CMLL on Teleformula #59 (08/07/2011) 
Recapped: 08/10/11

Match 1: Ángel de Oro, Gallo, Metro vs Cancerbero, Shigeo Okumura, Virus
Arena Coliseo Guadalajara, 06/28/2011

  1. rudos

  2. técnicos
  3. técnicos

Winner: técnicos (2-1)
Match Time: 13:05
Rating: okay
Notes: Referee are Samurai and Loco.

1: First pair is Oro/Virus. Next is Gallo/Okumura, but Okumura bails. Rooster gives chase, but ends up with Cancerbero in, so he tags in Metro and those two go thru their bit. Gallo and Okumura end up in together alone for about a second before Virus jumps Gallo from behind and the rudos start the beatdown. Brawling all over. Okumura gives Angel de Oro a double armbar to set up Virus's submission. He appears to be the captain – the referees are trying to stop the fight – bu the rudos keep going after Metro and then Okumura goes out to brawl with Gallo.

2: Beatdown continues, with the rudos surprisingly pinning Metro quick after a Cancerbero elbow drop and a Virus senton. Oro almost immediately ducks a double clothesline to send Virus out, and then the rudos unwittingly whip him into a tope on their leader. Gallo in against both, but the rudos screw up some more, and Gallo finishes Okumura with an over the shoulder backbreaker for the tie.

3: Okumura and Gallo start, Gallo slapped around but managing to headstand kick Okumura, quebradora him, and dropkick him out. Gallo slides out after Okumura, but everyone blocks off his path. Virus and Oro in again, and Oro is very light. Cancerbero takes the big Metro armdrag, Metro takes the Cancerbero stunner over the ropes, Oro dropkicks Cancerbero out, and Metro lands his ramp dive. Oro superkicks Virus out and follows with an Asai moonsault. Virus caught hat much better than the cameras. Gallo lands two running jumping topes and a quebradora on Okumura, and Okumura ends it with a foul. Both refs call it, but Okumura celebrates.

Match 2: La Máscara, La Sombra ©, Máscara Dorada vs Héctor Garza, Mr. Águila ©, Mr. Niebla
Arena Coliseo Guadalajara, 06/28/2011

  1. rudos

  2. técnicos
  3. rudos

Winner: rudos (2-1)
Match Time: 17:33
Rating: good
Notes: Mr. Niebla has Zacarias and Kid Niebla with him. Hector is always talking to someone on his way to the ring here. Lots of conversations this time. Kiss from one of the edecanes too. Garza kicks Zacarias out of his way of the corner buckle. Mr. Aguila wears his mask to the ring, and has the Vipers music here. Referees are Edgar and Samurai.

1: JCR talks about the técnicos being trios champs. These are old. Pairs are Sombra/Garza, then Dorada/Aguila. During the second bit, Niebla messes with a female fan, who ends up chasing Niebla around the ring. Garza and Sombra end up back in, Garza kicks Sombra on a flip and starts the beatdown there. Brawling. Dorada takes a high backdrop from Garza. Mascara goes for the easiest target, but the rudos grab him before he can do anything to Zacarias. Slingshot/legdrop for him, and Niebla just pulls him into a pin.

Rudos in no hurry to finish the fall. Sombra held for kicks for a while. Dorada hurries back in, perhaps assuming they're waiting for him, but Niebla just puts Sombra in a half crab and that's it it. Zacarias headscissors Dorada on the outside after the fall.

2: Beatdown continues. Garza strips, setting up blindfold kicks for Sombra and Dorada. Bucanero disputes the idea that the champions are the best trio in CMLL. He turned out to be right! Cameras misses half the comeback spots, but Dorada pulls out Niebla, and Sombra dropkicks the other. Triple straight topes for the técnicos , Sombra standing up clotheslining Garza into the seats for good measure. Aguila and Mascara come back in for the immediate finish.

3: técnicos are messing with Zacarias as the fall starts. Dorada and Garza eventually start in a pose off. Garza insists Dorada turn around and pose. Dorada argues the point, does it, and gets kicked in the back of the leg. Poor, dumb, Mascara Dorada. Dorada tries a flipping run, and Garza kicks him in the middle of that. Dorada brings back the spinning around on the ropes headscissors to send Garza out. Aguila flips Dorada to the outside, takes off his shirt, and takes a shoulder to midsection. Dorada walks the top rope (in a match!) and jumps off for an armdrag. Niebla shoulderblocks Dorada clear to the ramp, but Dorada gets up, backs up the ramp, and runs back for the over the rope headscissors. Dive fake back flip and pose. Mascara removes his shirt to face Aguila. Enziguri finishes off the eagle. Garza walks over Máscara to the ropes to see something, and then kicks him in the chest. Poor, dumb, Mascara. Mascara comes back after a missed charge and headscissors Garza out. Niebla again takes down a tecnico, this time with a clothesline. Corner slaps, Niebla dance, spit is caught though Niebla collides with the corner in the process. Niebla decides to celebrate right then and there. Back to Máscara,a which gets him kicked in head a few times. Zacarias comes in to grab Mascara ran run around the ring. Zacarias strut gets him superkicked. Sombra, Aguila and Niebla get in a three way chop fight, which ends up with Niebla slapping Aguila before the rudos get their act together. More rudo bumbling sets up Sombra headscissors. Sombra nearly gets Garza's trunks on a sunset flip, but Garza pulls away in time. Middle rope headscissors sends Garza out, and Sombra follows with a nice tope con giro. Aguila adds his own tope con giro, Mascara topes the group. Niebla – grabs Zacarias, puts him on the top rope, and tosses him off! Niebla stands on the apron for a dive, but slips and falls down. Dorada left in line last. Corner charge, Dorada walks up the ropes and moonsault everyone (though not really caught by anyone but Sombra.) Guerrero Samurai counts everyone off form the apron. Garza slides back in, and accidentally' bumps him off when running the ropes. Edgar goes out to check on him (and the woman from before has another conversation with Niebla.) Inside, Aguila tosses Sombra up, and Garza lands the low blow kick. Edgar back in one two three.