bad free verse hour

I can not go to sleep. I’m very tired. I’ve been lacking sleep all week. My mantra has been to not get too far up or too far down on one day. Until the last meaningful day of the season, everything can change. Like the last week hasn’t proven that. And whatever happens in this … Continue reading “bad free verse hour”

I can not go to sleep.

I’m very tired. I’ve been lacking sleep all week.

My mantra has been to not get too far up or too far down on one day. Until the last meaningful day of the season, everything can change. Like the last week hasn’t proven that.

And whatever happens in this Giants game means nothing if the Cubs don’t win tommorow. No amount of intense viewing will change that. I might as well go to bed and find out what happened int he morning.

I can not go to sleep.

I think I’ve got some leftover pizza. Stupid Phil Nevin.

One thought on “bad free verse hour”

  1. Milton Bradley got a card
    Go to jail
    Go directly to jail
    do not pass home
    do not collect final paycheck

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