CMLL Puebla: 2017-10-02

this match was over the top

Recapped: 10/03/2017

All matches aired live from Arena Puebla.


Fuerza Chicana, Guerrero Espacial, Policeman beat Arkalis, Black Tiger, Tigre Rojo Jr.  
(16:48 [6:09, 4:38, 6:01], 2/3, n/r, via VideosOficialesCMLL)

Lestat, Príncipe Diamante, Star Jr. beat  El Malayo, Hijo del Signo, King Jaguar
(16:26 [7:16, 5:29, 3:41], 1/3, n/r, via VideosOficialesCMLL)

Princesa Sugehit & Sanely  beat  Dalys & Zeuxis
(13:52 [6:16, 3:38, 3:58], 1/3, ok, via VideosOficialesCMLL)

Ángel de Oro, Esfinge, Stigma beat Cuatrero, Sansón, Virus
(14:47 [7:42, 2:54, 4:11], 2/3, ok, via VideosOficialesCMLL)

Soberano Jr. © beat Cavernario for the Mexican National Welterweight Championship
(28:05, great, via VideosOficialesCMLL)

  1. Soberano running tornillo plancha (6:19)
  2. Cavernario hammerlock headscissors (2:05)
  3. Soberano cavenaria (19:41)

Euforia, Marco Corleone, Último Guerrero beat Flip Gordon, Pierroth, Rush in a relevos increíbles match
(10:44 [4:45, 5:59], 1/2 DQ, ok, via VideosOficialesCMLL)

What Happened:

don’t try to do things with Pierroth

The Guerrero/Marco team worked as técnicos. Rush and Marco feuded, and Rush fouled Marco for the DQ.

Sugehit challenged Dalys to a title match next week after beating her this week.


The main event was about average for a Rush match and none of the other guys stood out. Euforia trying to put Pierroth in his Soberana submission was the most obviously going to fail moment in sometime. Pierroth is not flexible. Pierroth also has Octagon’s look behind you bumps on point. I wish we did get to see that Euforia/Flip match because they did have good chemistry the little we saw them together. Flip’s moonsault looked good, but the disjointed the schedule meant he didn’t really have a chance to go all out in a match.

Soberano and Cavernario was an epic, though maybe not exactly with the formula you’d expect. Cavernario did an unusual amount of ducking out after headscissors and stalling, keeping the pace slower than you’d expect for these two. It may have just been that Cavernario was purposefully taking it easy because he knew how long they were going. It was nearly a 30 minute title match, surely the longest singles match in this building this year. The length added to it, just because it gave them time to do one big move after another for a near fall. It may have bene too much, or lacking some other story beside two count kickouts, but it was Soberano throwing out pretty much everything he knew how to do. The first fall finish could’ve looked better, and the Fire Driver would’ve been a better ending the cavernaria that followed, but Soberano’s dives keep raising the game. The over the top tornillo looked spectacular. Cavernario comes off as more violent than the average wrestler, with his slaps coming off punishing, and he’s a great young wrestler to face these tecnicos.

Sanson’s finish needs a name

The fourth match was solid but not exciting. The rudo controlled portions early were the stuff that worked best for me and I lost interest as it went on. Stigma and Esfinge did a lot of team work in the last fall to push the idea of them being a pair, but that gets you nowhere in CMLL.

The women’s tag match wasn’t impressive. Dalys was at her mechanical worst, looking like a TV host trying to learn wrestling spots for the morning show more than the world champ. Zeuxis, like a true lucha libre main eventer, wrestled her entire match in a t-shirt. She seemed to be taking it easy here. Sugehit had the best performance.

this is not great