CMLL Guerreros del Ring on 52MX #284 (04/30/2011)

on target

taped @ Arena Coliseo, 04/24/2011

file: here
recap: here

Enrique Vera Jr. & Hombre Bala Jr. vs Rayo Tapatío I & Rayo Tapatío II: not the smoothest match, and felt short, but continued to the get story over well. Production completely missed the switch the first time thru (which makes me think they’re not told) but the announcers tried their best to cover.

Black Warrior, Metro, Palacio Negro vs Felino, Mr. Niebla, Rey Bucanero: easy comedy match, spotlight totally on the rudos. I’m happy Warrior is getting paid, but he’s making no impact here. Excellent technology use on the spit.

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