match Time: 15:20
Rating: ok
Notes: Averno gets his own entrance because he's a bit special. The edecanes haven't quite figured out a way to dance to the Avernos music yet, which is just a shame. Atlantis chucks his coat at Averno, which is just plain rude. Referees are Edgar and Juan.

1: Averno and Dorada are to start, but Averno puts up a stop sign, tells him to waists a second, then spits at Atlantis. Right in his eye! It takes a long time for Atlantis to be able to clear out his eye, but he rushes Averno when he finally can see. Averno retreats up aisle the towards the crowd, Atlantis chases and points, and the rudos attack him from behind. That's some rudo work right there. Brawling and choking and yelling at the referees for warning them about that. Mephisto goes after Dorada's mask. Ephesto goes after Rush's lack of mask. Lot of choking. Mephisto finally used La Rosa to finish off Rush. We're using La Catedral's name for Ephesto's shoulderbreaker because why not? I like names.

2: Rudos still in control, though a bit more organized about it. Holding and hitting to start. Mascara Dorada takes the highest flapjack yet. Rush kicks at Ephesto, is caught, and is rendered ineffective. Mephisto kicks him questionably low. Triple boot, Rush sent out, Rudos triple pose! Fans do not approve. Dorada is very angry about all this 3 on 1. Rudos choke Atlantis together. Corner whip, Atlantis evades Averno's charge, punches him in the corner, ducks the other clothesline, gets booted away, Dorada flying armdrag on Ephesto, Mephisto clothesline misses him, and Rush boots him in the face. Técnicos wrap up at the same time. One two three. Averno begs off Atlantis and runs for the hills. I love how Atlantis has to windup his arm every time he wants to punch Averno.

3: Averno has no use for this ring girl. Dorada walks the ropes for fun. There's one side. Atlantis has no idea this is going on, and is totally confused when he sees Dorada walking the ropes past him and jumping to the ramp to get in Avernos' face. Averno and Atlantis in. Averno yells at Atlantis and the crowd, and rolls out. Crowd on him. Rush and Ephesto in. They take their time starting. Chop fight does not end happily for Senor Ephesto. Ephesto clothesline misses, over, under, into a powerslam. Rush off both ropes and dropkicking him in the back of the head. Running back elbow for Mephisto. Averno in, so Atlantis in, so Averno out. Rush has no idea this happened, he was yelling at Mephisto. Averno finally agrees to come back in as long as everyone calms down. Averno runs the ropes, armdrag, monkey flip, Ephesto runs in is run into his partner to send him out. Clip, and Mephisto is on. Atlantis front row sort of doesn't work right but still sends Mephisto out. Rudos roll out, and run to avoid being dived on. Mascara Dorada in, as Atlantis chases Averno around. Dorada and Ephesto in, Dorada flipping run, push off headscissors takes care of the rudos. Mephisto and Averno attack, Averno using the testicular claw that he and Volador have liked so much lately. Dorada boost headscissors Averno out, leaps over Mephisto the ramp, and comes back with a floating headscissors to send him out. Atlantis tope on Averno, and Dorada and Rush are right behind with topes on the other guys. Atlantis was just too fast for the youngsters to catch up. Averno and Atlantis back in after some replays. Atlantis misses a dropkick, Averno corner whip, Atlantis kicks him away on the charge and sunset flips flip, other técnicos sunset flip the other rudos, one two NO. Dorada and Rush put the Star on Ephesto and Mephisto, Atlantis punches Averno and pulls him in the tapatía in the middle of it. Mephisto manages to break that up with a shove and the star goes away too. Mephisto and Atlantis go out, other rudos are sent into each other, técnicos try corner charge and misses. Averno & Ephesto put on time killing holds on Rush and Dorada, though Averno gets in a Devil’s Wings first. Atlantis gives Mephisto a quebradora con giro, then looks around. Lost? Averno lets go of his hold, spins Atlantis around and fouls him. At least one ref saw it, and that’s all you need. Averno tries to cover, but he's pulled off, and it's a DQ win for the home team.