Heat 11/21

Took long enough. Sorry. My thought is that if a superstar is built around a natural attirbute – he’s really fat like Viscera, or he’s really big like Big Show, or he’s even really fast like Rey – where most other superstars at a huge disadvantage because that attribute affects the match, then they shouldn’t … Continue reading “Heat 11/21”

Took long enough. Sorry.

My thought is that if a superstar is built around a natural attirbute – he’s really fat like Viscera, or he’s really big like Big Show, or he’s even really fast like Rey – where most other superstars at a huge disadvantage because that attribute affects the match, then they shouldn’t be doing matches where local unknowns get 2.5 comebacks in four minutes.

I guess a better way of saying that is if they’re going to do matches where Shelton or Jericho or whoever has trouble with Viscera because he’s so fat and only due win because they’re Superior Skilled Wrestlers, then Average Local Wrestler should get completely squashed, because they’re Unskilled Non-WWE Wrestlers.

Maybe Steamboat can talk to them about that? Maybe I’m off.

Which Jericho vs Steven was better? I’m thinking the last one.