CMLL Guerreros del Ring on 52MX #292 (06/25/2011) 
Recapped: 06/26/11

Match 1: Blue Panther, Super Porky ©, Toscano vs Ephesto, Héctor Garza ©, Psicosis
Arena Mexico, 06/19/2011

  1. técnicos

  2. rudos
  3. rudos

Winner: rudos (2-1)
Match Time: 16:05
Rating: eh
Notes: Entrances. Only ref is Pompin. Porky is wearing his mask. Did Porky's dance get clipped out? Monito is with the técnicos. Psicosis' video shouldn't be the CMLL logo, for so many reasons.

1: Opening goes Porky/Psicosis, Panther/Ephesto – until Panther is dominating too much that Garza rushes into break that hold. Porky complains, Garza kicks him while he's trying to get in, then uses the ref to cut Porky off. Panther rolls Garza into a Toscano plancha, but Garza stops him to take off his shirt. Toscano can't believe the nerve of this guy, stripping during a match. Evasion spots stop again when Garza has to remove his pants. Toscano reaches to catch the pants and gets kicked in the midsection. Garza gets hung up in the corner, check. Headscissors spins Garza to the outside, Toscano follows with a tope. Técnicos quickly finish on the outside, though the nudo lagunero is a bit ground based.

2: Porky bumps Ephesto around as JCR talks about Porky winning a lightweight title when he was much younger. He continues talking about Porky's lucha olimpica skills as Porky bites Garza on the butt. Porky causes dissension between the rudos (with a nice assist with Toscano) but that goes nowhere. Monito and Garza have a standoff. Panther gets a Ephesto in a hold, and Garza kicks panther in the face. Psicosis comes into help, takes an off the middle rope headscissors. Psicosis missed dropkicks sends him to the floor. Both other rudos attack Panther, but he goes crazy on Garza and eventually gets him with a corner headscisscors. Garza ends up landing in the bad side of town and hit by all four técnicos. Psicosis decides to kidnap Monito, while the rudos take care of the actual people in the match. This leads to a sudden pin on Panther, and then everyone acting as if the fall is over. Rudo figure out they need one more and take care of Toscano, then beat up on Monito a little more.

3: Rudos beat up on Porky until he cries. General kick and punching beatdown. Porky turns the tide, leading to everyone hitting each other, until Panther makes the mistake of not hitting Ephesto, sliding out instead to take the tope. Porky knocks Psicosis away, but Garza spinebusters him for one pin. Psicosis takes out Toscano with the corner layout frontcracker for the other pin.

Match 2: La Máscara, Máximo ©, Strong Man vs Averno ©, Dragón Rojo Jr., Shinsuke Nakamura
Arena Mexico, 06/19/2011

  1. técnicos

  2. técnicos

Winner: técnicos (2-0)
Match Time: 11:38
Rating: angle-ish
Notes: Entrances. Máximo, talking to the camera on the way to the ring, looks bored. Strong Man must go thru a lot of chains. Rudos, led by Averno, jump Mascara at the top of the stage. Máximo tries to help, gets Mascara tossed off the stairs on top of him. Ref is Tigre Hispano.

1: Averno unties Mascara's mask and pulls it off – only to find out there's another mask underneath it. Averno is so no happy about that. Máscara shouldn't figure that out earlier. Máximo is no help, and the other two rudos are taking care of Strong Man on their own. Mascara rolls in the ring, and hands that extra mask to Alexis, pointing at someone in the crowd. Huh. Other rudos bat up on Máximo while Averno goes after mask #2. Ripped up good. Dragon Rojo works over Strong Man with leg kicks. Averno content to stand over Mascara and yell from the corner a lot. Brawl to the announce desk. Averno yelling at the fans a lot, stopping to throw Mascara mask first into the announce desk. Nakamura puts Máximo on the top rope, and almost knocks him to the floor with a jumping kick. Mascara makes it back in the ring, and gets back the other two rudos to grab Averno, but Averno holds him in the corner until help arrives. Averno chokes and posing. Lot of posing for him. Corner whip, Máscara sidesteps Nakamura's knee, kicks Averno away, ducks Dragon's clothesline and headscissors Averno out. Wasting no time – tope takes them both into the front row. Nakamura is knocked over by Strong Man, Máximo this the double springboard butt bump on Dragon Rojo, and Strong Man adds the pump splash there. Máximo beats Nakamura with a boston crab (!) and that's the fall.

Mascara chases Averno up the ramp. Replays

2: “Caida 3” fall graphic comes up. Uhhh. Averno stays near the stairs to keep away from Mascara for a bit. Máximo and Nakamura have a pose off, then Nakmaura works over Máximo with kneelifts. Máximo becomes the first person to duck the kick and the follow up kick, then goes in for the kiss – Nakamura ducks on THAT. Armdrag, armdrag, Nakamura out, Dragon in, Dragon headscissors, Dragon out. Averno in, Mascara in, Averno sprints away. Strong Man throttles Dragon Rojo for a bit, then drops Nakamura with a big back suplex. Averno tries his luck, clothesline don’t' work, Strong Man takes him out with a clothesline. Averno evades the Strong Man corner charge and tries to suplex him, but that's not happening. Nakamura tries to help, that still doesn’t work. Strongman chops Nakamura and chokeslams Averno. Chokeslam for Nakamura, getting him much higher up. Dragon Rojo thinks about coming back in, but decides to stand and clap from the outside instead. Break.

Averno ambushes Máscara with a back elbow, and goes after the mask again. Whip, reversed, Mascara rolls thru and dropkick Averno in the face. Averno hakes his head no, but Máscara escapes a tilt-a-whirl to armdrag him. Averno stumbles to the ropes, Máscara flipped to the apron but back with a swing kick. Mascara up top, flying headscissors takes Averno out. Mascara goes for another dive, but Dragon Rojo cuts him off with a kick. Máximo in, spinning Dragon Rojo around and kissing him. Dragon Rojo rolls out, and Máximo topes him. Dragon Rojo flips to the apron for an Asai, but Máximo trips him off. Strong Man to the apron, Máximo sets everyone up – plancha on the pile. Averno and Mascara left in. Averno not a fan of this, throwing a bit of a fit. Mascara of the ropes, under, back with a headscissors. Averno back off into the corner as Máscara takes off his shirt. Shoulderblock, springboard into a casadora, Averno shoves him off, and foul kicks him. Averno rips up the mask some more, but Tigre Hispano saw it all and is calling for the DQ.

La Mascara has white hair. Hmm. Clip to Averno telling Mascara he made three errors in his life: being born, becoming a luchador, and the biggest, crossing the Hijo de de Averno. Averno rushes in and stomps, and the técnicos get drawn into standoffs with the other guys.

Replays and that's the show.