this weekend’s lucha

Last week, Galavision skipped CMLL’s return to Arena Mexico episode. The main event there, as you probably already know, was the first Park/Shocker vs GdI tag match, where Rey messed up his knee real bad when he was caught in a ringside chair and hit with a tope at the same time.

They skipped ahead to the following week’s episode, and because we got segments with the Guapos talking about Bucanero’s injury, a replay of the injury (and the finish of the match) during Stellar Moments, and Ultimo and Tarzan visiting Rey in the hospital (complete with Knee Surgery cam), it was probably not a issue of not wanting to show a major issue (they’ve not shyed away from that before) but just the usual wrong tape problems that have happened often before. They could air the missing episode this week, or they could skip over it entirely, you never can tell with these things.

Almost as a nice makeup, assuming they care, they aired the initial Havana Brothers vs Volador/Virus/Marvin trios match show on Vuelta this week. Including the hilariously bad promo by the Havana Brothers pre-match.

Since they went out of order on the Saturday show, and they went out of order on the Sunday show, my chance of being correct this week are really low. The one thing I am pretty confident about is that the shows are on at the ‘normal’ time this week, so maybe you just want to tune in and hope you get something good.