CMLL Martes: 2019-10-22


Recapped: 10/22/2019


Kaligua & Shockercito beat Pequeño Universo 2000 & Pequeño Violencia
(4:57 shown, 2/3, n/r,

Disturbio, Hijo del Signo, Inquisidor beat Oro Jr., Retro, Robin
(13:50 [8:03, 2:28, 3:19] , 1/3, ok,

Blue Panther, Drone, Rey Cometa beat Dark Magic, Okumura, Universo 2000 Jr.
(14:18 [5:14, 2:16, 6:48], 1/3, ok,

Tiger beat Guerrero Maya Jr. in a lightning match
(7:11, casita, ok,

El Audaz, Kráneo, Volcano beat Ephesto, Luciferno, Pólvora
(13:45 [7:46, 5:59], 1/2 DQ, ok,

Felino, Negro Casas, Rey Bucanero beat Ángel de Oro, Niebla Roja, Stuka Jr.
(13:13 [4:31, 6:07, 2:35], 2/3, ok,

What happened:

Rey Bucanero signaled for a title match after defeating Stuka. Announcers thought Stuka was welterweight champion.

The stream with the opener already going for the second straight week. They didn’t pick up until the last minute of the second fall. The ring announcer announced the win in the third fall as Violencia was still being counted out.


great evasiveness

The Stuka/Bucanero feud came out of nowhere coming into the show, though it was the central focus of this match. None of the interactions seemed particularly exciting though they did steal the finish right out of Hechicero’s playbook. Negro Casas being charismatic and the fans interacting with the Chavez were more memorable than this match.

Perhaps the best part of semi-main was the announcers deciding to randomly imitate Polvora’s deep voice after the finish. Audaz did some Audaz things and has decent chemistry with his apparent new rival, though there are better matches to see Audaz of late. The rest of the guys did about the usual.

Guerrero Maya and Tiger had a solid lightning match with some big spots. It was lacking a bit of intensity, perhaps in part because everyone was distracted by Pompin’s increasingly slow counts. The superplex looked painful on the Arena Mexico mat and Tiger faking a handshake of respect was nice but I expected more out of both guys.

Blue Panther matches seem to use every trick to get a reaction. They broke out the star, they did pointless stage dives, Okumura teased a martinete for some reason. It seems cheap at times but they at least get the crowd to care. Black Magic got lost in the third fall, not being in the right place for Drone’s dive (so he didn’t do it) and being confused with Cometa near the end. Still, this was the best match on the show.

The segunda had a couple of good moves, one bad rebound headscissors spot, and some slow dives. Novel to see dives in the second match, but they were dives showcasing why they don’t dive often. Inquisidor breaking out a headscissors looked better.