caught up

So, where were we? I stopped doing these because I missed a day, and I wasn’t happy with how these daily updates were pushing down everything else on the main page, especially guest stuff. I’ve kinda fixed with the modified left side update list and I may do a bit more (as soon as I … Continue reading “caught up”

So, where were we?

I stopped doing these because I missed a day, and I wasn’t happy with how these daily updates were pushing down everything else on the main page, especially guest stuff. I’ve kinda fixed with the modified left side update list and I may do a bit more (as soon as I decide on it.) I probably would’ve focused more on solving the problem if the season wasn’t a complete waste, or if it felt like people were reading this, or if it seemed like I actually had something interesting to say.

Still, I said to myself that I wanted to try and do this thru the end of the season, so let’s zoom thru what I missed and pick up after this game.

Continue reading “caught up”