CMLL FSE #57, aired in the US on 09/30, taped on 09/02.

And now, the list of Micltan vs Infernales matches on the satellite shows

CAN52 #77: “An angle.”
FSE #40: “Eh. Not as good as their first match, for sure.”
CAN52 #79: “Eh. There’s been better recently. ”
FSE #46: “Decent.”
FSE #50: “About normal”
CAN52 #95: “Fun Infernales squash”
FSE #55: “Short, eh.”
FSE #57: “One of the better matches from this ‘feud'”

Eight matches, about one every other week. I hear CMLL has a really large roster, but sometimes it’s tough to tell. This was good.

I’ll save Purpura/Emilio for the next recap, but please note this was a two fall win for Mr. Charles.