AAA 12/29/07

AAA 12/29/07, taped 11/15/07

I actually missed the six sided ring here. I guess that means I’m used to watching AAA. The chain match could’ve used the extra space, especially with four people and assorted interlopers all fighting for room.

The booking of the opener put in a down mood for the show and the whole bit about showing this episode out of order and showing GdT highlights nearly a month before they’ll actually air was down right strange, but there were good things on this show. This might have been the best AAA women’s match of the year. No one did anything extraordinary, but the people you’d expect to have horrible gaffes did not. And La Parka Jr. falling asleep during yet another Mesias monologue was one of the best moments of the year. I’m not going to miss Mesias too much when he’s gone, but I think AAA might.