Heat 11/04

Heat: Why must the Shelton/Striker feud go on? I could almost see wasting Shelton’s time with this if Striker was a veteran Shelton could learn something for. Maybe Shelton’s supposed to learn how to carry a limited wrestler in preparation for a feud with Cena? Hey, Whitebacon! I hadn’t thought about checking the Tivo Community … Continue reading “Heat 11/04”

Heat: Why must the Shelton/Striker feud go on? I could almost see wasting Shelton’s time with this if Striker was a veteran Shelton could learn something for. Maybe Shelton’s supposed to learn how to carry a limited wrestler in preparation for a feud with Cena?

Hey, Whitebacon! I hadn’t thought about checking the Tivo Community site, and I immedatily got two solutions to my problem once I searched the message board. (The one I tried even worked!) Thanks for the suggestion.

Once I get things set up again, I think I’m going to start work on a Best of CMLL, second half ’05, DVD bit. If it’s not a pain.

’cause all my plans have fallen thru for this weekend, I believe I’m headed to the ROH show unless I’m assured of getting sleep (unlikely; don’t ask) and at this moment, I’m even entertaining thoughts of going to the SHIMMER show Sunday.

The whole concept of going to a Women’s wrestling show seems a bit icky, though, and I’m not sure exactly how to explain this. I don’t think I’m anti-women’s wrestling – you’ve seen the WOW recaps, you know I’m one of the proud few who paid for the PPV (though I split it with Barone) – it’s just I got a educated guess that this sorta thing is like a super powered bug light, drawing a larger and weirder collection of wack jobs than your usual wrestling show, and that’s not the kind of group of people I want to be lumped with.

If someone’s sees me at the ROH show and wants to convince me otherwise, that’d be helpful.