CMLL CAN52 GdR #76

aired 05/05, taped 04/29

Catching posting these blurbs, but really not much to say. Opener was was usual Kid’s Day fare, and perfectly fine for what was expected. Main event felt short, and were definitely shorted of some time by clipping – there were a dozen “Happy Kid’s Day” type inserts from folks, so it’s clearly a production choice, and one I obviously disagree with. It was a ten minute

Mistico’s left shoulder was hurt before this match – it was obviously taped – and it was hurt during this match when he took the bullet tope. I think, when Mistico was reported hurt on Tuesday, it wasn’t the result of one single bad bump, it was something that had been nagging for a while and he was just finally unable to continue.

There may or may not be a news update today, so feel free to use this post to discuss whatever. There definitely won’t be a morning news post on Saturday, but I’ll have another thread for TV discussion.