CMLL on Televisa #1047 (09/24/2011)
Recapped: 09/24/11

Announcers – who do not include Dr. Morales this week? - hype the one match tonight and the Infierno en el Ring match.

CMLL Cartela: Sunday in Coliseo. Rush, Blue Panther, Atlantis vs Negro Casas, Ultimo Guerrero, Mr. Niebla

Match 1: La Sombra vs Averno for the CMLL Universal Championship
Arena Mexico, 09/16/2011

  1. Averno Devil's Wings (4:20)

  2. Sombra Brillante Bomb (2:06)
  3. Sombra top rope moonsault into a moonsault (15:04)

Winner: Sombra
Match Time: 21:30
Rating: excellent
Notes: Entrances. Crowd is sparse. Referee is Tirantes. Seconds are Máximo and Volador. Commissioner is the guy who's not Rambo. Averno is wearing a Volador Venom t-shirt, while Volador is wearing a Hijos de Averno shirt.

1: Sombra asks for a handshake. Weren't you the one not shaking hands with Angel de Oro? Anyway, Averno finger waves no and spits in Sombra's hand. That's not cool. Circling. Lockup, break. Averno waistlock, trip up to the mat, scrum their leads to a Sombra armdrag. Lockup, Sombra kick, tripped up, and held down in a kneebar. Double armbar, forcing Sombra to staying on his head – and pulls himself thru a Toyota rolls. Averno rolls thru, and ties up Sombra's legs. Sombra out with an armbar, Averno sweeps the leg, Sombra gets him with a headscissors from the mat, standoff. Sombra's fired up, Averno not so much. Averno takes a moment to yell at the crowd. Lockup, Averno kicks down Sombra. Crowd loud for Sombra. Whip, reversed, Averno kick misses, Sombra back with a headscissors. Sombra off the ropes, rope flip headscissors and Averno sliding out. Sombra slides out after him – where did Averno go? He went in, and poses to mock Sombra. Averno runs – Sombra back in with a springboard dropkick, Averno out the other side. Sombra not backing up this time – springboard plancha drops Averno. “SOM BRA SOM BRA” Replays. Averno in first, Sombra fights him off from the apron. Springboard headscissors – no, turned into a powerbomb. Devil's Wings. Two hand press, one two three.

Infierno en el Ring promo #1.

CMLL Cartela: Tuesday in Arena Mexico: Fantasma, Sombra, Atlantis vs Mr. Niebla, Volador, Ultimo Guerrero.

CMLL Informa

2: Crowd still behind Sombra. Circling. Averno off the ropes, over, under, waved by, springboard backflip off the ropes, waved by again, and back with a headscissors. Look who's being a técnico here. Averno poses, to slight boos, and nails the tope con giro on Sombra. Replay. Tirantes counts them both out, but Averno makes it back in. Crowd loud for Sombra as he rests on one knee. Averno sits on the far apron, and Sombra charges him. Chop blocked, Averno chops him away, up top, plancha, Sombra rolls him off. Averno charges, and Sombra tosses him into the top turnbuckle. Averno bounces back, Brillante Bomb! One two three!

3: Sombra with a springboard backspring headscissors fight off the back. Boos, Sombra ignores to front flip over the ropes into a headscissors on Averno, beautifully. Sombra celebrates, stands on an empty front row cheer, poses, and Volador shoves him into the crowd! Volador is awesome. Sombra throws someone's souvenir shirt at Volador, and those people are amused then worried about their shirt. Replays, both back in, looks like we missed a move. Averno up first, Sombra charges, Sombra slides and Averno hops over him. Averno kicks thru the ropes, sling to the apron, and follows with a nice quebrada. Replays. Averno in first. Sombra up on the apron. He's fired up. Sombra head to the midsection, springboard sunset flip, Averno rolls thru, STF! Sombra waves his finger no, but he's going to move. Sombra Drags them both towards the ropes, and grabs the bottom rope with his left hand in time. Sombra breathing hard. Both guys are tired. Sombra charges, spinning headscissors turned into a faceslam. Both guys dead. Máximo leading a Si Se Puede chant. Averno sits Sombra on the top rope and fights him from the second rope. Chest slaps back and forth, Sombra forearms Averno off the top rope, plancha, one two NO. Crowd behind Sombra. Shirt off. Sombra charges, clothesline misses, Averno up on Sombra's shoulders, Sombra tosses him off enough for the German suplex one two NO. Both guys breathing hard. Sombra shoulderblock, push off headscissors sends Averno out, Sombra goes up for the moonsault – but Averno leaps up on the apron and trips Sombra into the ring. Averno covers, one two NO. Crowd still chanting for Sombra. Averno lifts Sombra across his shoulders, facing up, and throws him down with a one arm powerbomb! That's new. One two NO – and Sombra turns it right into an amrbar/armscissors. Averno in a lot of trouble, crowd thinking this could be. Averno spins – and gets his foot on the rope. Máximo and Tirantes have an argument about something here. Averno charges out of the corner with a dropkick, misses, Sombra bodyscissors powerbomb one two NO. Slightly slow count there. Poor Máximo is losing his mind. Sombra up to his feet, feeling it for the crowd. Averno kicks him in the ropes, but Sombra hiptosses him all the way to the floor. Sombra backs up, runs to the corner, pulls himself to the top rope, and follows out with a moonsault, connecting on Averno and the front row. Replays of that too. Volador is up to some shenanigans, but not involving the match. Sombra off the ropes, flipping armdrag into a fujiwara – but Averno gets to the ropes real quick. That was close enough to a Mística that the crowd really got buzzing. Corner whip, reversed, Sombra hops behind Averno, Brillante Bomb – no, Averno reverses it to a small package in the middle of the lift! No one's done that – one two NO! Crowd thought that was it. “SOM BRA” Averno misses a clothesline, Sombra dropkick to the knee, casita, no Averno rolls thru, casita of his own, Tirantes slow to get in position, one two NO! Both guys down, Tirantes checks to see if they can continue. Averno up, lifting Sombra on his shoulders, Sombra gets free and dumps Averno in the corner. Up top – rope flip moonsault gets knees. Averno covers, one two NO. Volador walks up ramp to question Tirantes about that count. He's got a point. Replay of that fall. Crowd still behind Sombra. Corner whip, Averno charges in, Sombra sets him up top, chest slap, and Sombra climbs up. Averno jab, Averno hooks the arms, Averno lets the world know, Super Devil's – no, Sombra breaks free, but crotches himself on the ropes. Averno knocks him off to the mat, and Tirantes considers if that should be a DQ. Averno waves his finger no, while Tirantes starts to raise his arm. They question the fans, who seem split on this finish. Volador gets on the apron to argue. Averno begs, Máximo argues. Replay – This is clearly not what was supposed to happen, and Sombra may be legit hurt and this is a still, but they're making the most of it. Averno decides to cover, but Sombra grabs the bottom rope. Volador tries to knock his hand off, which leads to an argument with Máximo. Sombra backed into the corner, crabbing the insider portion of his leg, where he actually landed. Averno corner clothesline. Averno charges again, Sombra sits him on the top rope. My video jumps a bit here, but it appears they quickly get back to the Super Devil's Wings, Sombra tries a 'rana, Averno almost looses him and almost falls over backwards, Sombra ends up turning into a super backdrop. Actually looked find, just weird. Sombra drags Averno to the center of the ring, top rope moonsault into a moonsault one two three.

Volador looks exhausted but pulls himself together to pose. Commissioner tries to put the Universal belt on Sombra, but Averno grabs the belt away. Volador runs interference so Averno can hold onto the belt. Máximo and Sombra argue with him. Averno insists on a handshake, and puts the belt on himself. Handshake and hand raise. Replays. Máximo carries Sombra around the ring to more cheers.

Infierno en el Ring plug #3. And show.