CMLL FSE GdR - 09/21/08 (#111)
Recap: 09/25/08

Intro: Damian 666 & Mr. Aguila and La Mascara

Inmortales: they're showing Panther/Olimpico vs Shocker/Rey Bucanero - but we've got the timeliness of Panther in  big mask match, so there you go. Who'd ever figure Olimpico would be the last guy with a mask?  

Match 1: Skandalo, Virus, Loco Max (c) vs Leono, Mascara Purpura, Tony Rivera (c)
Arena Coliseo, 09/14/08

  1. tecnicos
  2. tecnicos

Winner: tecnicos (2-1)
Match Time: 6:51
Approx Rating: bad! a fitting start to a new feud on this show
Other Match Notes: Purpura is wearing inverted colors - a second outfit! Tony Rivera is now wearing a black leather jacket and sunglasses and his Punisher top. Tony is intense in his promo. They forget to do introductions for Skandalo, or something goes wrong. Loco Max keeps yelling Viva Mexico in his prom. He's still a rudo, I think. AND MVS shows the tecnico lineup for the main event instead of the three here. This is going well.

1: JIP with a whistle played over the top, not that I care. Rudo beatdown. Bizarre moment with Tony doing a comeback plancha on Virus and Skandalo, and then just knelling there as Virus and Skandalo set up a double clothesline. He doesn't come towards them, so Virus walks over and stomps him. It makes sense a moment later - Tony was supposed to duck the clothesline and dive out onto Loco Max, only Purpura and Leono were screwing with him on the outside, and had him down and way up the ramp so there was no way Tony could reach him. Loco Max is still way out of position when they retry set up the dive (and it's still not his fault), so he has to shrug off the two tecnicos and Tony slows down to to do a pescado instead, and still has to hesitate on it. That was awful. Leono armdrag Skandalo out, but gets taken down and dropkicked square in the face by Virus. Purpura in, and connecting on his handspring back elbow, Dropkick sends Virus, out, but Skandalo trips up Purpura before he can dive. Loco comes back in to face Tony, and Tony hits very oddly on a springboard plancha (probably not mean to be one), yells at Loco to get up, and gives him a spinning backbreaker. Tony waits for Loco Max to get up, Loco dropkicks, Tony moves, and Loco hits the referee instead. Yes, a ref bump in the first fall of a Loco Max match. Loco immediately fouls Tony and covers, but the ref - Tiger Hispano - immediately recovers and calls for the DQ.  

Virus checks Leono out of the ring when he checks on Tony, and Loco throws Tony out to brawl with him more. 

El Arte de Catch: yea, this is a repeat too. 

2: Leono dropkicks Skandalo rapidly until Skandalo begs off from dropkicks and runs away. Purpura looks really tall versus the rudo trio (it's totally the rudos) and does lots of flips. Loco is hesitant to face Tony and get tossed from corner to corner. It breaks down to the other four all in the ring, and then just the two tecnicos. Purpura gets Virus with a tope con giro, and Leono does a single rotation tornillo. Capitan left in, Loco tries a foul kick again (nearly missed by the camera), Tony Catches the boot and spins him, then pulls him in a reinera. Guess no one else around here is using that. That's 2, straight. 

Match 2: Damian 666 (c), Texano Jr., Mr. Aguila vs Alex Koslov, Grey Shadow, La Mascara (c)
Arena Coliseo, 09/14/08

  1. tecnicos
  2. rudos
  3. rudos

Winner: rudos (2-1)
Match Time: 13:56
Approx Rating: Koslov and Shadow need to team forever
Other Match Notes: Alex's left arm is taped/padded up. Was it that way last week and I missed it? Perro don't attack before the bell? How odd.

1: Damian and Shadow have the opening sequence on the mat, then Damián ends up being the one who mostly works with Alex too. Aguila tries his short against Koslov and gets his left leg worked over. Texano and Mascara brawl. Headscissors and a tope takes care of Texano. Alex gives Damian a backbreaker to set up a guillotine kneedrop on Damian, then they put on a camel clutch/Boston crab combo on Aguila. That's it, they now have to be tag team partners forever. La Mascara chips in by remembering Damian's the captain and pinning him. A fine job by all. 

2: Shadow gets another showcase, and he and Alex are all over Texano with combos. Later on, Alex's stop sign actually sets up Texano into a Shadow missile dropkick, and then Shadow slingshots Aguila into a Koslov dropkick. It's fun, you don't normally get tandem tecnico offense (besides dives). Perros destroy La Mascara to start the beatdown. Texano unites Mascara's mask. Shadow gets dropkicked questionably low. Low running dropkick for Koslov too, and Texano covers him for the pin. Shadow takes an assisted backcracker from Texano, and everyone piles on him for the fall.  

3: Perros still in control. Texano works over Mascara in a corner to start the fall. Damián holds Shadow in a valaguesa, and Texano big boots him out of the ring. Mascara ducks a big wad of Texano split, then ducks out of the corner on a corner splash. backbreaker for Aguila, shadow superkick for Damian,. Texnao knocks them both down, but gets clubbed by a Koslov forearm. Texano goes out, and Alex pescados him, but Texano and Damian both catch him and rush him into the post. Inside, Aguila whips Mascara the corner but gets boots. Shadow barely gets to him on a plancha, then tries to get the arriving Damian with a bodyscissors. Damian blocks it and Texano adds a chest breaker, while Aguila hits Mascara with a jumping spin kick and covers. One two three.

Wow, they have a lot of extra time. Replays. Talking to the Perros, who randomly call out Julio Cesar. This allows to kill more itme. Long video recap too, and they're still done two minutes early.