AAA Fusion: 2013-05-08


taped 2013-04-27 @ Plaza de Toros Belisario Arteaga, Chilpancingo, Guerrero

Faby Apache and Negro Casas, very similar

Faby Apache, Jennifer Blake, Octagoncito vs La Hechicera, Mini Abismo Negro, Taya Valkyrie: Jennifer had a very rough match, one of those were one spot gone bad seems to lead to another and another. Faby was good and everyone else looked like they normally do, but there wasn’t enough to make it particularly memorable.


Taya, not having a good day

Crazy Boy & Joe Lider vs Daga & Psicosis: a dead match in front of a dead crowd with guys who didn’t seem to care early and only saw the match as a way to get in moves late in as random fashion as possible. A match which will look a lot better in the highlight videos with a loud sound track than it actually felt as a match. The crowd different between this match and their one from this week’s Sin Limite was remarkable; no one seemed to care at all except for the girls who go to every show (for free.) Joe Lider and Psicosis aren’t even feuding any more, and we’re still stuck seeing each other. Niño Hamburugesa is better booked on the DTU shows. I don’t know what that means.

2 guys, no catch
Joe Lider’s latest concussion
