CMLL on Fox Sports (Mexico) #206 (07/17/2010) 
Recapped: 07/29/10

Opening only promotes the opening trios.

Match 1: Blue Panther, Shocker ©, Super Porky vs Atlantis ©, Negro Casas, Rey Bucanero
Arena Coliseo , 07/11/2010

  1. técnicos

  2. técnicos

Winner: técnicos (2-0)
Match Time: 4:23
Rating: are you kidding me?
Notes: They still do those fact sheets for each guy Fox Sports. And no one still knows Blue Panther's age. They list Brazo de Plata as 45 (he's actually 47, but he looks 57 as he limps to the ring.) Panther is nearly 50, maybe there's a cut off. Apparently, Shocker's biggest triumphant is not the hair wins, but winning the Copa Junior in 2004. his age also seems off. Rey Bucanero's age is also unknown. Rey just turned 36, and he's the youngest guy in this match. Not only is Negro's age is unknown, but also when he started wrestling, even though they just celebrated his anniversary. Atlantis’ age is unknown as well, but at least he's masked. Referees are Tiger Hispano and Bestia Negra.

1: Rudos jump the técnicos, but técnicos turn it around with Super Porky walks out of the way of a corner charge before Bucanero even starts charging. Not that it stops him. Porky holds Rey in the corner while the other four actually move, and lock on their usual finishes. Porky splashes Bucanero for good measure, and decides to just to sit on top for a while. Shocker gets in a top rope splash on Bucanero too.

2: Super Porky showcase, and he can't be bothered to do the comedy at even 25% effort. Shocker and Atlantis exchange slaps before everyone else gets involved. Rey and Negro run Panther into Porky, then try to put on a tapatía on Porky. They can't get him over, Panther half breaks it up. Porky turns whatever's left of the tapatía in his own armbars, while Panther puts on ones from the other side. Meanwhile, Shocker gives Atlantis a quebradora con giro, and Atlantis responds by blatantly fouling him. THAT'S YOUR MATCH. To be fair, it had been quite horrible, so maybe it's a fine thing to end it quick.

The replay of the match is mostly replay of the entrances.

Three segments into the show, they finally mention Místico vs Volador Junior is the main event. Maybe not the way I would've gone there.

Match 2: Místico vs Volador Jr.
Arena Coliseo , 07/11/2010

  1. Volador inside cradle (1:08)

  2. Místico fireman’s carry gutbuster (2:50)
  3. DQ on Místico [pulling Volador’s mask] (10:34)

Winner: Volador (2-1)
Match Time: ? 
Rating: very bad
Notes: Mistico's biggest triumphant is winning NJPW's title, while one of Volador's is winning the TNA X Cup. I really should be watching those promotions, I guess. We get a Volador promo but not a Místico one – maybe he did his on Niebla earlier? Break before the match gets started. And our third dance performance of the show.

1: Místico charges Volador on the ramp, misses his clothesline and, Volador comes back with a headscissors. Neither man is announced as técnico or rudo, just in one corner of the opposite.

Volador brings Místico back in, rips his mask, and drags him around by it. Volador isn't so angry that he can't stop to point to the fans chanting for him (and there are many). Volador pie faces Místico, and looks around more. Chest slap fight, Místico wants to stop to take off his shirt, and Volador inside cradles him. One two three, snappy fast count. Oh, Tirantes is referee, guess that's obvious now. Volador knocks Místico down against after the fall. Volador is not a rudo for rolling Místico up, Místico is an idiot for expecting his opponents would stand there and wait for him. Break!

2: Volador is hanging out in the crowd, saying hi to babies. Why is he there? Oh, because Místico has gone to the back for a new mask, and runs right back out in time to be knocked over by Volador. Volador in the opposite of a hurry. Scoop, Volador walks Místico around the ring, then runs him back first into the post, so hard that Volador falls down. Místico thrown back in, Volador slips in, and tells the crowd he's going right after this mask too. It's ripped up too. Whip, clothesline misses, Místico back with a headscissors, out goes Volador. Místico spots him, off the ropes, tope to take him out. Both start to he ad in, but it seems Volador knocks down Místico when they're both down. Tirantes had been counting slow, but speeds up when it's just Místico on the outside. Místico makes it back in, springboarding into a headscissors. Volador feeds his head to something, but gets kicked in the gut instead. Press slam to gutbuster is not without a hitch. One....two......three. We've not had a fall get to 3:30 yet, and there's only one left in the show.

3: Místico is ripping Volador's mask when they pick up, but he breaks away to chase the ring girl. He wants third fall sign, she's reluctant to give it (hiding it behind her back), Místico takes it anyway. Being that grabby is going to get you kicked out of the strip club. Místico brings it back in, and I think they’re going to miss this with the fall graphics, but Místico is stalling. Místico ends up swinging it at Tirantes, but misses, and Tirantes get a change to tease the DQ. While Místico protest, Volador surprises him with a superkick. Volador does nothing to follow up, so Místico just gets back up and kicks him. Clothesline misses, dueling flipping runs, Volador pulls off the fireman's carry escape headscissors. No one actually does a move when they’re hanging out in the fire escape. Místico rests near the ropes forever as Volador fixes his trunks. It's a good thing the crowd is into this. Místico takes about 15 seconds to get up from that headscissors, then runs full speed to springboard off the middle rope and headscissors Volador. Superkick sends Volador out, Místico follows with a tornillo. More time for him to stand around and pose.

Místico comes back in, but Tirantes decides he doesn’t feel like counting people out. Místico insists on him speeding it up, and that causes Tirantes to restart his count form scratch. Místico threatens violence and gets nowhere, kind of like this show. Volador on the apron, Místico charges, Volador knocks him over with the spin kick. Volador, as always, no hurry to follow up. He wants for Místico to get up, Místico stands up and spreads his arms as wide as possible, and Volador lands the springboard plancha. I don't know about this match. Well, I do know it's not very good, but I'm more wondering if the reason we’re not getting follow up here is because these two guys can't be counted on having a good match with each other, for whatever reason. Cover, one two no. Volador complains about the count. That seems odd. Crowd, which is into this, chants for Místico as Volador stands up, and waits for Místico to slowly stand up. Místico clothesline misses, Volador headscissors sends him out, Volador does a tope con giro. The con giro part is the only thing that separated us from what happened earlier, and I'm not sure they’re playing off this as much as running out of ideas.

Again, Volador Junior rolls in and Tirantes starts speed counting. Místico stands outside and argues, which seems pretty dumb. He just makes it in, then rolls out to argue some more. Místico springboards in with a sunset flip, Volador rolls thru and dropkicks Místico in the head. One. Two. Kickout. Tirantes counting is deliberate, if not purposely slow. Volador finds more people to point at. One person is chanting for Místico, but they're doing it loudly. Volador tries following up, but his suplex is blocked, and Místico crotches him in the middle of the top rope. Volador positions himself on the ropes as Místico goes across the corner to the apron. Springboard headscissors does not look good, but they do their best to hide it. Crowd still boos lustily. One two kickout. Místico opts to argue rather than pay attention to Volador. Volador back up to his feet. Kick to the leg, corner whip, Volador waves Místico to charge in, Místico readjusts his mask and then does so, Volador shoulders him in the midsection. Volador is totally gassed, and needs to take a breath before climbing up. The even then climbs very slowly, still not getting past the middle rope before Místico pops up and hits him with a swinging kick. Volador doesn't actually sell it, and Místico and Volador continue just gasping for air. Both end up standing on the top rope in moonsault side slam position, but Volador just jumps forward and Místico turns around and jumps to land on his feet. It's a mess. What a horrible match. Volador crashes face first, and the crowd boos even louder. Místico covers, one........two...kickout. Getting the heat on the ref might be a good idea here. Better than getting it on this match. Volador off the ropes, under a clothesline, back with a slow La Mistica, Místico casually flips him away, Volador caps him in the knee, has trouble getting the arm for the casita but eventually gets it on, too bad they’re way into the ropes, and Volador has both hands on them. Oh wait, Tirantes doesn’t care, one two Místico hooks the top rope with his legs and Tirantes decides to stop. Volador off the ropes, drop toe hold by Místico, 619, Tirantes helps Volador up, Místico waits for him to finish, springboard dropkick connects with Tirantes instead. Místico also lands very awkwardly, and he's down grabbing his leg and waiving for help. Místico pounds the mat in pain, but he's got no one to help Tirantes and Volador regroup. Whip, but Místico can't run and just falls down. Volador points it out to the crowd, then tries to apply – well, I don't know, and really neither does he. It's standing figure four variant, but it doesn't matter because Tirantes is still distracted. Volador walks over to Tirantes, has a word – he's not angry, just talking – and then turns back to Místico. Mistico limping off the ropes topes, horrible attempt at La Mistica totally fails, Volador covers on top one two NO. Quick count there. Please ends this match. Volador waits for Místico to get up, Místico stands on one foot and points at the crowd, Volador looks, Místico yanks off his mask and cradles him. Tirantes saw that all, counts the pin on the side we can't see, then gives the fall to Volador by disqualification.

Místico could care less, he's one million times more concerned with his ankle. He seems to be doing better, but he's also frantically untying his boot. Volador gets the microphone and talks about being the bigger star. Místico and Volador debate each other's naco-ness. Místico says he gave this match to Volador, and says he's not interested in talking on the microphone, he'd rather eat with the fans. And that’s how it ends.