CMLL GDR - 03.05.2006 (#15)

Running Bits:
- Magadan gets trained to wrestle - it's far from clear early what this is, but you can get the idea. Mistico and Monito are his trainers, and they run him raggedy before he even gets into the ring, making him run around Arena Mexico, do weird stance drills, making him try basic rolls. Finally Mistico slams him, and Monito teases a splash, but Tania stops them and gives up on Magadan's behalf. Monito still gets a splash and Mistico puts him on top. Later, Mistico and Monito team up for a school boy trip. Monito struts in celebration. The other announcers try to console Magadan, but he doesn't want to hear it. 

- Olimpico is the "outside the ring" guy, again, but they do seem to make him give multiple word answers this time. In a bit of greatness, all the questions are about his current workout. That truly is a source of many questions. We do see him lift weights and such, but I'm not actually jotting down the Olimpico routine. Maybe he'll write a book. Olimpico also describes his meals for the day. Later, we see his abs, which are unreal. 

The introduction is down from inside a restaurant. Adolfo sits at a piano, Tania (who now has a last name!) briefly talks in the midst of the tables, and Julio walks down the aisle.

Match 1: Dr. X, Nitro (c), Sangre Azteca vs Trueno, Metro (c), Rey Tigre
Arena Coliseo, 02/26/06

  1. tecnicos
  2. rudos
  3. rudos

Winner: Rudos (2-1)
Match Time: 12:39
Approx Rating: Good, though not special.
Other Match Notes: Introductions are cut out, which is sad, because in the open, there's a moment where the debuting wrestler makes a gesture to indicate "Yea, my name is Rey Tigre, you want make something of it?" and that's great. Rey Tigre is a guy from Monterrey who may or may not have been Rey Tigre before now. This may be Trueno TV debut - being wildly behind confuses you, you know - but he's been a steady segunda guy and he's replacing Brazo de Oro here.

Lots of non-settling down and goofing early, with the idea that the Guerreros aren't going to be tolerating nonsense from these tecnicos. Sides settle on Sangre and Trueno, with Sangre demanding Trueno stop circling and face him in the center of the ring. OOOOOH, new graphics. Julio says "New Japan" here. Battle for leg holds to start, Sangre trapping Trueno in a legscissors, and then grabbing a mask pulling STF. Trueno escapes out to a wristlock, up into an armbar, but Sangre easily reveres those to his own. Trueno slips free for an inside cradle for two, then stands around like a goof waiting for Sangre and gets a zero leg trip though it could've been worse. Tania's doing commentary this week again. Tags to Dr. X and Tigre. Dr. X wants a handshake to welcome him to Arena Coliseo. Rey Tigre's not to sure about this, and pulls out the Rayo matador wave by. Surprising Dr. X once - wait twice - wait, thrice - wait, that's four! Dr. X doesn't get as much tired at being waved by as Tigre wants to move onto something different, specifically a leg trip. Tigre off the ropes, cartwheel over the drop down, flip for no reason, Sangre rushes in to kick Rey Tigre before he gets any closer to getting on my list. Full nelson double team goes bad, double clothesline goes bad, double dropkick to their heads. Nitro in, Nitro armdrags, Rey does a wacky Hurricane like pose to scare him, and dropkicks Nitro out. Dive tease - wait no he actually toped him! Dude, first fall! Metro quickly in for his team, shoulderblock, and ducking Sangre's wheel kick. Reverse neckbreaker, one two three. (4:02) Trueno quickly hits, of all things, a springboard reverse tope on Dr. X (4:08) which really doesn't matter, but okay. Is it some sort of commission rule? "If you're a black masked tecnico, you must use the reverse tope for a finish" I should start calling it Tope Negro. To Trueno's credit/blame, he it hit at a weird angle.  

Rudos are outside regrouping as the second fall starts. They push the countout until the referee has to kindly ask them to get inside already. Dr. X and Metro start, and this time Dr. X isn't waiting for handshakes. Metro starts generic, but uses a bunch of shoulderblocks which Dr. X sells as big. Trueno and Sangre next. Trueno is Ohara sized. He partly springboard moonsault over Sangre as an escape (Sangre helps him visibly), and pulls off a tilt--awhirl armdrag which looks just okay. Sangre is dropkicked out, but Nitro is on Trueno before he can think about diving. Nitro backdrops Trueno up in the corner, but Trueno comes down with the corner headscissors. Tag  to Rey Tigre, and he's facing Sangre. Rey doesn't get to in any spots before the rudos decide to start the beatdown right now. Much pounding ensues. Huge spinebuster slam by Nitro, and Dr. X holds him in a camel clutch for a Nitro dropkick to the head. Trueno is brought in next, but the timing is off on whatever triple boot they were planning. Corner smash, corner clothesline, hung upside down in the ropes so Sangre can dropkick him hard to the floor. Metro tries open hands slapping everyone, and everyone dropkicks him! Magadan is delighted. Triple press slam into a powerbomb for him. Senton, somersault senton, senton.  Pose and pin! (4:08)  

Interview: Adolfo talks to the main event rudos. They don't seem to be the slightest bit worried. Universo seem to be in quite the jovial mood.

No one' sin the ring to start the fall, but the rudos make their way back in. Sangre makes his way in, realizes they have no tecnicos, and grabs Rey Tigre. Double backdrop for him, with Dr. X adding his rolling senton, and Sangre adding his dropkick to the face. Metro in next, as Rey's disposed of off camera. Triple boot for Metro, and he's done quick. Trueno tries to be elusive and gets dropped without getting a shot. Double whip, double backdrop. Sangre adds another dropkick to the head. Who's next? Well, this leaves time for posing. Rey Tigre wants a clean entrance. No dice. There's four kids cheering for him, but they stop when the rudos stop a mudhole in him. Rey Tigre stops before a double backdrop, and slaps both men on the back before dropkicking Nitro out. That's the comeback, with Tigre getting a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker on Sangre to confirm it. The other four all fighting outside, with Dr. X taking a slam on the floor. you know, if I was a new guy and I wanted to look good, I'd make sure I faced Sangre. Especially if I had a lame looking jumping lariat. Things become chaotic more than staying a conflict; Rey Tigre goes thru the ropes and to his corner with no one else in the ring, for instance. They settle down to Trueno and Sangre. Sangre wants his own handshake, doesn't get it, and kicks Trueno instead. Trueno moves out of the way off a corner charge, and Sangre takes a corner chest bump to the floor. Dr. X next, still looking for his handshake, but willing to strike Trueno as an alternative. Overdone sunset flip reversal spot here. Dr. X's missed corner dropkick doesn't look good, but it does lead to Trueno getting the corner abdominal stretch, which means it's time for something else to happen. That something is - Rey Tigre coming off the top with a plancha, and getting dropkicked in the upper chest by Sangre. He's down, and Metro comes in to stick up for him, but Sangre ducks him and Nitro gets in a kick. Sangre breaks up the submission hold, and very quickly, the guys wearing the matching tights wrap this one up. Sangre, actually probably looking for a rollup, ends up just sitting on Tigre and grabbing his legs when he's hurting too much to do any more than that. (4:14) Metro rolls out after getting knocked down, and Nitro eliminates him with a nice tope. We don't see it, but from the setup, it's pretty certain Dr. X used his hanging spinning DDT on Trueno, and the pin's enough for a win. (4:23) You know, they're still a pretty good trio.

Interview: Leobardo talks to the tecnicos. Ultimo Dragon says the tecnicos are the best. Mistico is happy to see Magadan back on his feet. Magadan asks Blue Panther about how tough it'll be to beat the rudos. Panther says the tecnico's brains are better, which is all they need. The tecnicos end up walking out on Magadan, though Dragon comes back to say Domo Arigato. He's a polite man.

Match 2: Atlantis (c), Mascara Aņo 2000, Universo 2000 vs Blue Panther, Mistico (c), Ultimo Dragon
Arena Coliseo, 02/26/06

  1. tecnicos
  2. tecnicos

Winner: Tecnicos (2-0)
Match Time: 8:29
Approx Rating: Fine for a short stripped down match.
Other Match Notes: No entrances. Again, we saw them in the open, and Mistico got punked out on the way to the ring. The rudos are firmly in control of the situation when we join the match - Blue Panther doesn't even have his coat off yet. Atlantis has his right shoulder taped up again.

Atlantis is ripping up Mistico's mask  to start the match. Big turnbuckle smash, but right hand. He and Universo team up for more as Mascara beats Blue Panther down in the aisle. Atlantis gets in a questionably low kick that he gets away with. Atlantis takes Mistico outside for more, but we focus on Ultimo and Universo in the ring. Mistico takes a spinning ringpost bump, and Atlantis cares away a section of fans before ramming Mistico into seat 235. Slam on the floor! back in the ring, the Capos are giving Ultimo a double backdrop. Universo slides out to beat up Panther, while Atlantis brings in Mistico for Mascara to help him beat. Atlantis rips the top off Mistico's mask off, and then yanks the rest away. The fall effectively ends here (2:27) though we never see Mistico's (or any tecnico) arm get raised. Ultimo Dragon tries to help him cover up while Mascara and Atlantis stomp him and keep the referees from awarding the fall, but it's pretty apparently over. Universo gets some kicks on Monito till Panther pulls him to safety. Mistico eventually gets free enough to run backstage for help. The rudos keep on beating the tecnicos until they finally stop to celebrate. Atlantis wears the Mistico mask around his head, and mocks Mistico's poses! He's very proud of the mask. Replay - this time, Mistico is able to cover up. His hair is NOT dyed this week, for those keeping track. Break.

There's a graphic snafu here - they use the graphics they stopped using, and they say this Only One Fall. (That's a hint.) Rudos are killing the tecnicos three on two, because Mistico is still MIA. There's the correct 2 graphic. Having already gotten one mask, Atlantis is now going for a second in Ultimo's. The Capos beat Panther down and hard. Crowd chants for Mistico, but he's nowhere to be found - or is he? Mistico rushes to the ring, and is immediately kicked off the apron by Atlantis. Atlantis makes more "I want the belt motions." Mistico is hurting, but when Blue Panther ducks a double clothesline, he's there to hit a double dropkick on Mascara and Atlantis! Watch Atlantis oversell! Watch him run form Mistico! Watch his begging not work in the least! All six head outside for brawling. Mistico gives Atlantis a trip to seat 16, and nearly superkicks him into our cameraman. Panther realizes it's crowded and brings Mascara inside to kill time, while Mistico betas up Atlantis more and Ultimo posts Universo. Mistico uses at least 3 superkicks in the revenge beatdown. The tecnicos end up holding the ring with all the rudos on the floor. Plenty of time for the crowd to chant for Mistico as nothing really happens. Mistico wants Atlantis and gets him, surprisingly enough. Atlantis is still wearing Mistico's mask around his neck, which is great. Mistico getting a great looking jumping headscissors, into the 619. Mistico snap mares Atlantis to set up to rip the mask, and the other tecnicos provide interference. Mistico rips hit good but doesn't get it off. Atlantis is shocked someone would do such a thing. Atlantis back up, and trying to chest slap Mistico down, but he just won't go. Mexican Armdrag sends Atlantis out, and Mistico flattens him with a running slingshot tornillo! Panther rallies the crowd, not realizing Mascara Aņo 2000 is in behind him. He charges, waved by, MY2K puts his head down too soon, Panther slaps him in the back, and Ultimo dropkicks him out. Mascara yanks Panther with him, but Panther poses him. Ultimo and Universo, Ultimo landing on his feet after a tit-la-whirl and jumping heel kick to knock Universo out. Top rope plancha to the floor! We're back to Mistico and Atlantis in again, and you know how Atlantis feels about that. Laaaaaaaaa MISTICA. (6:02) You will not get a third fall. You will not pass go. Do not collect $200.

Adolfo talks to Panther and Ultimo, because Mistico's too busy reacting to Mistico chants. Oh, there he is - he's gotten his mask back. Tania walks over to talk to him.

That's it.