Happy 5th Anniversary (celebrated)

Blog kinda got started around here, five years ago. And the lucha recaps go back about 6 1/3rd years and the other recaps go back almost 11.5 years now but I don’t like to think too much about the time sink that represents. 1/1 seems better for a birthday anyway.

I like to think little has changed:

Anyway, we got rolling earlier this week, sorta as a test to see how it all worked, and I’d check back every couple days to see if we’ve got anything to say. If we don’t, I’ll just steal KrisZ’s news and comment on it, which should be fun.

and I guess my thinking is correct. (Sorry Kris.) I eventually got the comments working, and we’re now up to over 15,000 of those on over 3,000 posts. I’m fairly certain at least 3 of them were worthwhile.

My hope for 2009, as far as the site, is to try to be less of an island. A lot of people end up here searching for some variation of  “lucha blog”, but not many click links to get here; it’s the same sites it’s always been (and the same very old pages on some of them.) It’d helped a bit by those who implicitly reference the blog actually acknowledging it’s existence in some way, but the bigger problem is that I’m a horrible promoter; every instinct I have runs away from it, which kinda makes me a failure at actually attracting a crowd. (My standard plan goes more “be awesome – > everyone realizes you’re awesome because you’re just that awesome” probably stopped working around the 4rd grade. ) I have no idea how to actually fix this, too, but maybe 2009 is the year of figuring that puzzle out.

Thanks to Joe and Tan for pushing me in this direction. It’s been worth doing. Thanks for everyone for reading.

site slowdown

I’m going to be busier than usual until Tuesday, April 22nd, so posts and such will be slower going for the next week. (This is somewhat related to the lack of recaps.) For most of that time, I’ll still be posting, but it may not be as detailed or at the usual times.

There may not be any news posts on Friday or Saturday, but I’ll set up open threads for discussion if anyone wants to use them. Unless AAA’s Celaya taping results turn up quickly on Thursday, I probably won’t get to them until things are back up and running.

I’ll be getting back to people on e-mail and monitoring things on the wiki as I have time.

Thanks for your patience.

02/21 project update

I’d like to do regular ‘what I’m working on that’s not news’ post every so often, just to let everyone know what’s actually being worked on and what I could use some help with. (And so I can remember what I was trying to do two days ago.) We’ll see how this goes.

What’s going on:

Changed the name from CMLLBlog.com to LuchaBlog.com. Still lacking in creativity, but that’s nothing new. At least no one can wonder why I write so much about AAA, except for all the normal reasons. (All your old links will continue to work.)

(this gets long and list-y; you’ve been warned)

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