CMLL Guadalajara on Teleformula #9 (08/21/2010)

Arena Coliseo Guadalajara, 07/27/2010

(link to the file, since I forgot it in the video post)

Mascara Magica's big win (for a moment)

The first time some kids sit in front of a piano, they’d touch the different keys to what sound they’d make, to figure thing it out. Most kids, myself included, would hit as many keys as possible at once to see what terrible noise they could make. Whoever put this match together was hitting all the keys at once. The match was not ruined for it, but the song they wanted to play was overshadowed by the noise.

Every single usual dramatic bit was thrown in here, with the idea of creating suspense in a match that really didn’t have any. It seemed like they were actually doing a good job of that by having both tecnicos have to save the match against both rudos. The overturned finish ended up detracting from all of that; it became the tecnicos not only gifted a restart in a situation where it’s never done, but following up by cheating their way to a victory. I guess the idea was to play off the foul finishes from last week’s match – this time, the tecnicos would even the score – but the rudos really should’ve won a fall here by cheating if the tecnicos act were going to do the same.

The opener wasn’t really worth talking about.
