AAA Mini Line - 08/23/08 (#847)
Recapped: 08/26-08/30
As they intro the show, you can see a couple of guys - the Monterrey crew? - setting up for a double dive spot. Of course, they turn away from the ring. You can hear the match take place in the background, and see glimpses of it every time they switch announcers. I can not imagine how long AAA tapings must be live. I think Hijo de Tirantes is referee. Or maybe it's a local guy - he's thinner than everyone else, that's for sure. I guess the rudos won, because we see Toxico and two guys I can't place celebrating, then leaving as the tecnicos come back in. I think Principe Diamante is one of the tecnicos. This is far more interesting than anything the announcers have to say.
Last week: two minis won. Apparently the Psycho Clown broke a record with the win last week. They keep changing their minds about this. MPs did not beat HF2. Chessman won the battle royal. This week, you can easily see Parka's face.
This week: Vampiro vs Mesias, revenge. (Against who? The CLOCK?) Bull Terrier match, Hell Brothers vs FdT, and much more.
Promo: Mascarita de la Muerte!
Promo: no, Atomic Boy, the guy getting a new gimmick, does
NOT get to talk. Okay.
Match 1: Mascarita de la Muerte vs Atomic
Boy in the AAA Minis Tournament
Auditorio General Arteaga, Queretaro, 07/25/08
Winner: Atomic Boy
Match Time: 2:48
Notes: I don't think they even say Mini Dizzy in the in-ring
introductions (no entrances), but it's clear is the same guy. Referee is Guy I
Do Not Know.
Someone was doing some work on the opening here. As Muerte and Atomic Boy wrestle on the mat, Jesus talks about the winners from last week, in what sounds for sure like a post-production edit. As soon as he gets done, they jump to a crowd shot and skip to later in the match. Mascarita has a weird way of throwing himself out of the ring, after falling for an Atomic Boy fake. Atomic Boy fakes the dive one, tricks Muerte into ramming into the post, and then just brushes him with a running slingshot tope con giro. Muerte was in the wrong spot to catch him. Wow, they're already repeating crowd spots. Clipped ahead to Muerte pescado. Clip ahead again! Why not just make this highlights? It pretty much is so far. Muerte puts Atomic Boy on the top rope, goes up, and pulls him off with a double underhook superplex. Crowd shot. They can't even show us a nearfall. Atomic Boy knocks Muerte to the floor and tries a top rope Asai Moonsault, and again Muerte's not quite in the right spot to catch him. At least the last dive, it wasn't clear what Atomic Boy was going for, this was just a botch (and a half catch.) They show them resting on the floor for more than two seconds, but hat's because they want to include the replay. Seems like they might have clipped again here but the commentary is smooth. Atomic Boy gets Muerte with a middle rope 'rana, and does take a pretty good bump on it. Atomic Boy drags Muerte into potion, goes the ropes facing out, middle rope inverted senton? One two three.
Promo: Mini Chessman tells Mini Chessman Jr. he wants to get the belt. His son agrees that he'll win.
Promo: Octagoncito says he's #1
Match 2: Mini Chessman vs Octagoncito
in the AAA Minis Tournament
Auditorio General Arteaga, Queretaro, 07/25/08
Winner: Octagoncito
Match Time: 3:40
Notes: This is all one segment. No entrances. Pepe Casas is ref.
Octagon immediately charges and gets Chessman with a headscissors. Middle ropes headscissors. Chessman charges again, gets caught in a headlock, Back suplex, Octagon slips out, back to the headlock, and out into an armdrag this time. Zero leg trips get us nowhere. . Chessman trips up Octagon again, but he lands on his feet. dropkick sends Chessman to the ropes, running silla knocks both of them thru the ropes. Octagon fires up the crowd as they show that move again - Octagoncito just threw himself thru Chessman. Back live, Octagoncito is quickly back up the apron, and dropping Chessman with a rope flip moonsault. Chessman didn't as much catch him but get landed on. In the ring, Chessman is firmly in control all of the sudden. Corner whip, reversed, Octagoncito backs up, charges, Chessman moves, and Octagon spears the post on the way out. Chessman going up top - big plancha flattens Octagoncito. Pepe Casas starts counting both out as they show replays. Both in, Octagoncito escaping a move with a flip, reversing a tilt-a-whirl into an armdrag. Chessman out, Octagoncito to the apron, then fights Chessmancito off and lands the Asai Tornillo. Both guys down in front of the announcers. Lots of replays, which makes sense because it looked real good. Back in, Chessman back in control. Corner whip, Octagon flips out past Chessman, and armdrags him into a grounded crucifix. Octagon off the ropes, Chessman tries a clothesline, Octagon catches it and small packages him one two three. Quick to break.
Vignette: Cinthia Moreno, hanging out with the rudos. This promo is about 30 seconds and still clipped. Cinthia's not impressed by Fabi and Mari, she just wants a shot at their titles.
Vignette: Fabi and Mari talk about Gran Apache not being here (oh no), though this doesn't stop Mari from wanting to find out about Fabi and Billy Boy. Fabi is just about to tell the truth about her and Billy Boy when Sexi Star walks in to say hi to her teammates. Darn her! She's like 10 seconds late realizing she walked in the middle of something and excuses herself, Fabi not looking so sad to see her gone. Mari, denied an answer about Billy, just asks that her sister confide in her and her dad when she does wan tot talk about it. FOr now, they'll take care of that crazy Moreno.
Match 3: La Diabolica, Cinthia Moreno (c), La Hechicera vs
Fabi Apache (c), Mari Apache, Sexy Star
Auditorio General Arteaga, Queretaro, 07/25/08
Winner: tecnicas
Match Time: 7:03
Other Match Notes: So Cinthia's suddenly a ruda this week and the
Apaches are tecnicas. Okay. No entrances. Mystery Ref here again.
Cinthia rudas it up versus Sexi Star. They show one spot of Mari vs Hechicera before going to lots of crowd shots, then coming back only for Hechicera getting control with a running plancha on all three tecnicas. Beatdown includes Hechicera lifting Sexi Star up, and Cinthia taking her down with a flying silla - that gets the big replay of the night. Tecnicas get control back when Hechicera accidentally gets her partners with a plancha. It's not all Hechicera spots - it's a minimal amount, expect they decide to build the match around her for a reason. Cinthia is really good as a ruda here. Meanwhile, Sexi Star may not know how to do a drop toe hold. Diabolic and Hechicera end up taking bumps out of the ring, vastly different ones, to set up Mari and Sexi's dive. (Maria's dive is completely missed by the cameras and looks to have been at tope or something.) Captains back in, Cinthia pulls Fabi into a crucifix for a very slow two (referee out of potion), Fabi gets a backslide for a two. Cinthia's farmers roll gets a SLOW two, and now I guess he's cheating for the tecnicos? Maybe he doesn't know Cinthia is a ruda here? I have no idea, and neither does Cinthia. Cinthia argues, turns around, and Fabi catches her in a German suplex. One two three. Fabi wipes her hands about how easy that was.
I have no idea what they're supposed to be doing with this feud, but I think I'm not alone - they don't either. We never see Mari's dive.
Noti AAA
- AAA is going to US - last month, why are you telling us now
- Where will Verano de Escandlo happen? I don't know, why are you asking me?
- Are their problems in the Legion?
- we're interrupted with a video package from the Legion, talking about how they're all together. So that answers that. In between clips of them beating
everyone (and including Lashley), they also offer membership. Check out the
benefits package:
* stay in the best hotels
* first class transportation
* 24 hour protection
* exclusive discounts
* and much more!
Also: Fame, women, money
Where do I sign up? Always good to end this with Jack Evans catchphrase
- who do you like in the Minis division? MINI DAMIAN 666. is not on this show.
But they asked.
Hart Foundation 2 promo, re: Hermandad. If it gets better than a discussion of toilet seats and Teddy saying "We are totally dominant" (1:37)
Hermandad counter point. They talk about this fictional X-Fly person who I don't see with Nicho and Lider, and they talk more about themselves, the Mexican Powers and the Famialia de Tijuana than the Hart Foundations. I do agree that Dinero es Dinero. Nicho demands I transcribe: "YOU GRINGOS, LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING. TONIGHT, I AM GOING TO KILL YOU. IN MEXICO. ME AND MY BROTHER. ONE EIGHT SEVEN, JACK EVANS" (1:43)
Match 4: Joe Lider & Nicho el Millionario vs Jack Evans & Teddy Hart
Auditorio General Arteaga, Queretaro, 07/25/08
Winner: Hermandad
Match Time: 9:33 (2:34+6:59)
Other Match Notes: Arturo says Jack is el jefe of the Hart Foundation.
Let's hope no one's taught Teddy that one. Why does Lider just have one arm in
his coat? Both Teddy and Nicho brought chairs to the ring. Jack is over with
the girls. How dare Lider dropkick him while he's standing there. And Teddy just
stands and watches. In his defense, he does beat up Lider and throw him out.
Crowd chants Mexico. I think that's who they're supposed to cheer here, but who knows. Tirantes Sr. is ref, huh. Lider gets control early, Teddy's Girlfriend Who's Name I Forgot Again trips him up to help the Legion duo take control. Announcers are entertaining themselves by calling her Faboluso Blondy. Jack pulls off a moonsault legdrop to add to Teddy's backbreaker, and Teddy gets in his shooting star press with Jack's backbreaker. Tirantes pals round with Teddy, so that explains who's supposed to be evil here. Break.
Having done their big moves, Jack and Teddy are content to do not much at all. They clip away some of it, and the next corner whip spot eventually leads to the turnaround. (Lider catches Jack as he tries a flying corner hip attack, turns him over, and nearly powerbombs him on his head.) Nicho teases attacking Tirantes, before he and Lider get in their tag moves. Jack gets hung upside down, then swing up and down for a face first powerbomb. Really obvious clip and the Legion is back in control. Teddy's Girlfriend is on the apron with a chair, but Teddy pulls Lider into a back cracker instead of whatever spot she's waiting for. Nicho's out in the background. Lider, showing some ring savvy (?!?), gets up, and stumbles backwards until he's close enough for the girl to hit him. She conks him in the head (there goes that savvy) and celebrates. Lider gives him the powerbomb backbreaker, tells the crowd what he thinks of them, and covers. One two hey look Nicho's suddenly alive and breaking this up. Jack ends up sending Nicho out with a jumping kick,. Lider clotheslines Teddy, but Jack kicks him, pulls him to the middle. Whip, Jack grabs the ropes, Lider charges, Jack kicks him while leaning backwards over the ropes, Jack lands on the apron, hops the middle rope and pulls of an Asai Corkscrew moonsault. "WOW". Yes, I agree. Teddy and Lider are left in, Teddy does he most telegraphed punch ever, Lider catches it, grabs Jack, and gives him - THAT'S A PILEDRIVER. That's not some fancy new move that has similar neck breaking action, that's a 100% legit piledriver. Tirantes, being good friends with the HF, will call for the DQ, right? Right? Crowd knows he should be calling for the DQ, but Tirantes just acts like it was a normal move. Lider wanders around instead of following up, and Teddy's Girlfriend grabs him by the leg (see, they did a piledriver to set up a valet spot! why am I watching this?) Lider looks at her, and gets jumped by Teddy. Teddy, who is back to 100% five seconds after taking a piledriver in Mexico. Yea. I'm gonna blame this one on Lider, and take a break until this one is over.
okay, the part when Jack hits the 450 elbow drop, then realizes seems to decide he should've missed and starts selling is great.
Lider botches his own finish, that's a way to finish this. And after the match, the rudos decide to be friends. If this means I never have to see this match, I am okay with that.
Vignette: Octagon is getting ready. For a match, Octagon actually has a match. Meanwhile, La Parka Jr. has just figured out kung fu posing is hilarious. What a team. You can almost hear Octagon over the loud ring announcement echoing backstage. Parka is far more interesting in Konnan than this match. Hey, so am I. Not a high bar, admittedly. THUMBS UP.
Match 5: Electro Shock & Kenzo Suzuki vs La Parka Jr. & Octagón in a bull terrier match
Auditorio General Arteaga, Queretaro, 07/25/08
Winner: tecnicos
Match Time: 11:04 (2:32+8:32)
Other Match Notes: Kenzo has MULTIPLE Mini Kenzos. His kid is back, and
whomever is playing Mini Kenzo for the tournament. Of course, with the small
guys posing on the desk, Kenzo has to go to the ring to pose. Octagon looks like
he's been eating well. Pepe Casas is ref.
For the 432nd straight chain match in AAA, the rudos wait for the tecnicos to put on their collars, then jump them without putting on their own. Break early on. tecnicos turn it around by backdropping the ducking down on a charge, causing both rudos to throw themselves. out. Tecnicos do dives, where a baseball slide and a bad pescado count as dives. A lot of slow brawling and Kenzo's knee drop. Rudos get control briefly, but Kenzo slaps his own partner a couple times, Electro goes out, and Octagon topes him. Kenzo and Parka are left, Kenzo fouls Parka, tries to touch the corners (!), stops to pose, and Parka gets him with a chain pull. Parka limps around the corners (notice he's not moving his left arm again. One two three four five Parka inexplicably tries to bodyscissors Kenzo, Kenzo gives him a sorta face first powerbomb on the bottom turnbuckle. I have no idea if that counts, and neither does Parka, so he reaches up and touches the middle buckle too. Yay it's over.
Promo: Cibernetico has no idea what Chessman is thinking. Chessman thinks?!?!?!? Such the sad music for this. And goes on forever.
Promo: and we also have this, Chessman far more excited for the title match
Match 6: Extreme Tiger & Halloween vs Chessman
& Cibernetico
Auditorio General Arteaga, Queretaro, 07/25/08
Winner: FdT
Match Time: 4:44
Other Match Notes: FdT have some strange gold objects. There's two of
them, and they look like they signify something, but they sure aren't involved
in this match. Chessman hops down the steps like a freak. Despite the
whole angle here, Chessman and Cibernetico start off on good teams. Well, maybe
not, Chessman just tagged himself in. Chessman has no idea why Cibernetico's mad
about that. Pepe Casas lets Chessman fight both FdT guys, and he easily destroys
them. Cibernetico comes in - to help?, and Chessman asks him to leave so he can
get back to killing guys. And so he doses, destroyed FdT again. Cibernetico
looks to offer advice, and I bet that advice wasn't "Get speared by
Halloween." Halloween and Extreme Tiger stay in and both beat up Chessman,
keeping him just out of reach for a tag. Cibernetico does not actually go in and
do anything - even if the bit is he's not supposed to be able, they need to reinforce
that a little bit. Instead, Cibernetico actually steps in the ring, stands, and
gets back out when he thinks Halloween is leaving. Halloween is not leaving, and
Chessman gets beat up 2 on 1. The hilarious part is this match is so laid out to
make sure you know Chessman and Cibernetico are at a far higher level than the
tag champs (they need a distraction to get any edge even 2 on 1!) and yet
Cibernetico is the one looking like a dork. Chessman makes his own comeback
after a couple minutes, highlight of which is Halloween apparently teaching
Chessman how to do a DDT. It was very odd on Halloween was all "no, you put
your arm here." Cibernetico comes in to do nothing but clap, but it seems
like Chessman wants him to stay out of his way. Cibernetico keeps arguing until
Halloween gives Chessman a Diamond Cutter, and then he leaves. FdT get to work
over Chessman for a bit out a minute this time, before Extreme Tiger leaps off
Halloweens' back into a corner 'rana on Chessman, only to be caught and powerbombed
right onto his partner's back. Chessman's moonsault doesn't come close to
hitting anything even before the rudos move and FDT get back control with a
super silla. Cibernetico decides to come in and help now, double clotheslining
the rudos when they might have a had a movement to celebrate. Spear for
Halloween, horrible chokeslam for Extreme Tiger (no timing, Cibernetico had to
do all the work.) Cibernetico does a thumb across the throat, but Chessman
crawling on top of the pin in the meantime. Cibernetico pulls him off - which is
dumb, but now I'm glad the tag team titles weren't on the line because it'd be
super dumb - and Chessman argues with Cibernetico and then Pepe Casas. I have no
idea why he's arguing with Pepe Casas, except to distract him from Halloween's
really obvious low blow kick. Pepe Casas comes over, seems to think something illegal
has happen, but is convinced to count by Chessman. Well, I guess if Cibernetico
wasn't going to let them win the match, Chessman figured he might like losing
it. Chessman stands there and watches Halloween beat up on Cibernetico post mach
(Halloween ain't no fool, he's getting as many shots on the top guy on the TV he
can get!), but gets bored and walks off. Extreme Tiger continues to sell the
really crappy chokeslam, because it's a Cibernetico chokeslam. Why in the world
are Parka and Octagon running in for the save? Halloween gets
swatted all of once before leaving. There's a match I don't really want to see!
OTOH, maybe Parka and Octagon can win both sets of tag team titles and bury them
both six feet under.
Vignette: Vampiro vs Mesias TripleMania recap. Wait, why see this when we're about to see the same thing? Oh, promos.
Match 7: Mesias vs Vampiro
in a twenty five minute extreme rules match
Auditorio General Arteaga, Queretaro, 07/25/08
Winner: Time Limit Draw
Match Time: 18:33 (4:17+14:16)
Other Match Notes: Mesias jumps Vampiro when he's looking at the
announcers. Tirantes is the ref. Chairs shots to the back even before the whistle
blows, which is actually before the even get into the ring.
Vamp is able to stop Mesias with a bicycle kick. Both recover, and then Vamp follows with a Tommy Dreamer style pescado. If you like chair shots to the back, this is already the match for you. Mesias reverses a whip to send Vamp over the railing and into the crowd, then steals form the Pirates with a running leap onto Vampiro in the crowd. Mesias beats him up in the crowd for a bit, then brings it back over. They now they have 25 minutes and they're taking their time where they can. Vamp suddenly takes control, then Mesias gets it back - it's winging back and forth more often then your usual AAA match and it's the same style as the TripleMania one.
Six minute commercial break. Mesias gets Vamp with a chair shot to head AND GOES FOR A PINFALL!!! Two count. At least they remember to do one of those spots this match. It's not only a lot of people coming back and forth, it's a lot of people coming back and forth and not really feeling any damage that they took ten seconds ago. Vamp is looking normal as he beats up Mesias for a bit, then Mesias takes control so they can brawl back outside. Right back into the same section of the crowd as before, in fact. Vamp goes off the bleacher risers onto Mesias, but they don't get any light on the area until after the dive, so it's very tough to see on TV and probably tougher live. They go back up thru the bleachers and brawl there, and the cameras totally lose them at one point as they go thru the crowd. Generally, though, they're a lot better at finding two guys fighting admits a swarm of people that I'd suspect. Vamp and Mesias go all the way up an aisle, over to the next aisle, and back down brawling. Mesias throws Vampiro over the barrier of the bleacher, and they do a nice job of making that look more serve than it actually is. Mesias starts to take the fight back to the ring, but changes his mind and get to the aisle. They have an even punching battle - Vamp's completely find after being worked over for the last 10 minutes of course. A ladder magically appears, and Vamp puts it in the ring. Mesias ends up up suplexing him onto it. Vamp gets control and set up for and they clip it out. Who knows, maybe a powerbomb onto the ladder spot. Vamp takes a suplex onto the ladder as the announcers say there are seven minutes left. So we've already lost three minutes somewhere. That is OK. It's amusing when Vampiro shakes to signal a comeback, seeing as he does a comeback every minute when he's shaking or not. Mesias gets Vamp with one punch, and Vamp sells that longer than every single chair shot he's taken in this match combined. This is because Mesias has to set up some props for later, and gets distracted along the way. Announcers say five minutes are left. Is this a twenty minute match? Crowd boos because they know what finish they're getting. Vamp wanders out to the stage to track down Mesias, who is still get tables set. Vamp drags him back to the ring so they can do something instead of sit around. Something is Vamp missing a moonsault for one. Standing on the top rope belly to belly superplex is quite a spot. Mesias, who took it, crawls away. Vamp lays for a second then pos back up. Vamp pulls Mesias up to the stage by hair, where Mesias pops back to live and powerbombs Vamp there. A light tube magically appears in Mesias' right hand, and again he breaks it over Vampiro's back. At least is hand is good this time. Mesias and Vamp battle on the stage, as suddenly we're down to ten seconds! Time flies. Arturo counts down the seconds, I guess because they're in position for the last spot, and Vampiro ends up trying to back suplex Mesias off the stage thru some tables. That is a fail, but they fall anyway. Only one of the two tables splits, the other one just loses a leg. That's it, it's the old 18:33 draw. BREAK.
One more return to see Mesias and Vampiro sell the devastating effects of falling off a four foot platform thru some tables while announcers do comedy over the PA mics. Mesias gets back up and beats Vamp more before walking off.
Video highlights and they're done.