a couple more thoughts about CMLL’s programming department

Cesar notes that, besides being an ex-parking attendant, CMLL programmer Edgar Noriega is also the new ref named El Guero. SuperLuchas adds he worked the last Europe tour and he’s Paco Alonso’s nephew.

A column in Zocalo says CMLL needs to go back to using older wrestlers to draw bigger houses. I don’t know about that (though I wouldn’t be surprised to see that tried in the next six months), but does remind me I need to change something I said yesterday.

The crew feels like they’ve elevated by Valiente (maybe), Mascara Dorada (sure), Dragon Rojo (yes), Sangre Azteca (yes), Misterioso (maybe)

On second thought: Yes, let’s say they did elevate all those guys – but from low midcarders who don’t really draw to high midcarders who don’t really draw. CMLL doesn’t need to shuffle the midcard, they need more stars, and CMLL did not really stars based on 2009. Doing the same things with the Angels and Delta and other second match guys won’t really help either. They need new top guys – new people who are actually on top, as opposed to wrestling in the main event of Tuesday shows 1/8th of the audience will see. Some one of those guys (Dragon, Dorada?) may get there based on their success this year, but if CMLL really thinks they’ve accomplished the mission on these guys and they don’t need to do any more, they’re lost. (It’s not totally clear that they DO believe this, but that’s the impression.)

The point of programming, at least as I understand it, is to get people to buy tickets, and only the hardest of the hardcore are buying tickets to see Misterioso at this point. *I* actually have bought tickets to see Misterioso, but they need to do a lot more work convincing people who are 1/10th more casual than I.

I guess the bigger question is – why wasn’t Texano Jr. on that list? Assuming he wins Friday, he’s as close as they’ve got to being a new star.

One thought to “a couple more thoughts about CMLL’s programming department”

  1. CMLL has a new star and his name is Strongman. I’m surprised they didn’t mention No Limit since they have been put over mostly everyone.

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