03/06 Congress lineup

FMLL’s announced a partial card for the 03/06 Congress Show.
(It’s pretty clear in saying that’s the next show at the theatere, though they still list a show this weekend on the website. Baaad website.)

Main: Mil Mascaras/Super Parka vs Rey Misterio (Sr.)/Satanico
Semi: Lizmark/Principe Franky/TBA vs Poision/Principe Azteca/Rudy Escobedo
Tercero: Sombre Vengador vs Shamu

The website says “and one more match”, but if you spell tercero correctly* and translate it, it means “third”. It’s not a big deal, as long as everyone in the unnamed matches has pants that do not fall down during the match, for instance.

Bigger news is we’ve got a whale in lucha libre! Can you submit a whale? You can’t beat them in I Quit matches.

* see thing about typos being funny (when they’re not me)