CMLL on LATV #64 (05/14/2011) 
Recapped: 05/14/2011

Match 1: Metal Blanco, Metro ©, Palacio Negro vs Cancerbero, Raziel ©, Yoshihashi
Arena Mexico, 05/08/2011

  1. rudos

  2. técnicos
  3. técnicos

Winner: técnicos (2-1)
Match Time: 13:16
Rating: good
Notes: Entrances. Metro is King of the Cities! I hope that didn't involve some alien abduction. Yoshihashi has very NJPW sounding music. I think he's trying gain some weight, but it's not looking good. I can't imagine NJPW wants him back as a heavyweight, that'd be crazy. Referee is Pompin.

1: Palacio and Raziel start. JCR invites us all to Arena Mexico for the show Sunday. The closest LATV affiliate to Mexico City, as best I can figure, is Corpus Christi, Texas. That's a 14 hour drive, but tickets are really cheap! Actually, if I did live 14 hours away and felt safe driving all that way (and could leave the country), I'd totally make that drive at least once. But I'm crazy, don't be me. Palacio Negro is doing front flips to get out of armbars, the usual. He picked an odd day to wear a black and orange outfit, too close to his opponents. Palacio looks anyway. Metal Blanco does the silliest split legged springboard hop in the ring. Mat battle leads to Cancerbero being armdragged to his corner, but he sticks in. Metal Blanco slowed down in a standing double armbar, but Blanco escapes and gets a knee lock. Cancerbero pushes up to stands up, and turns to kick Blanco away in an agile looking spot. Jumping snap mare and headscissors from the mat sends Cancerbero out. Crowd totally believes Blanco is diving when he’s actually doing the fake out flip. Large looking crowd tonight, actually. Yoshihashi and nemesis Metro in. Yoshihashi has switched to black and white mask. Chop fight is surprisingly even, and Yoshihashi even knocks the big man down after his cartwheel. (Metro's silly cartwheel is really what bonds him with the two GDL guys.) Metro knocks Yoshihashi down with a big leaping shoulderblock, dropkicks him into the corner, and bowls him over with his running flipping back press. Metro poses, and gets dropkicked in the back by Raziel. Replay of Metro’s move, which is nice move, while Raziel is cheap shotting Metal Blanco. Corner whip, Raziel misses the charge, and Negro comes in with a springboard headscissors. Blanco lifts his pal into a headscissors on Raziel, but Cancerbero helps block it into a faceslam. Yoshihashi in and dropkicking Negro as he stands. Double faceslam for Metal Blanco. Metro in, but Raziel drops him on the mat too. Cancerberos tie Metro so he's sort of giving the leg half of the tapatía to Metal Blanco, and Yoshihashi jumps on Metro's back like it's a Careta. Técnicos give for the fall.

2: Slingshot/faceslam on Palacio Negro. Yoshihashi is a tourist here, just hanging and watching. Cancerbero do set up Metal Blanco with a double atomic drop for a Yoshihashi dropkick. Triple boot for Metro. Corner charges on Blanco include Raziel being tossed into the air for a big short dropkick. Rudos decide to send Palacio Negro to the same corner. No good, Blanco flips his partner to safety, Blanco kicks Cancerbero away, Metal (belatedly) takes out Yoshihashi with a flying armdrag and superkicks Raziel. Metro topes Yoshihashi (barely getting thru), and Blanco dumps Cancerbero for Palacio Negro’s pump tornillo splash. That's one pin. Blanco drops Raziel in the center of the ring, and he had to fly a long way to land his senton con giro (Raziel gets well crushed) for the other pin.

3: Palacio Negro and Cancerbero have a chest slap. Cancerbero sells the last one like he's just had a heart attack. It is great. Five bounce headscissors sends Cancerbero running out. Palacio backflips out of the top rope to the floor just for good measure. Local break just as Blanco & Raziel are starting.

Back in time to see the clean up. Palacio Negro does a fine top rope Asai Moonsault onto Raziel, but Blanco aborts his, then turns around, jumps on the top rope again, and flies off with what might be intended to be a plancha, but ends up as a kick to Cancerbero’s chest. Metro and Yoshihashi are left in again, this goes as bad for Yoshihashi as usual. Metro seem to set up for the shield, then switches to the German suplex for the pin.

Match 2: Black Warrior, Máximo, Strong Man © vs Felino, Mr. Niebla ©, Negro Casas
Arena Mexico, 05/08/2011

  1. rudos

  2. técnicos
  3. rudos

Winner: rudos (2-1)
Match Time: 11:42
Rating: bleh
Notes: Edecanes are dancing with drink bottles. Sounds like a sponsorship deal – but they only have the CMLL Logo on them. Black Warrior gives away the cross he's wearing around his neck. Strong Man breaks a baseball bat over his knee. He then gives the bat away to kids. Peste Negra enter as a group, with Zacarias. Niebla has a diseased parasol with him for no particular reason. Felino has a dust pan with a plastic rat taped inside.

1: Rudos jump the técnicos, though this takes it's usual extra amount of work with Strongman. Felino crotches him with the middle rope repeatedly. End of the first fall is missed do a local break. Peste Negra beat the other two without a problem and fool around with Strong Man on the outside.

2: Rudos screw around with Máximo, including Niebla headbutting in the general direction of his head. Niebla grabs his nose and jogs to the back. Strong Man beats up negro until Felino bails him out with a kick to the back. Strongman sidesteps a Niebla charge and lands a double clothesline to start the comeback. Casas brothers get up just in time to take down in a double shoulderblocks. Técnicos, who really could be any técnicos in the world so far this match, immediately pick up the win. Niebla barely makes it to safety. Felino barely escapes Felino's kiss.

3: Negro and Warrior have an extended chop battle, Warrior wins with a spin kick. Pull the rope! Quebradora finished Casas, but Felino cheap shots Warrior and lets Niebla smell his armpit, but still gets dropkicked out. Warrior taunts Niebla in and tags Máximo, but Máximo has second thoughts about this. Strong Man tries to talk him into it, but Niebla chases Máximo around in until he hides behind Strong Man. Strong Man slaps Máximo on the backside to get him to go in. Máximo requests and gets one more. Máximo still won't fight. Local break ends up pre-empting the segment.

Back for Strong Man, a zombie who is unaffected by any of Negro's blows. Negro's tossed to the mat so hard, it shakes the camera. Same thing with the fallaway slam. Doesn’t go well for Felino. doesn’t go well for Mr. Niebla. Strong clotheslines Mr. Niebla and then does the Niebla dance! Needs work. Niebla tries to claim a foul on a chop. Strong Man has Niebla finished with a pump splash, but poses instead. Niebla goes out, and Strong Man flattens him with an apron splash. Rudos immediately finish the técnicos to end this.

Zacarias, who is also here, rubs his backside in Máximo's face. Confetti goes off on one side, and then the other side, for no apparent reason. Peste Negra dance. Replay shows the Máximo/Niebla kiss we missed.