CMLL on Televisa #1048 (10/01/2011) 
Recapped: 10/01/11

Announcers set up the show, hyping UG vs Atlantis and Lyger returning.

Match 1: Jushin Lyger, La Sombra ©, Máscara Dorada vs Averno ©, Dragón Rojo Jr., Mephisto
Arena Mexico, 09/23/2011

  1. rudos

  2. técnicos
  3. técnicos

Winner: técnicos (2-1)
Match Time: 18:05
Rating: eh
Notes: Ref is Tigre Hispano. Nice of CMLL to let the champion of champions be captain this week.

1: Match appears clipped at the start, or just weirdly edited. Averno and Amarillo Lyger start of with mat work, Lyger getting much the better of it for the short time it lasts. Dorada, with a new sleeveless top, takes out Dragon Rojo next, and they only get lost once. Mephisto and Sombra are last, Sombra getting an easy rope bounce headscissors on the rudo. Dragon Rojo comes in to help is no help, and Sombra knocks Averno down in setting up a double springboard plancha on the other two. Sombra tries a 'rana on Averno, rudos turn it into a triple powerbomb, one two three. That turned.


CMLL Cartela: 10/02 in Arena Mexico. Magadan sounds super calm reading this bit.

2: Rudos in control. Sombra takes the rope bounce headscissors. Lyger is slapped coming in and chopped out. Dorada is kicked inside of the leg, close enough to a foul to merit a replay. Dorada tosses into Dragon Rojo's dropkick doesn't have a lot of impact, but is better timed than other weeks. It cues the rudo song. Sombra's held so Averno can taunt and slap him. Averno sets him on the top rope and goes for his mask. Sombra unties it pretty quick, but Sombra blocks him from taking it off. Averno's pulled away, and so Mephisto goes after it for a bit. Dragon Rojo unties Dorada's mask. This is a lot of stalling and time killing here. Lyger evades a corner charge to start the comeback. Crowd does not react at all to the comeback spots until Dorada does the floating headscissors. Lyger planchas Averno on the floor, cameras miss 90% of the springboard backflip into a moonsault, while Dorada gets the springboard Toyota roll on Dragon Rojo.

CMLL Cartela: Tuesday in Arena Mexico.

3: No hurry to start. Dorada ends up with Dragon Rojo, and gets some highlight on a springboard plancha. Springboard headscissors looks nifty and sends Dragon Rojo out. Dorada spinning on the ropes headscissors takes care of Mephisto and actually gets a positive reaction from a tough crowd. Averno flips Dorada to the apron, celebrates, gets slapped away and takes the springboard flip headscissors. Flipping dive fake. Dragon Rojo demands to face Lyger, who actually wants Averno. Lyger actually walks out after Averno, who finally comes back in. Crowd shot of an Asian fan, who the announcers decide must be Lyger's brother. What the heck. Averno quickly corners Lyger for slaps. Corner whip, reversed, Averno sets Lyger up top, slap is blocked by kick, and Lyger comes off with a headscissors. Quebradora con giro looks good. Mephisto clotheslines Lyger down, and Dragon Rojo helps stomp. Whip, double clothesline is high, Lyger shoves Mephisto into Dragon Rojo to send him out. Corner whip, reversed, Lyger with a short rolling kick. Crowd is really not into anything tonight. Averno in, and Sombra leaping in to face him. Crowd does get in slightly to this part. Averno walks out again. Mephisto and he talk, and they come back, but Dragon Rojo starts instead. Announcers entertaining themselves. Back spin headscissors takes care of ChocMilk, but the Inferanels jump Sombra with back elbows. I think Averno is doing Perro Aguayo Jr. mannerisms now. Anyway, Averno boots Sonmra into 'rana on Mephisto, springboard headscissors on Averno, and a double tope con giro on the rudos while Lyger does his own apron tope con giro onto Dragon Rojo. Cameras have the other two dives covered, but are totally caught unaware by Lyger's dive. Sombra and Dragon in, springboard plancha for two by Sombra. Fireman's drop, corner rope flip moonsault for two, but Averno breaks it up. They shove, Averno goes for the mask, switches to a Devil's Wings. One two Lyger breaks it up. Is this going to be the slowest finishes parade ever? Whip, reversed, Lyger' rana, one two Dragon Rojo and Mephisto both break it up. Mephisto scoops and slams Lyger. Rudos all up to the middle ropes (though they can't bother to get them all in the shot, great work), and all miss the swandive headbutt when Lyger sits up. I want that to finally work in Averno’s final match. Springboard flip 'ranas by the Mexicans, inside cradle by the Japanese, one two NO. Dorada springboard back elbow meets Mephisto counter dropkick. Dragon Rojo Rudos all help cover, técnicos all break it up. Sombra boost Dorada into a dropkick to send out Averno and Dragon Rojo. Both up in the same corner – moonsaults from the post together. Averno and Lyger in, and waving to the crowd. The only thing making noise is that horn. Avoidance, Lyger kick, brainbuster (not a killer one) one two three.


CMLL Informa:

Match 2: Atlantis vs Último Guerrero
Arena Mexico, 09/23/2011

  1. Atlantis double pumphandle cradle (0:28)

  2. Pulpo Guerrero (0:50)
  3. Atlantida (6:44)

Winner: Atlantis
Match Time: 8:02
Rating: bleh
Notes: Tirantes is ref. Atlantis takes off his cape at the base of the steps, and rushes Ultimo Guerrero at the other end of it. UG is ready, and takes him down. Stomps, and Atlantis is thrown in.

1: UG immediately rips up the mask for the cameras. Corner whip, UG charges in, no one's home, UG bounces out, Atlantis isn't quite ready for him, double pumphandle cradle, one two three. Atlantis stomps UG out of the ring for good measure. Crowd boos.

2: We don't actually see the ring until nearly 30 seconds after the whistle blows. Atlantis busy ripping up UG's mask. UG's clothesline misses, Atlantis runs into a spinebuster anyway, Pulpo Guerrero, that's it. Fine bout we have here. Crowd booing.

3: Atlantis headscissors roll sends UG out, and Atlantis follows with a rare Asai moonsault from here. Well, rare in the last decade or so. Magadan voiceover interrupts to hype up the GDL shows which aren't happening for another couple weeks. Both back inside, Atlantis Running plancha for 2. Now they're selling like this has been a twenty minute match! Get real. I'm more interested in the weird shirt Tirantes is wearing. Atlantis runs into a drop toe hold, and magically flips over in the corner. UG has problems getting up for the senton de la muerte but still lands it. Boos. UG goes for a seconds, but Atlantis misses (and the camera sort of misses this too), Atlantis covers, one two NO. Atlantis 'rana, UG rolls thru, one two no. Corner whip, Ultimo Guerrero sits on the top buckle, Atlantis doesn't even wait for to be waved in, front superplex. One two NO. UG slam. Going up. Atlantis stops him with a jab – middle rope superplex. Atlantis off the ropes, splash one two NO. Atlantis chops UG, sets him up to, and goes for a top rope 'rana. Yea, no, superbomb. One two NO. Now I can believe they're both dead. Both stagger to their feet. UG Atlantida,, Atlantis out to a cradle one two NO. UG charges, Atlantis Atlantida, UG gives even before Atlantis drops to his knees. That's it. Atlantis celebrates big.

Hype for next week: Leyenda de Plata final. No participants named.