I can’t believe I forgot about the Arkangel/Pantera show last night

and it’s not like I was doing anything important. So disappointed.

Anyway, news update will be up late tonight, so late it might be Monday. Check out the Grey Shadow match from last week’s FSE if you need some content


2 thoughts to “I can’t believe I forgot about the Arkangel/Pantera show last night”

  1. I just wanted to say that I really appreciate what you do, thecubsfan. I’ve always been interested in Lucha, and I just stumbled across this site and it’s marvelous.

  2. A Mr. Aguila vid! Thank you, Cubs! :)

    Those Perros are something else, sitting there playing spin the Monito, Terrible’s show of surprised modesty, Damian grabbing the headphones…their antics catch you so off guard that you can’t help but laugh!

    P.S. Wow, Terrible’s got gorgeous hair.

    P.P.S. Pre-emptive clarification: No, this is not Daniel.

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