aired 06/02, taped 05/25 and 05/27

Don’t read this recap, go watch the opener. Seriously, it’s right below, hit PLAY.

This is Apocalispis’ newest Greatest Match Ever – mostly because he happens to be in with 4 guys looking superb (and the Rey de Neza.) Brillante/Sombra is probably the third best tecnico here. I wonder if Flash is not ready in stuff we didn’t see here, because he seems good to go right now. The one really awkward moment of the match has to do with him, so that may be a clue, but he seems like a marketable guy, I’d totally buy a graphic pamphlet with him it.

Mistico’s good to wrestle as long as he doesn’t have to do much more than pose and point. With his moves and style, it’s impossible for him to work around his injury, and it’s really hurting him. I hope this was a bad day and he normally feels better, because it’d be torturous to keep working as he looked here (and it’s not much of a surprise that he’s doing very little in the matches he’s doing right now.)

Last couple weeks of B-Shows have bored me, but this one makes me very sad I’m the only person in the world who gets the CAN52 show.

6 thoughts to “CMLL CAN52 GDR #80”

  1. HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLIGAN CRASH! Seriously, my reaction when watching Hooligan on the ramp and Brillante hitting the ropes was this: “Oh no… no… please don’t…” and then… BOOM! HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLIGAN CRASH! WOO-HOO!

    Fucking awesome spring (or sprint if you will – ;)). I thought Flash was easily the best tecnico, followed by Brillante Jr. and then Super Nova who seemed a step behind on most things but he also had to work with Apocalipsis which is always a bad thing. Hooligan and Ramstein were back in their Alianza days of bumping like crazy and doing nasty double/triple team moves. All 6 dives were out of this world, especially the somersault by Flash and moonsault by Brillante. They need to keep these guys as a solid unit for the long-term. Or take Brillante/Sombra out and stick Valiente in. More masked flyers, less Leono!

    See, if CMLL had 2 hours of TV every week(which they do) and opened with matches like this on a regular basis(which they don’t), they’d be presenting a much better overall TV product.

    MAJOR WARNING: If you haven’t watched yet and are just going to watch based on these comments, make sure to not stare at Ramstein’s completely ridiculous gorgeous black and white designed outfit. It is quite distracting.

  2. This is really a good match! I watched it yesterday in GdR. I would like to see Valiente with the tecnicos too, I think he’s a good gladiator and may have a chance to fight beyond the segunda.

    I agree with your comment on Mistico; he needs to rest and recover, he’s doing little to nothing in his matches.

    By the way, I’m coming back from Solidaridad. Nothing to report, Dr Wagner didn’t fight but entertained the public… Olimpico, Black Warrior and Terrible seemed to like it, because they cooperated too much. I left before a local hair match; wrestler’s outside the Consejo randomly are worth watching.

  3. Very good match. I have nothing much to add but It seems like EMLL wrestlers sure to love the Styles Clash.

    Is there no sound to the match or is it just my computer?

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