4 thoughts to “CMLL FSE #88”

  1. I can’t tell by your comments so I’ll just flat out ask – are you a fan of Goddess?

  2. I can’t tell either! I’m very confused.

    She’s not, you know, good at wrestling and there are plenty of people like that around. Plenty of other attractive people, at that, where I just accept they’re not good and move on.

    But for some inexplicable reason, I find myself rooting for Goddess to be better. It’s not even that there’s a notable improvement, but I guess there hasn’t been bad enough stuff for me to give up hope. But I have no idea why I find Goddess so compelling specifically.

    I guess when there’s nothing of interest going on (and that’s pretty much the women’s division since the last title match), the mind invents things to care about…

  3. Some of the stuff I’ve seen with her has been HORRIBLE. She’s obviously doing major on-the-job training so perhaps they should keep her on the Tuesday shows. She obviously knows her moves when it comes time to do them but she’s completely lost otherwise and blows up in every match I’ve seen so far. If she got good and then made her debut, I’m sure she’d have been more of a hit. Now she’s just another woman in the pack and I doubt she’ll be able to recover from that unless she unmasks and is looks gorgeous…

    … which is a distinct possibility.

    The women have it easy like that. If they suck at wrestling they can always unmask, look hot and be instant hits.

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